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Stakeholder Queries

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Owen Ambur

Dec 4, 2022, 5:14:33 PM12/4/22
to Naval Sarda,
Naval, queries of the Stakeholder element on the terms "communities" and "community" turn up, resectively, 133 and 257 hits.  

However, a query on the term "communit" turns up none.  Logically speaking, the latter should retrieve all of those included in the other two.

A Google site-specific full-text query turns up about 727 hits on "communit".

I'll look forward to learning about the logic that is currently being applied to the StratML-enabled queries and how much time and effort might be required to correct it.

As per my previous message, another problem with the logic is that when a stakeholder name has two (or more) parts queries currently return hits for each of them rather than just those conforming exactly to the query.

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