Are you in a cult?

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Oct 3, 2019, 8:08:52 AM10/3/19
Are you in a cult?

Are your friends suddenly following unquestioningly a bizarre conspiracy theory or belief system?

The can't stop talking about the group's leader, how wonderful he or she is, and the fact that this leader seems to have some kind of mystical powers.

A cult is a network, a somewhat closed community that seems to be thriving with the advent of social media.

These groups gravitate around a charismatic leader, hold strange or unusual beliefs and gather daily around groups or profiles on social media.

The cult leader has a degree of charisma which can be manipulated to make followers feel like outsiders who have found love and acceptance within their rankings. The leader and followers recruit new followers by driving traffic to their cult leader. The cult will mirror their leader and love bomb and cultivate feelings of finally belonging in the world.

Cult leaders claim to have extraordinary powers, speak to the spirit world, have received transmissions of knowledge aka “downloads” and power from the Universe, etc. A cult leader will claim that unseen forces have made contact with them thru dreams, visions and divination.

Cult members are devoted to their leader who has complete control over his followers -- there is no questioning of his decisions, and he is accountable to no one within the group. Disagree and step out of line will result in being banished and possibly attacked and gangstalked by the cult.

Cult leaders have mastered the fundamentals of mind control. They will convince you the world around you including your partner and family are toxic. Cult leaders also maintain control with the occasional public humiliation of a member and will watch the other followers join in. They also utilize self incrimination by engaging in private conversations and communications where you are being “counseled” where you reveal intimate aspects of your personal life that they will use to control and shame you with should you choose to leave the cult. Cult leaders brainwash their followers into confusing what is reality versus the world as he or she interprets it. Paranoia amongst members is used to maintain fear and absolute devotion, that only the cult can provide safety and truth. Encouraging members to spy on each other and on former members is often another way of controlling the public activities of the cult.
What is a Zombie Witch Doctor? Why it is an individual who puts their spell on you, controls your every move and soul in order to reap benefits from you in multiple way. When they are done, they discard you and smear your reputation. What are we talking about? An online cult leader of course. My guests today, Leticia and Zita are here to discuss their experience with such an individual.

What is a Zombie Witch Doctor?
An experience in an internet based cult
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