I love this guy!!

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Mary Seales

Jul 12, 2016, 10:35:23 PM7/12/16
to Mary Seales

Many black police sheriffs and police chiefs have come out against Obama
and his race baiting rhetoric; but this guy, Sheriff Clarke, is my favorite.
See link  below.

Obama does need to keep his stupid mouth shut;  He is the head
racist and he supports racist organizations.   He is a liar and a thug
and if stupid white liberals don't wake up they will be sorry.  Their
filthy lies and those of the left wing media are just as guilty of
getting us to this point as the new stupid black panthers and
BLM groups.

I was outraged to hear parts of Obongo's so-called eulogy speech for the
Dallas policemen who were murdered in cold blood.  I would never
have heard of any of it, had I not listened to it on Michael Savage.
Those families of the cops who got killed should have walked out on


I've always said we should have been filing multiple lawsuits all these years.

That is what the libtards have done and that is why this country is being

ruined more and more each day.    Please read about this lawsuit being

filed by Larry Klayman, who some of you probably already know.

Please urge anyone you know in law enforcement or related to anyone

in law enforcement to join this class action suit. If ever there was

a justification for a lawsuit, this is it



Mary Seales
Natural Born Citizen
**Those who don't want to  fight will be eaten by those who do**

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