I consider the entire
StratML collection to be prototypical in nature, demonstrating the direction I hope the world will head. Ultimately, the files should be posted on the organizations' and individuals' own websites and those files should cite their own URLs as the authoritative sources. Other renditions (e.g., PDF) should be derived from them.
In the context of the
aboutthem.info domain, those StratML files would become sources of about me/us statements as well as more formal strategic plans and performance reports, i.e.,
first-party info.
Others would be free to provide
second-party info, particularly if first-party info is unavailable in StratML format or they believe it is insufficient or inaccurate.
third-parties would provide tools, apps, and services indexing, aggegrating, analyzing, and otherwise adding value to the data contained in the first- and second-party files. To the degree there are doubts and disagreements, resolving them can be raised to a higher, data-focused level than emotionally driven opinions and arguments.
If and, hopefully, when the number of files stored in other places on the Web exceeds those in my collection, I will gladly place it in archival status or, at least, focus on plans not yet available in StratML format.
Similarly, while I can envision continuing to support and enhance my query service for an indefinite period of time, I'd love to see the number and quality of other StratML-enabled services grow and demonstrate sustainability to the point that I no longer feel the need to provide such services myself.
Ultimately, all I care about is the files themselves, i.e., that they are available on the Web in open, standard, machine-readable format in support of the vision of the standard: