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StratML Full-Text Query Services

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Owen Ambur

Dec 12, 2022, 6:07:57 PM12/12/22
to Naval Sarda, Jeff Maynard, Gayanthika Udeshani, William Glascoe III,
Hey, guys, my previous Google & Bing site-specific query features search the entire site rather than just the files in the StratML collection.

Moreover, for the most part, they seem to ignore both the plain XML as well as the styled renditions in favor of the PDFs.

To see if I could rectify those problems (and since it is pretty easy to do), I set up four new query options:
  1. Bing only the PDFs in the turnkey folder
  2. Bing only the PDFs in the metaformixis folder
  3. Bing only the styled XML in my new docs folder
  4. Google only the styled XML in the docs folder

The latter two don't work yet and may never do so if indeed Google & Bing are ignoring XML files on the Web.  However, an optimistic thought is that they may index those files after they've discovered them, particularly since my new sitemap points to them at and the styled XML is more user-friendly than the plain XML.  I'll probably wait a few days to see if either Google or Bing indexes those files and enables the queries.

However, in any event, I probably will:
  • Move the sitemap listing of the files to the docs folder, where a copy already resides, at
  • Edit my sitemap in the top-level folder to reflect the structure of the site itself
  • Copy the PDFs from the turnkey & metaformixis folders to a new pdf folder
  • Create new Google & Bing site-specific queries for the combined pdf folder
Naval, I doubt the full-text search engines will be able to index the data in the BaseX database being used to support StratML query service.  However, if that were possible, I would not be adverse to using either or both of them (or, better yet, another, less well-known service, like Freespoke or DuckDuckGo) for that purpose on the site, where the StratML-enabled query service will reside (if we can get it working properly).

One of the downsides, I suppose, is that it would not be possible to narrow full-text searches by applying the goal/objective, stakeholder, and/or value facets to the full-text query results.  Of course, it would be better if such faceted queries could be supported, like they are (albeit not properly) in Ximdex's prototype.  However, depending upon the complexities involved, trade-offs may be required to deliver the initial, minimally viable StratML-enabled query service.

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