9p hacking

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Tim Newsham

Nov 10, 2009, 12:36:56 AM11/10/09
to 9p-hackers
Hi, I've just been made aware of this list. I've been working on lots
of 9p related projects recently. I'll post about stuff as I continue,
but want to quickly mention a few things that happened recently:

- posted a sensor fs implementation for android phones to 9fans.
Its written in java with a new 9p library (client and server support).
- lots of prototyping with Andrey's py9p. I've submitted lots of
patches back to him. Its in the hg tree.
- goofed off with a haskell implementation for marshalling 9p.
small example client but no "real" code for it yet. This isnt yet
public anywhere at the moment but if people need it for something, let
me know.
- ported npfs to windows. The code is in the public svn.
- posted a windows 9p filesystem driver to 9fans. The code is up on
google code. It uses dokan and npfs.

so lots of 9p stuff going on! Let me know if there are any
questions. I look forward to chatting 9p with you all...

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