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False Positives

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Owen Ambur

Mar 5, 2023, 8:34:57 PM3/5/23
to Naval Sarda,
Naval, Ken Holman's LinkedIn posting about his health issue prompted me to query to confirm that Project TEMBO's about statement is in the StratML collection.

However, the full-text query also revealed a couple apparently false positives, as shown in the screen shot below.  They are:  

Since the latter is tangentially related in terms of foreign aid, it might be logical for an AI-enhanced query service to reveal it as such.  However, ours isn't that "intelligent," is it?

What do you suppose might account for the false positives?  This isn't the first time I've encountered them.

Owen Ambur

Mar 8, 2023, 11:31:13 AM3/8/23
to, Jorge Sanchez,, Naval Sarda
Christian, do you know if this has been identified as a bug in BaseX's full-text query capability and, if so, if there are any plans to do anything about it?

If memory serves me correctly, I subscribed to the BaseX listserv for awhile to try to enlist a developer(s) for a StratML-enabled query service, like the one on which Naval is now working for me for hosting at

When the query service is in relatively good shape, I may wish to resubscribe to the listserv to announce it there as well as on LinkedIn and perhaps elsewhere.  However, do you think it might be worthwhile to raise this issue on the listserv in the meantime?

On Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 03:16:49 PM EST, Naval Sarda <> wrote:

Hi Owen.

The inbuild search provided by BaseX is combining the text from next file and then searching.

So if the line ends with word "end." and next line starts with "less", it will match search criteria "endless"

This is false positive matching. There is nothing much we can do about it as replacing with custom search will be slow.


On 07/03/23 6:38 am, Owen Ambur wrote:
What can we do about it?

On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 07:16:17 PM EST, Naval Sarda <> wrote:

Please see below

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Fwd: False Positives
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2023 21:38:43 +0530
From: Sudarshana <>
To: Naval Sarda <>,


This was known issue we were informed you.

In fulltext search, if there is any space character like (tab, space or new line) is present then it is coming in result.

In file APQC.xml, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is one organization and Bombardier Aerospace Inc. is next adjacent organization.

So Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Bombardier Aerospace Inc. highlighted keyword is considering as tembom .

So those files are coming in result.


On 3/6/2023 10:18 AM, Naval Sarda wrote:

From: Owen Ambur <>
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2023 6:35 AM
To: Naval Sarda <>
Cc: <>
Subject: False Positives
Thanks & Regards

Christian Grün

Mar 8, 2023, 11:59:30 AM3/8/23
to Owen Ambur, Jorge Sanchez,, Naval Sarda
Dear user of BaseX,

For questions related to BaseX as an Open-Source project, please send your suggestions and bug reports to the basex-talk mailing list. If you are interested in commercial support, we invite you get into contact with us via

Thanks and best regards,

Dr. Christian Grün, BaseX GmbH,
|-- Firmensitz: Obere Laube 73, 78462 Konstanz
|-- Registergericht Freiburg, HRB: 708285, Geschäftsführer:
|   Dr. Christian Grün, Dr. Alexander Holupirek, Michael Seiferle
`-- Phone: +49 7531 28 28 676, Mail:

Apr 5, 2023, 3:28:59 AM4/5/23
to Owen Ambur,, Jorge Sanchez,, Naval Sarda

Hi Owen,

You may check the full text configuration cappabilities like possitional filters and Fuzzy Quering. It may be a bug, but I would exclude configuration at first.

I can see that you are making good progresses, and love that you have taken the basex option. I think that you are on the right path.

Love to see progresses.

Kind regards.

Owen Ambur

Apr 5, 2023, 11:02:59 AM4/5/23
to,, Naval Sarda, BaseX Listserv, Shuxin Li
Good to hear from you, Jorge.  Thanks not only for the pointer but also for all the work you did on your StratML prototype, as documented on GitHub.  It helped get us to this point and I'll look forward to any further contributions you may be able to make.

Naval, in the reference Jorge cites, here's the text that appears to be relevant:

By default, unless the languages codes ja, ar, ko, th, or zh are specified, a tokenizer for Western texts is used:

Whitespaces are interpreted as token delimiters.

The following is contrary to the intent of the StratML query service:

Since the logical flow of the text is not interrupted by the child elements, you will typically want to search across elements, so that the above paragraph would match a search for “real text”. For more examples, see XQuery and XPath Full Text 1.0 Use Cases.

The query service SHOULD respect each element as being distinct.  The purpose of the service is to enable discrete querying of the elements of the schema, and within each element whitepace should be treated as a delimiter.  However, this guidance is confusing:

To enable this kind of searches, it is recommendable to:

Keep whitespace stripping turned off when importing XML documents. This can be done by ensuring that STRIPWS is disabled. This can also be done in the GUI if a new database is created (Database → New… → Parsing → Strip Whitespaces).

The first two sentences seem to suggest that whitespaces will be maintained while the third indicates they would be removed.

While this may not be the most important next step to be taken to improve and enhance, it might be one of the easiest.

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