Awesome recap: Slime Molds and Awesome Fest

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Nikki Lee

May 16, 2015, 2:53:53 PM5/16/15
This month we are all about slime molds. Specifically, our latest grantee is designing an exhibit on these fascinating micro-organisms, which we agreed is both educational and awesome (because slime molds).

Being Awesome is Awesome Fest
We're collaborating with Being Awesome is Awesome Fest to help further some great projects in the Puget Sound area. Here's a brief explanation of the event:

Being Awesome is Awesome Fest is a free event with 100+ community leaders, non-profit leaders, and corporate executives in the Seattle Metro community, meeting, mingling, and teaming up for 3 weeks with other awesome people to do an interesting project together that impacts the world and their community. Each team of 5 or so people will either create a project of their own, or take on a project from the Awesome Fest Project Grab Bag. 3 weeks later it's show and tell time, and time to get acknowledged for the profound impact each team has had on their community. 

Here's how you can get involved: 
1: Join the awesome. Create a personal profile for the site.
2: Create a project. If you have an idea that you are excited about, lets make it happen.  If you need additional ideas, you can see some of the completed projects from the last event. 

I hope some of you will join in on the action!

AweSummit 2015
Awesome Seattle is pumped to announce that we'll be hosting this year's Awesome Foundation Summit, the international Awesome Foundation's annual gathering. We're currently on the lookout for possible event spaces (2 weekend days in the fall, with space for 150-200 people) and business sponsors (anywhere from $500 to $5,000 is helpful). If you have any leads, or would like to help out in any other way, just email me!
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