APIs can place a significant burden on a server depending on how they are designed and implemented. The amount of burden depends on factors such as the number of requests made, the size of the data being transferred, and the complexity of the API1. However, there are ways to reduce the burden on a server such as caching frequently requested data, optimizing database queries, and using load balancers1.
Hi Carroll, Owen, Chris
We have updated/corrected the details provided by Owen in the doc
as attached
Also added the URL to test the search API in the document. It is for searching the database created based on StratML files created and maintained by Owen. It will return limited fields in JSON format with a link to the actual Stratml file maintained by Owen.
We can customise request and response like adding more fields in the results, etc
JSON maps to programming objects and database fields without major programming effort. Whereas XML provides a way to render UI without lot of efforts.
Also Chris has provided another API to explore.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Stratml Project Architechture document - JSON specific communication Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2023 19:04:45 +0000 (UTC) From: Owen Ambur <owen....@verizon.net> Reply-To: Owen Ambur <owen....@verizon.net> To: Carroll Ganier <gani...@gmail.com>, Naval Sarda <nsa...@epicomm.net>
Naval, I defer to Carroll as to whether the PDF you attached is the kind of information he seeks. However, from my perspective, it does not seem to enable him to provide new and additional capability, as I understand he'd like to do.
In any event, here are couple editorial comments.
- In the brief introduction, "Startml" should be "StratML".
- Apparently, there are now more than 5K files in the collection.
Based upon a "." full-text query at https://search.aboutthem.info/, the number seems to be 5,706. When Joe Camel's StratML cataloguer was last run on January 14, it was 5,609.
Owen Ambur
On Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 12:21:56 PM EDT, Naval Sarda <nsa...@epicomm.net> wrote:
Please see below
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Subject: Stratml Project Document Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2023 20:58:11 +0530 From: Sudarshana Chavan <sudar...@epicomm.net> To: Naval Sarda <nsa...@epicomm.net>
Herewith we are providing you document for basic software architecture.
In this system we have collection of more than 3000 XML files. If you want to use same system for importing more XMLs then the system is ready. If you want to import in different format then we can provide that.