I'm wondering if anyone has good/bad experiences and/or info they are willing to share (privately) about having their child cognitively or academically tested? Our child is legally blind (20/400) combined with cortical vision impairment, is triplegic CP (has use of his left arm/hand), is mobile with a cane/walker and is non-verbal with no consistent means of communication. (He has a speech generating device but requires facilitation at the hand or elbow, has yes/no sign and can point to item - but all are impacted by the vision and ensuring that the item is in his visual field.)
If you've done testing with a child who has multiple challenges and/or who uses facilitations with a SGD:
a. What types of tests did you do and did you think they were a good fit for someone with disabilities?
b. What worked well in administering the tests? What didn't?
c. Who administered your testing?
d. When was testing done - a single time, multiple days, etc..?
e. Did you go to a special facility for testing or was testing done at school?
f. Would you do it again?
Appreciate any and all information.