Thanks Randy. Your car is running great!
Yes, the Azure AC24LS is doing MUCH better with a higher voltage. I'm quite happy now with the Li-Ion. If I drive through all of the gears, 1, 2, 3, etc. then it has plenty of pep. I kind of don't like that though and usually start in 2nd. I can get by around town (35 mph) in 3rd. I can start in 3rd but it's a dog (as in, people driving around me wondering what's wrong).
I have to say though, Randy's 914 with the, what is it, AC51?, is fantastic. It has a lot of acceleration, even starting in 3rd!
So I have a few glitches still to work out; any suggestions?... First, when fully charged, I press the accelerator and I can hear the motor turning, not quite enough to move the car yet, and then BAM! It launches, squealing the tires. This is not a regen issue (that's next) and it is only for the first couple of blocks. Second is the regen issue. Initially, regen isn't allowed because the battery voltage is too high. Once it drops a bit, then regen starts to fade in, but it oscillates, a little current comes in and then it shuts it off, so then a little current comes in, etc. and it hits bang/bang/bang. I could switch off regen for the early stages but it would be nice if I could find a way to adjust it nicely.