Awesome Recap - January

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Nikki Lee

Jan 23, 2014, 10:48:17 PM1/23/14
Happy 2014! Here's what Awesome Seattle has been up to so far:

This month we chose to fund Trans Love, a guide for resource aimed at the parents of trans* people who are coming out. We were impressed with the focus on representing a wide variety of perspectives (and a bit disappointed that such a resource doesn't already exist).

New PR person
Rachel Popkin is taking over as Awesome Seattle's PR person (TODO: come up with a cool title for her). She'll be responsible for curating our social media presence, spreading the word about the projects we fund, and helping make our parties awesome. If you have any leads for her, just shoot an email to

Trustee Openings
Interested in joining us for a month (or for every month) and contributing to a grant? Just reply to this email! And of course, feel free to let me know if you have any questions about how it works.
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