Turn signal problem

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David Hale

Feb 1, 2016, 2:17:40 AM2/1/16
to 914 EV Googlegroups
I have a turn signal problem, where the turn signals are causing the 12v system to sag quite a bit. I made a post about it on 914world, here...

The last post has a link to a video showing the symptom. Has anyone here ever seen this? Thanks, Dave.

Peter Thompson

Feb 4, 2016, 12:06:30 PM2/4/16
to 91...@googlegroups.com
Hi Dave,

I asked Sean Molloy about a similar problem, and he mentioned that the lamp seats (where the lamp plugs in) can get corroded over time, and allow shorting to take place - hence the big current draw. I'm going to try cleaning the connections where the bulbs plug in and see if that fixes my problem.  I may have to replace them (if possible).

Cheers, Peter

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David Hale

Feb 4, 2016, 12:08:45 PM2/4/16
to 914ev
Good idea, I'll check that out!

As I mentioned in the 914world post, the draw was lessened after I reseated the terminals to the turn signal indicator lamps in the tach. I suspect doing that a couple of times cleaned them off a bit.

Peter Thompson

Feb 4, 2016, 12:17:58 PM2/4/16
to 91...@googlegroups.com
Try pulling the plastic seat out, removing all the wires lamps, and seeing if there is anything other than open circuits.
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