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Re: Import Files user

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Owen Ambur

Jan 11, 2023, 10:48:29 AM1/11/23
to Naval Sarda,
Naval, I successfully uploaded the seven files most recently added to the collection.

The next issue is to determine where the cut-off was in the sitemap listing when the bulk of the collection was imported so I can pick up from there.

The sitemap lists the most recent files at the top.  Can you tell me which one was at the top when the bulk import was made?

As a rough measure of the delta, it appears that 5,544 records have been indexed as compared to 5,578 recorded by Joe Carmel's cataloguer on December 11.

If it were possible to query by submission date, that would be one means of identifying those that have been submitted since the initial batch import.  At some point we will want to enable usage of the dates contained in the documents, particularly the <EndDate>s since they indicate when results are due and when plans/reports are due for updating.  However, that's more complexity than we should take on right now.

On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 09:06:16 AM EST, Naval Sarda <> wrote:



If you can log in into the FTP then its fine. The folder which is mapped to that user is the same where we need to upload the files.
For you it will look like / (root ) folder but internally it is the same /home/stratml/Uploaded_xml_Files/  


You just upload one file, wait for  30 min and check how uploading file is working.


On 11/01/23 4:47 am, Owen Ambur wrote:
Naval, I was able to log on via FTP using the new port number but, as shown in the screen shot below, was unable to get to the FTP User Directory - /home/stratml/Uploaded_xml_Files/  

On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 05:01:38 PM EST, Naval Sarda <> wrote:

Please see below

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Import Files user
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2023 23:26:10 +0530
From: Sudarshana <>
To: Naval Sarda <>


Below are the credentials for FTP user for import files feature.

Host -
Port No - 22 [changed to 21]
Username - *******
Password - *******
FTP User Directory - /home/stratml/Uploaded_xml_Files/

Thanks & Regards
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