Shift from 2x month to 1x month delivery schedule?

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Sheri Miklaski

Jun 26, 2024, 3:37:07 PM (4 days ago) Jun 26
to ABOS-Outreach Google Group (Listserve)

Hello ABOS hive mind!


Have any of you switched from a twice a month (or every other week) to a once a month delivery schedule? Our city is growing so much that we have a wait list for both bookmobile and lobby stops so we are starting to investigate shifting to a once a month schedule. I have very mixed feelings as I think we may lose some folks because we won’t be there as often (and holidays will make it even less than once a month), but it will allow us to serve more members of our community.


Would love it if you would share any insight on what you may have learned if you went through this process or started to go down this road and then pulled the plug.


Thanks in advance!


Be well,


Sheri Miklaski

Community Outreach Librarian

Georgetown Public Library


TALL Texans Class of 2021


“The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.”
― Albert Einstein


Rebecca H

Jun 27, 2024, 2:49:03 PM (3 days ago) Jun 27
to ABOS-Outreach
Hi Sheri --
I'm interested in this too... we are awaiting two small vehicles, one of which we hope to use for lobby stops (we currently have just one vehicle, with on-board stops only.)

I'm really struggling because I know that a month is a LONG time between visits for people of any age, but especially those in facilities where they have no travel options. A month is a long time to wait for a request and also for that person to remember to show up at our next visit! And up here we also have the fear of missing stops due to winter weather. That's frustrating enough in a biweekly schedule, and could create chaos in a monthly one.

On the flip side, there is the maddening allure of all those opened-up schedule slots if we dropped from every two weeks to 1x/month, at least for our senior stops -- we could visit twice as many facilities, and that is some VERY powerful temptation.

Currently, Mondays are office days. I'm considering, if we go to 1x/mo. senior stops, that I could use some of my Monday time to run available holds to facilities by car halfway in between lobby visits, using a deposit/return bin left at the facility. That way people could receive holds more quickly, and could return items they don't want to keep track of for a month -- but that also means training customers to check the bin, not to abscond with items not theirs, etc.... not to mention needing a LOT of cooperation from facility staff.

Another option: some facilities could receive 1x/mo. stop, some, 2x. Criteria I would consider: are the customers mobile (independent living where most customers still drive, and/or a facility with a GOOD transport program and visits to the library) - visit 1x/mo. Facility with many less-mobile customers, and/or poor prospects for regular, promoted transport to library or other outings - visit 2x/mo., the thought here being: are we providing service to them as a supplement to their library and social life, or are we their only library and social lifeline? And serve accordingly.

I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you, just more questions! But I am definitely interested in what ideas are out there and what pitfalls may be lurking (as well as success stories!) Good luck to you!

Rebecca H. in NE

Frances Coe

Jun 28, 2024, 11:04:58 AM (2 days ago) Jun 28



                So out here if I have to travel more than 30 minutes the stops are once a month. There is a long term care facility that I donated one of our book trucks to and I go once a month and “refill” it. As for holidays I call the facility ahead of time to see if they are fine holding off until next month, which most are or if they would like me to come a little earlier than scheduled.  Hope this helps a little! 😊



Francie Coe

Outreach Coordinator

Park County Library 




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