If you like your country, you can keep your country

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Mary Seales

Oct 15, 2016, 2:04:06 PM10/15/16
to Mary Seales

Or you can vote for Hillary Clinton. 


Mostly everyone I am sending this too already knows  the danger

the US is in.


I am hoping this gets passed around to as many people as possible

so maybe some more  will wake up before November 9;

before it is too too late to save our country.    (along with everything

else I’ll be sending out over the next few weeks – that and my

fervent pray to our Lord each day is all I can do and my very modest

contribution to the Trump campaign) 


So if you are one of those people who are so appalled by  locker

room talk spoken 11 years ago and think that should drive your

voting decision, take a look at some of these web sites.


The liberal media is throwing spaghetti  up against the wall in

the hopes of distracting you from 2 things.  The Libs/Dems

have been the biggest racist/misogynist people  in the

country.    Their hypocrisy has been outrageous

and the media has covered up for them for years.   It would

take more space and time that I can expend detailing their

corruption, lies, murders, rapes and harassment, and lets’s not

forget tax evasion.


Clinton has no plan for America except more of the same.

bigger government, higher taxes, more illegal immigration,

open borders, weak military.   That is why she hasn’t spoken

about it – she doesn’t want you to know.    


Check out unbridled immigration and the effect it has had on European

society.   The population in Europe is unarmed.  There is no second

amendment.    The police are, for the most part,   handcuffed.  And

political correctness is the rule of the day.   People are cowed into silence

because they don’t want to be called racists – sound familiar?   Europe’s

media just like ours is in the tank for the one world order, open borders

globalists who basically want everyone in chains while they rule over the

whole system.   Massive immigration is a tool to control populations

and install fear and chaos in free societies.  Not to mention the fact

that jobs are stolen and treasuries are looted to hand out welfare.



Various clips of the Islamic refugees from the Middle East and Africa that the media isn't showing. This is an invasion and it must be stopped.



The flow of illegal migrants does not stop. They land on the Greek islands along the Turkish coast. They still try to get into Hungary, despite a razor wire fence and ...

London Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan enforces sharia: There will be no more ‘body shaming’ adverts on the Tube

Khan just got elected not too long ago and wasted no time pushing his agenda.  Make no mistake

folks, these guys plan to conquer, kill, rape and install their Sharia law everywhere they

can.   A bikini clad woman shames and demeans women but there is no shame in

beheadings, forced marriages, rape, stoning of victims of rape and other atrocities.



The Mayor, a father of two teenage daughters, warned the ads could “demean” women and encourage them to conform to unrealistic or unhealthy body shapes.


This is coming to a town near you.   That coupled with the continual

demonization of our police force who are continually told to ease up on criminal activity

equals  more rioting, more chaos and less security for the average American.


What is happening  in Europe will happen here.   Obama has already let in tens of thousands of unvettted Muslims and will bring in more.  Hillary plans to follow suit and more than likely will be even more prolific in passing of horrendous policies.   These “refugees” willget to vote and  their voice will cancel out yours.



Sharia Law in America - Here is the current status of Islamic Sharia law in America, including in Texas, Michigan, Florida, Minnesota, California, Arizona, Oklahoma ...


Read about what Sharia law is and how it is gaining a foothold in America.


At the end of the day, ask yourself  - do you want to be free or be a slave.  It boils

down to that.


I don’t.

Mary Seales
Natural Born Citizen

"Those who are afraid to fight will be eaten by those who are not afraid.

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