Zhendong Weapon Uses the CHA unit and Ducts to detonate WTC building and OKC building, ONe Zhendong Exploded in Blackwell Oklahoma near the Braman Line.

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Saint Ram Bone

Dec 9, 2013, 10:13:23 PM12/9/13
to 911-conspiracy-...@googlegroups.com

I am Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone and I have uncovered a war against the common American and the people of the Earth.  Many are predatory in the USA and they have harmed me with forced medical torture and a stroke and partial blindness and extreme poverty.   Sadly the young must use government health care when using government financial aid.  The enemy has won when they alter the young after birth or before birth.  

The 9/11 saga was explained on Mobile Audit Club.  I saw an explosion and was put in the middle of a financial money laundering and thieving ring.    The Zhendong weapon is one I envisioned and I believe that both OKC and the WTC were victim to this new weapon based on the clue, Yu Zhendong, Xu Chaofan Xu Guojun.   By having the CHA unit kick in the detonation is made with those other things or fields used around a commercial AC unit and ducts. 

I am encouraging a holy uprising around the Earth with holy war if necessary.  We must not be fed to predatory capitalist in the predatory businesses, predatory against the common innocent human.  Let us kill our enemies when they do not back away from us. 

Los Angeles and San Francisco are under the control of our enemies.  Many people there will harm you if they are paid to do so.  It is the same way in Alabama in their closed oil thievery and prison building government.  I pray that our enemies are removed from power, and if not then killed, and if not then our own merciful deaths.  It is better to rest in peace than in their Hell on Earth.

I am a former Federal FDIC bank examiner and later an investigative journalist on government crimes in finance and medicine.  Beware of California.  Our enemies are flesh eaters of the past, cannibals in recent history.  Today many advocate murder through abortion, some of us survive abortion attacks against our parents initiated by our enemies.  We are in a war for survival.  May God be with us and bring the armies of the dead to rest upon our enemies as boulders.

Here are some recent posts from Mobile Audit Club


Daily Foreword December 9, 2013: In analysis of those who we should target in my forays of retribution of equal deeds, the simple side would point to the San Francisco EEOC which is in the pocket of big money financial criminals from various ethnic groups and crime rings and corrupt governments around the globe. The EEOC in San Francisco should be shut down for allowing the San Francisco FDIC to be run like a financial mafia sending the innocent bank examiners to their graves or prisons or insane asylums, but always into poverty. Where in heaven is Sing Sing. It does not pay to sing in the federal treasury and FDIC mafia. The government was taken over long ago but we must concentrate our efforts somewhere. We are enemies with those in California government and their various hate groups. Who controls the EEOC San Francisco really? Who controls the San Francisco FDIC really? Who in Los Angeles at the VA or Secret Service allowed me to be injected and tortured. I pray for holy war and targeted strikes against our various enemies. They have many peep holes and I am encouraging the young to flee the USA. Nuclear dust was on the West Coast and it was silenced. Our enemies are in power. Who cares if they bleed. If you are gangrenous, it pays to bleed.

Daily Foreword December 8, 2013: For many of us in the USA our lives are a bit like Hell. We are often born maimed and harmed along the way by those controlling the dictatorship spots in government, and then those ape like people who hold the guns and keys and law books all look away when we are wrongfully tortured or killed or maimed. It is my belief a war was lost long ago for us in the USA with no definite winner at the lower level. The top level lives as it always has, as a predator.

After I worked at two FDIC offices where there was murder and mayhem in California and Hawaii, and after working as a journalist investigating crimes in government in Alabama and California, I was set up by corrupt lawmen and illegally harassed and attacked, myself and my family, I fled their lead assailant, the now proven thief Sheriff Jack Tillman when I presented evidence, and then I was sent to jail in 2001 for the exercise of the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. I was sleeping in my vehicle outside the LA VA Westwood in what was a wooded area. I was injected and maimed and tortured and sent to court and those who harmed me are wealthy and rich in the hills of California and around the globe.

Deals need to be struck between their various victimized groups to organize retaliatory movements of like kind and to lessen the power of the inhumane and more ape like leaders who are in key spots in our hi-jacked government. If a war criminal dies a mobster dies. It does not lessen the skid mark he or she made of others but it leaves a sweet massive odor..

A judge said to me in in LA in 2001, "I am sending you back to school" meaning LA County Jail, and I was released 8/11/2001. I had been injected before court and subjected to what amounted to forced medical torture at the LA VA Westwood in Los Angeles. The federal government in California is lopsided just like in Alabama. Our people are in the teeth of the enemy on American soil. 9/11/2001 NYC Lost teeth just like I did but I turned the other cheek and looked at the higher power. They did not. They killed the innocent to continue their blitzkrieg into the USA and internationally.

I had spent twenty years in college and the school the judge sent me to was like Guantanamo Bay prison except it was the huge city known as LA County Jail. I would never join the USA military again or work for their government banking oversight at FDIC. I was left maimed. Their military is nothing to a true warlord. We are prisoners on an overcrowded planet of abuse, a prison of sorts.

If you are sleeping in your vehicle and if you have a gun, you better take it apart, and lock it in a safe, and have proof of purchase. I advise against the more Nazi like states of California and Arizona of even owning a gun. Never go near government areas or areas controlled by government including their hospitals. In California they are the largest prison state on Earth. They rob the common fruit picker from Mexico and the common Cotton picker from Alabama, black or white, nigger or redneck. They hate you and will eat you alive. It is the nature of the Type A blood beasts coming together.

They work together and abuse each other. South America had two tribes at one time in which one ate the other for protein. My life is like George Orwells hell. But now USA health care for all is a serious risk for all, so welcome to our God D-mned nightmare. Many of us are enemies here as evidenced by the USA governments actions against me in California and Arizona and Alabama. I do not care if those who benefitted from my persecution and maiming are killed. Just send me a private doctor, as I am ill from their health care which is in fact torture and imprisonment and maiming disguised as healthcare.

I would welcome a global holy war if the right postulates were proposed. They are drugging the young which is of serious concern to me. No need to be a Ritalin addict. Let the boys run. Run right out of this predatory hell when they are old enough and pray they can cut the nut sack from any who attempt to chase them or harm them, and bury their heads with their knees over their mouths.

Many groups succeed in the USA and others fail. Having tightknit religious groups with social supports and ties seems to work. The Jewish people seem to have the greatest success according to statistics in the USA. Many groups defend their own even if it kills them. Religion, social belief, sobriety, and wisdom is what it takes to survive in a septic tank of predators such as what we have in the USA in the predatory industries of gambling drugs tobacco medical torture for profit and alcohol and the entire gamut of abuses. Protect your own or perish. The government is not your friend. It and we are factionalized. Imagine the enemy dead, never to inject us again, never to torture us again, never to lie and torment us again, never to breathe a silent or spoken word, dead. Let us pray it comes to pass.

Daily Foreword December 7, 2013: Life, what is it? Consciousness. I was laid unconscious after begging for mercy from captors in the USA, federal government approved captors. I was not compensated. Ironic because I know of others who were harmed in vendettas in the military and in federal banking oversight. The war never ends. You can walk away for a while, perhaps forever in flight. I have considered a book idea totally from the subconscious of the right mind, a sort of spinning out from the Hypotenuse of my travels and touching on three points in my forays of audits and investigations including Southern California, Northern California, and lower Alabama and immediate region. The hypotenuse will weave in Dorothy of Wizard of Oz at Oklahoma and Wichita Kansas line and all the people and points and movies of the past that I have known that pertain to my life and focus them on the center of the hypotenuse of what I call, "The Devils Triangle", the point of my audits and investigations. Did we lose the war after the nuclear blasts in the 1940's and 1950's allowed those who silently took over the USSR in the 1950s, to take over the USA and the UK in 1961? Tsar bomba October 30, 1961. Perhaps earlier the war began. My father was almost blind at birth and half of my brain was gone at birth. What happened to the rest of us? They young hand trembles in war and the old hand steadies and leaps in. If you harm someone for payment, without just cause, you may be next.

In science I pondered recent events I witnessed and theorized on the probability. A nuclear or a meteor shower alleged over Arizona before Veterans day witnessed by someone I know who said it was large and going North. Then after Veterans Day nuclear Shards found on Treasure island by San Francisco. In addition I noticed strange hot breezes way out of the ordinary a night or two after the meteor or nuclear blast and the hot breezes were on the Southern California coast near Ventura. My nuclear tornado idea came to mind using the betz equation analysis but I was looking for a spark or a radiant tingle that is at 7 hertz matching our own brainwaves once they have tamed the beast wind. Perhaps it is large then tweaked down for all to enjoy in the employ of the Satanic rulers of this cursed planet and existence on prison planet and medical torture planet Earth.

Daily Foreword December 1, 2013: On this day I want to make an apology to a Rabbi who I said was the obscene plasticine rabbi. I am the obscene one, I am the one who wants to sing, "Big Easy Bud Hole by Saintrambone" nude in front of a new cannabis coffee shop, a big easy, in New Orleans cannabis section in the French Quarter. I am the plasticine one with plasticine phallic sheath. I also envision my dynasty of acquaintances, the Four Bucks, Joe Buck of movie Midnight Cowboy, my blind florida Sicilian grandfather Buck, Buck Bloombecker notorious legal writer legitimate, two quartermasters, one from movie Catch 22 and the other myself from the USS Reid guinea pig fag ship of the USN, Dorothy of Wizard of Oz with her panting panties luring her across the line from Wichita to see you Know Who, and then there is the question of the OKC bombing now, due to the weapon labeled by Kurt Brown aka Captain Kurt aka Saint Ram Bone. Timothy McVeigh could not testify due to the gauze in his head. Another weapon, a ripple machine, cause and effect broken. A thought tossed up and caught, and in it, our minds.

Now on to the real, Xu Chaofan and Xu Guojun and in the distance Yu Zhendong of Bank of China here in USA, their triangle Wichita and OKC and the Z over head Zhendong with Yu there to help explain, and there is the Burning Zhendong Spaceship in Blackwell OK at the Kansas state line, and my old boss from the FDIC in Roseville, Mr. Justice whom I will call Mr. Crispin due to his neighborhood almost being blown up in 1999 after a suspicious bank charter issuance request from Nevada to Roseville FDIC. Crispin was relocated from Rocket Fuel Rocklin. The Blue tooth dropped the Zhendong and along came Rocket Man, Dec. 7, 2004. My dog Bow Bone and a few angry witches from my travels of many former bosses, primarily F-DIC head women bosses, drags steers queens mean, sweet carol in eyes of nymph purple sheen and odors of vagina or pseudo vagina or sweat like balls of mean. I remember the forced injections from the federal dictators mercenaries and I want 40 billion dollars or 40 billion lives or an oversight job in federal finance.

I had a dream about the Rabbi and there he is with his friend, the King of the Yoruba seeking his brother. With Joe Buck is the homeless crippled Hoffman from Midnight Cowboy and behind him is Hoffman from LIttle Big Man movie but it is the me from Eureka exile and carousing there with Indians Yurok Karok and Hoopa lean, after busting the banking machine because of the F-DIC green money laundering machine in San Francisco, Masa F-DIC Bod green 2001 with floors of blood and haste and murder sheen. KAW. Awaken. 9-11-2001 the humans minds laid open and laid clean. The ripple? Cause and effect? Zhendong AC trickle down explosion in NYC. Behind the Quartermaster in Catch 22 is Kevorkian or Cesarian or whatever his crazy name is. All of these things at the hypotenuse of the devils triangle with the line at center going from OKC Blackwell Wichita. My devils travel from LA to SF to the Swamps outside New Orleans 100 miles east. Theirs, Xu Xu Yu, is Wichita Braman and either the Zenith Z or LA they say, or China Macau and Some Space Ape place, like Vegas. Those who control the USA government made me sick, many of us sick and crippled in the military and in banking regulatory oversight and in banking and medical crimes and government crimes investigations as a journalist. Hell was in LA for me. The shape, the forme, for me, foretold by old dead dad.

I often wonder if someone with a dead part of their brain can counsel with the dead or more conversely with God or Allah or that big giant head, etc.? Is signalman Robert Karlson of Ketchikan dead? Poor soul was blindsided out on the limb in 1983. The radiation coast. Dier. Medical marijuana dropped in price on the West coast of the USA but now it is radioactive. New Orleans soft mud whispers whiskers. A club of mudfish to assuage those San Francisco cravings in bloody slave bayou. The French slave race should arise and taste the evil mane of the dictators face. As we howl like the dead young from the living dieing race. Listen for chain, listen for Cane or was that Able. Strange thing to seek one's brother. Why bother? Aye Mate? King me. Whippoorwill Martin Woods of UK Government controlled by international dictator, I kurt Brown saint Ram Bone have not been paid and it appears the signalman and I and Crispin have lost contact due to censorship or overt murder or is the guinea pig or crispin hanging banging to date?. Nips RIC. It is computer jargon. Pass it along. I was left in the swamp and left dead and or lame but I wants to got paid. FDIC BOD and pointers into King pin.

Daily Foreword November 29, 2013: It appears that the South Eastern USA is in a full blown depression. This is evidenced by the huge number of foreclosures in the South Eastern states. Because the dictatorship in power over the USA favors the West Coast of the USA and due to the regions financial health I encourage a replication of "some" of their behaviors, damn the dictators in power. I discourage movement to California and Westward due to forced injections and medical torture and maiming by those in power over the region. A travel warning was put out by Martin Woods of Hermes Forensic Solutions not to visit Mexico in 2008. I say the same about California in 2013, avoid it and go elsewhere to seek peace and happiness. You will not find it in the Western USA.

In the South East USA, First the Crack and Meth and Pills and Alcohol need to be stopped . I see marijuana as a lesser drug, a vent of sorts, and encourage the cultivation of recreational cannabis in the South East USA. Our enemies would kill us in the USA and they have harmed and maimed and killed many of us, therefore it does not matter if you incite war on the enemy in power. Remember in a technological war you are often deceived and often times the super bosses of war crimes entities control the lesser or sub bosses of war criminal empires. I encourage and welcome a new paradigm, one that view the governments of the Earth as self serving entities when they allow and encourage predatory capitalistic practices. We are better off dead than under these lesser animals and their design of subjugation. I believe in an eye for an eye and do not care if they are killed or maimed and tortured. Do not accept money from the regime to torture us the common citizen. If you do you too may some day find your master is your worst enemy.

Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone of Youtube saintrambone videos and website Mobile Audit Club


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