The Guns of November 1963

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Nov 15, 2010, 5:33:52 PM11/15/10
to 9/11 Conspiracy now can be told
The Guns of November 1963

Who shot JFK, RFK, MLK
Were those assassinations linked? If so why? How?
Who was involved? We present some theories. What are the facts? What
can you add to this discussion?
JFK was a Roman Catholic, so were Diem and Nhu, the dictators who
ran South Vietnam
But South Vietnam was 90% Buddhist
only 10% Roman Catholic
and Buddhist monks were setting fire to themselves in the streets of
South Vietnam in protest
to "win the hears and minds of the Vietnamese people", there would
have to be "some changes in personnel" in South Vietnam. Thus JFK
signed on to the most famous cable of the Vietnam War, the so-called
"HARRIMAN-HILSMAN MEMO" called such because of its connection to A.
Harriman and R. Hilsman. it basically outlined the need to replace
the Roman Catholic regime in South Vietnam.
What JFK did not realize is that another "change in personnel",
would be required. Just as the Roman Catholic regime in South
Vietnam could not "win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese
people", so too a Roman Catholic President of the United States
could not hope to do so, given the Vietnamese resentment of the
French Roman Catholic colonialists, as well as of Diem and Nhu.
So JFK had to go too.
Lee Harvey Oswald was the nephew of Dutz Murrett or Dutch Morretti,
a lieutenant in the Carlos Marcello crime family
which ran the
underworld in New Orleans. RFK was trying to deport Marcello. New
Orleans was part a former French colony, part of the Louisiana
purchase from France.
Marcello was THE major importer of heroin, refined into heroin in
Marseilles, France, and grown as opium in Turkey and IN THE GOLDEN
TRIANGLE of South East Asia.
He then distributed the stuff to the other MAFIA families in the USA.
If America lost in South Vietnam and got kicked out of the GOLDEN
TRIANGLE, a major source of his dope would not be so easily
Saddam Hussein was in charge of the OFFICIAL ASSASSINATION BUREAU in
Iraq at the time. It was called the JIHAZ HANEEN.
Today Saddam Hussein's lawyer is RAMSEY CLARK. Clark was attorney
general of the US under President Johnson. Johnson became President
when JFK was assassinated. He promoted Ramsey Clark from his high
position in the US Justice Department to Attorney General.
As Attorney General Clark's infamous CLARK PANEL ruled that JFK,
RFK, and Martin Luther King, Jr. were all killed by lone assassins,
no conspiracy in any of those assassinations.
So said Ramsey Clark. Ramsey Clark's family "allegedly" had members,
including his own father: TOM CLARK, a former Attorney General and
Supreme Court Justice, who "allegedly" had deep ties to CARLOS
Among other clients of RAMSEY CLARK: nazi war criminals, Rwandan war
criminals, the Achille Lauro hijackers, the so-called
"PLO", Arafat, Sheik Rahman's gang from the first World Trade Center
bombing, the Sheik's son was found with bin Laden's terrorists in
Afghanistan when the US liberated Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein,
In 1973 Arafat took the US Ambassador to the Sudan Cleo Noel and his
aide hostage in Khartoum, Sudan. Arafat demanded that the US release
SIRHAN SIRHAN to him. When the US failed to do so Arafat ordered the
hostages killed.
The old saying is DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES.
Arafat may well have sent SIRHAN SIRHAN to assassinate RFK on the
1st anniversary of the SIX DAY WAR,in which Israel re-united
JERUSALEM and liberated the rest of Judea, and Samaria (the so-
called "west bank") as well as Gaza and the Golan Heights.
SIRHAN SIRHAN'S cousin, also named SIRHAN SIRHAN, was busted by
Israel after a terrorist attack on Israel more recently. He was
linked to a gang of terrorists called the TANZIM, under Arafat's
direct control.
According to Chris Matthews' MSNBC special on the JFK assassination
RAMSEY CLARK was the first person into the EAST ROOM to see JFK's
body when it was brought back from Dallas.
Someone had to arrange the route of the JFK motorcade in Dallas.
Someone had to bring the motorcade into the line of fire in front of
the Texas School Book depository where LEE HARVEY OSWALD was working.
If America lost in Vietnam and was kicked out of Vietnam it would no
longer be tied down in Vietnam. It would then be able to defend
Israel if it were attacked.
The arab terrorists did not want to see America defeated in Vietnam.
If America were defeated in Vietnam it might come to Israel's rescue
when Israel was attacked.
To make sure America was not defeated in Vietnam JFK had to be
assassinated if the arab terrorists were to keep the US tied down in
Vietnam and less able to come to Israel's rescue.
In 1968 Gene McCarthy, a liberal Democratic US Senator from
Minnesota ran for the Democratic Presidential nomination.
Gene McCarthy was endorsed by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. two weeks
before Dr. King was assassinated. CARLOS MARCELLO has been linked to
the King assassination according to a HISTORY CHANNEL cable
television special.
Gene McCarthy wanted to end the Vietnam war and bring the American
troops home from Vietnam.
If America left Vietnam it would be more able to come to Israel's
rescue if Israel were attacked. Israel was attacked, by surprise in
the October 6th, 1973 YOM KIPPUR WAR.
To stop Gene McCarthy from getting the Democratic nomination the
Democratic opposition to the Vietnam war had to be split.
A live Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would have been able to tell what
was then called "the black community" that he had endorsed Gene
McCarthy for President. A dead Dr. King could not do so. Dr. King
endorsed Gene two weeks before he was killed.
Once Dr. King was killed RFK could enter the Democratic presidential
race and claim that he was the candidate of what was then
called "the black community".
It was essential to divide the opponents of the Vietnam war in the
Democratic party to stop Gene McCarthy from being nominated by the
Democrats for President in 1968 if the war were to continue and
Israel were to be unable to count on US support in the event of an
arab attack.
At the time RAMSEY CLARK was a pro-Vietnam war politician.
He screamed "Tell it to Hanoi!" at opponents of the Vietnam war.
So Dr. King was assassinated. James Earl Ray said that he did not
agree with RAMSEY CLARK about the King assassination not being part
of any conspiracy.
James Earl Ray is dead. Dr. King is dead.
RFK had to be assassinated after he had taken California but BEFORE
the New York State Democratic primary.
RFK was a US Senator representing New York state in 1968. He was a
Democrat. If he had lost the New York state Presidential Democratic
Primary to Gene McCarthy in 1968 RFK would have to have dropped out
of the race and endorsed Gene McCarthy for President.
McCarthy was 7 points ahead of Nixon in the Polls.
If McCarthy had been nominated he would have won the election and
withdrawn US forces from South Vietnam. This would have meant that
the US would be more able to defend Israel from the eventual arab
PEARL HARBOR style sneak-attack that would actually occur on October
6th, 1973 as the YOM KIPPUR WAR. It was called the YOM KIPPUR WAR
because it was launched on YOM KIPPUR, the most sacred day in the
Jewish religion which occurred on October 6th, 1973.
So RFK had to be assassinated to stop Gene McCarthy, who was a good
friend of Israel and of Israel's Prime Minister, Golda Meir, from
pulling the US out of Vietnam, because the arab terrorists needed
America to remain tied down in Vietnam, and thus less able to come
to Israel's defense.
A dead Bobby Kennedy could not be defeated by McCarthy in the New
York state 1968 Democratic Presidential Primary. Only a live Bobby
Kennedy could be defeated. Only a live Bobby Kennedy could then have
been forced to drop out of the race and endorse Gene McCarthy for
McCarthy was going to beat RFK in that primary. McCarthy was
immensely popular in liberal New York State. It was McCarthy's good
showing in the New Hampshire 1968 Democratic presidential primary
that had forced President Johnson to announce that he would not seek
re-election on March 31st, 1968.
"Who Shot Martin Luther King? The federal government, and Tennessee
authorities, aggressively pushed the lone-gunman theory-although this
explanation was rejected out of hand by millions of Americans. At
Ray's sentencing, as the state was telling the jury what the evidence
would have been at a trial, Ray interrupted the proceedings to say he
did not agree with the statement of Ramsey Clark, U.S. attorney
general, that there was no conspiracy. Three days later Ray tried to
withdraw his plea of guilty, even though that would subject him to a
possible death sentence. The court refused. From that day forward
there has been a tug-of-war between conspiracy believers and
lone-gunman advocates. In 1979 the House Select Committee on
Assassinations issued a report saying there probably was a
"Testimony Of Dr. William Kemp Clark The testimony of Dr. William
Clark was taken at 11:50 a.m., on March 21, 1964, at Parkland
Hospital, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Arlen Specter, assistant counsel of
President's Commission. Mr. Specter. Would you
stand up please,
Dr. Clark, and raise your right hand? Do you
solemnly swear that the
testimony you will give before the President's Commission on the
Assassination of President Kennedy in this deposition proceeding will
be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you
God? Dr. Clark. I do.Mr. Specter.
You may be seated. Dr. Clark. Thank you. Mr. Specter. The President's
Commission is investigating all facts related to the Assassination of
President Kennedy, and you have been asked to testify in this
deposition proceeding relating to the medical treatment received by
President Kennedy at Parkland Memorial Hospital and all facts
thereto. Dr. Clark, have you received a letter from the President's
Commission enclosing a copy of the Executive Order establishing `the
Commission' and a copy of a Senate and House Joint Resolution about
the Commission, and a letter relating to the taking of testimony by
the Commission? Dr. Clark. I have. Mr. Specter. And are you willing
proceed with this deposition today, even though 3 days have not
elapsed between the time you received the letter and this morning?
Clark. Yes. Mr. Specter. Would you state your full name for the
record, please? Dr. Clark. William Kemp Clark. Mr. Specter. Will you
outline in a general way your educational background, please? Dr.
Clark. Yes. I graduated from the University of Texas in Austin, 1944.
I graduated from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
in 1948. I interned at Indiana University Medical Center and was a
resident in surgery there from 1948 to 1950. I spent 2 years in the
Air Force and then took my residency in neurological surgery at
Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. This was from 1953
1956, at which time I came to the University of Texas, Southwestern
Medical School, as chairman of the division of neurological surgery."
"The Formation of the Clark Panel: More of the Secret Team at Work?
Lisa Pease The Clark Panel was the medical panel convened almost
immediately after Ramsey Clark had been approved for his appointment
as Attorney General in 1967. The panel was clearly convened to put to
rest the growing doubts caused by the exposures of Mark Lane, Harold
Weisberg, other researchers and even in late 1966, LIFE magazine
itself. All of the above talked about the evidence of conspiracy, and
the implication is that the medical evidence would either show
conspiracy, or else, signs of tampering. What brought it to a crux
Jim Garrison's all-out investigation of the assassination, which, in
1967, was making official story proponents very nervous. One of the
key questions raised by the New Orleans DA was this: Why hadn't the
Warren Commission members examined the autopsy photographs and
X-rays?" On April 4th 1968 Martin Luther King was assassinated while
on the balcony at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis.
" Martin Luther King on anti-Zionism
From M.L. King Jr., "Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend," Saturday
Review XLVII (Aug. 1967), p.
Reprinted in M.L. King Jr., "This I Believe: Selections from the
Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."
". . . You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are
merely `anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the
high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green
earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews-this is God's
truth. Anti-Semitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and
remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full
agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently anti-
and ever will be so.
Why is this? You know that Zionism is nothing less than the dream and
ideal of the Jewish people returning to live in their own land. The
Jewish people, the Scriptures tell us, once enjoyed a flourishing
Commonwealth in the Holy Land. From this they were expelled by the
Roman tyrant, the same Romans who cruelly murdered Our Lord. Driven
from their homeland, their nation in ashes, forced to wander the
globe, the Jewish people time and again suffered the lash of
tyrant happened to rule over them.
The Negro people, my friend, know what it is to suffer the torment of
tyranny under rulers not of our choosing. Our brothers in Africa have
begged, pleaded, requested-DEMANDED-the recognition and realization
our inborn right to live in peace under our own sovereignty in our
How easy it should be, for anyone who holds dear this inalienable
right of all mankind, to understand and support the right of the
Jewish People to live in their ancient Land of Israel. All men of
good will exult in the fulfillment of God's promise, that his People
should return in joy to rebuild their plundered land. This is
nothing more, nothing less. And what is anti-Zionist? It is the
denial to the Jewish people of a fundamental right that we justly
claim for the people of Africa and freely accord all other nations of
the Globe. It is discrimination against Jews, my friend, because they
are Jews. In short, it is anti-Semitism. The anti-Semite rejoices at
any opportunity to vent his malice. The times have made it unpopular,
in the West, to proclaim openly a hatred of the Jews. This being the
case, the anti-Semite must constantly seek new forms and forums for
his poison. How he must revel in the new masquerade! He does not hate
the Jews, he is just `anti-Zionist'! My friend, I do not accuse you
of deliberate anti-Semitism. I know you feel, as I do, a deep love of
truth and justice and a revulsion for racism, prejudice, and
discrimination. But I know you have been misled-as others have
been-into thinking you can be `anti-Zionist' and yet remain true to
these heartfelt principles that you and I share. Let my words echo in
the depths of your soul: When people criticize Zionism, they mean
Jews-make no mistake about it."
Highly Recommended url:
February 4th, 2000
NEW YORK-Ambassador Shmuel Sisso, Consul General of Israel in New
York, in conjunction with the Jewish Community Relations Council and
the Jewish National Fund, joined with Martin Luther King III on
Thursday night, Feb. 3, to celebrate unity between Israel and
African-Americans on the occasion of Black History Month. The event
honored King and Dr. Vera King Farris, President of Stockton College
and a leading scholar in Holocaust studies. Speaking to about a 100
guests, Ambassador Sisso said that those attending the gathering
"share the burden on the shoulders of every man, woman and child who
has ever been persecuted, whether because of their skin or their
religious beliefs." He added that friendship and education are the
instruments with which to battle the pathology of hate, citing Dr.
Martin Luther King's vision for creating a more just society. Martin
Luther King III, citing his father, said that "injustice anywhere is
threat to justice everywhere." He called for Jewish and African
Americans to continue in his father's path, stressing the importance
of the relationship between the two groups. Dr. Farris, who recently
received an honorary degree from the Ben- Gurion University in Be'er
Sheva, and who has visited Israel many times, thanked Ambassador
with a greeting in Hebrew, and continued: "It was Martin Luther King
Jr. who told me I could have a vision, and mine was the Holocaust."
She recounted the activities of Stockton College Holocaust research
center, which has worked to ensure legislation in the state of New
Jersey mandating Holocaust education. The event concluded with a jazz
ensemble performing "We Shall Overcome", during which guests stood up
and joined in the singing, while clasping hands. This annual occasion
is part of the State of Israel's recognition of the exceptional
contributions of individuals in the African-American community, in
whose name trees are planted in the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial
forest in Israel, located near Nazareth. For further information,
please contact the press office of the Consulate General of Israel in
New York at (212) 499-5407.
Had Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy NOT been assassinated Eugene
McCarthy, who was 7
points ahead of Nixon in the polls, would have been nominated by the
Democratic Party as its
Presidential candidate in 1968 and gone on to win the White House.
Gene would have ended the Vietnam War promptly in 1969. Gene McCarthy
was a good personal friend of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. He
was a friend of Israel. Gene would probably have been re-elected in
1972. There probably would NOT have been an arab surprise attack on
Israel on October 6th, 1973 with Gene McCarthy in the White House and
the US NOT tied down in Indochina. In our view ARAFAT ordered the
cost to the African-American community of the death of the most
Gandhian leader it ever had is incalculable in terms of wasted human
lives. Dr. King was also a friend to the Jewish community. Imagine a
world in which there never had been a split between the Jewish
community and the African American community. Instead of Jesse
Jackson assuming the mantle of the slain Dr. King, and going on to
lead the charge against the Jewish community after Jimmy Carter fired
Andy Young for shaking hands with an arafat observer at the UN, and
going on to make his infamous "Hymietown" remark, Martin Luther King
would have led the African-American community. (JIMMY CARTER
got ten million dollars from the infamous arab CIA DRUG BANK
BCCI for the CARTER LIBRARY, Andy Young allegedly Got $100,000 from
BCCI, Jackson allegedly got $5 million dollars for
his OPERATION PUSH from Iraq and allegedly got another $5 million
Dollars from Libya)..

"The Ba'ath leadership gave the orders for Qasim's assassination...On
October 7th,1959, a six-,man assassination squad was waiting...the
night before one member of the squad had fallen ill. A new recruit
was drafted in...his full name was Saddam Hussein al-Takriti."
Page 22
"The Ba'athist led forces...participated in the coup of 8th February
1963...Immediately after the coup, Saddam Hussein returned to Iraq,
where he was appointed as the head of Al-Jihaz Al Khas, known
popularly as Jihaz Haneen (the Yearning Apparatus), the clandestine
intelligence organization of the Ba'ath Party. Saddam proceeded to
turn it into an instrument of terror....on 18th November (1963) the
army seized power in a swift military coup...the new leadership of
the Ba'ath Party...was arrested. However, some of its members
immediately collaborated with the new regime..." Pgs 25-26
The November 18th, 1963 coup in Iraq happened just four days
before JFK was assassinated. The coup leaders retained
Saddam Hussein in his post as head of the official
Iraqi Assassination Bureau The Jihaz Haneen.
Who Are The Enemies of Civilization
We would like to know what YOU think.. If you were a fan of Ian
Fleming and James Bond you might have
said SPECTRE or SMERSH. If you were a fan of Maxwell Smart you might
have said CHAOS.
If you are on drugs or know someone who is on drugs you might say it
organized crime.
If you are a person who sells her or sometimes his favors for money
you might
say organized crime.
If you are a citizen whose officials have been corrupted by organized
crime so
that a child knows where to buy drugs you might say organized crime.
If you are a potential victim of Persian nuclear weapons you might say
which is arming Persia with them. If you are a potential victm of
Pakistani nuclear
weapons you might say China, which armed Pakistan with them.
If you are an Israeli you might say the so called P.A. run by arafats
ABU ABASS A.K.A. ABU MAZEN. You might also says Syria and Persia and
Hezbollah and Hamas,
and Saudi Arabia, about to be armed by the USA with a $60 billion
dollar American arms supply deal to
Saudi Arabia.
Please tell us who you think the enemies of civilization are.
Press ReleaseIsrael / Middle-East ADL Identifies Top 10 Anti-Israel
Groups In America
New York, NY, October 14, 2010 … They organize mass demonstrations
featuring extreme anti-Israel and anti-Zionist messages. They seek to
undermine the Jewish state by spreading malicious propaganda. They
pursue boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns against Israel.

They are the 10 most influential and active anti-Israel groups in the
United States, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

"While there are hundreds of groups that organize and participate in
various anti-Israel activities, we have identified the largest and
most well-coordinated anti-Israel groups," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL
National Director. "These groups are not promoting peace, they are
spreading propaganda to assault Israel's legitimacy. We want to
Americans to know who these groups are and what it is they really
stand for, which is to delegitimize the Jewish state."

In a new online report, ADL takes a close look at the top 10 anti-
Israel groups operating in the U.S. The League examines the dynamics
of the U.S. anti-Israel movement and the ability of the most prominent
groups to organize events, attract supporters and forge relationships
with other like-minded organizations.

The Top 10 Anti-Israel Groups, as identified by ADL, are:

• Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER)
• Al-Awda
• Council on American-Islamic Relations
• Friends of Sabeel-North America
• If Americans Knew
• International Solidarity Movement
• Jewish Voice for Peace
• Muslim American Society
• Students for Justice in Palestine
• US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

"These groups demonize Israel through various public campaigns. Their
messages are one-sided and fail to take the complexity of the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict into account," said Mr. Foxman. "They unfairly
attack Israel while ignoring Palestinian terrorism and incitement.
They apply a different standard to Israel than other countries,
condemning it for implementing policies to protect its citizens."
Like what you read here?
Sign up to receive HeADLines, the League's weekly e-newsletter
The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading
organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that
counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.
Do you know of other anti-Israel groups? Please let the ADL
know about them. Please post your comments regarding them.
Please also let us know about fake groups, i.e. so-called
Messy an eck (they spell it somewhat differently) "Jews",
which are groups which pose as Jews so that they can convert
Jews to their own religion. Some of those groups
even hold fake "Jewish Singles" events to attract Jews
to them so that they can attempt to convert them.
We endorse:
The statement below is from Jews for Judaism
"About Jews for Judaism: Our Challenge and Mission: The Challenge
The Challenge of Missionaries and Cults
Jews for Judaism is the only international, full-time counter-
counter-cult, educational, outreach and counseling organization
dedicated to
countering the multi-million-dollar efforts of deceptive missionary
and cult
groups that target the Jewish community for conversion.
Here, from the Jews for Judaism counter-missionary Handbook, The
Response to
Jewish Missionaries, is a look at the challenge facing the Jewish
According to recent Gallup and Harris polls, there are over 70
million "born
again" Christians in North America, many of whom are convinced that
in order for
Jesus to return, the Jewish people must first be converted to
Christian denominations such as the Southern Baptist Convention --
which passed
a resolution in 1996 targeting Jews for conversion -- and the
Assemblies of G-d,
as well as countless other Christian groups worldwide, contribute
more than $250
million annually to aggressively evangelize Jews. These evangelical
have established special "Hebrew Christian synagogues" to attract
Jews. Such
"synagogues" have grown in number from 20 to over 400 in the last
twenty years.
Missionaries convince their recruits that they are not complete as
Jews until
they accept Jesus as the Messiah, and that a Jew retains his or her
identity after converting to Christianity. According to a 1990
Council of Jewish
Federations population study, over 600,000 Jews in North America
alone identify
with some type of Christianity. Over the past 25 years, more than
275,000 Jews
worldwide have been converted specifically by missionaries who use
tactics that masquerade Christian beliefs in the guise of Judaism.
The Gospel is
preached by "Messianic rabbis" wearing yarmulkas (skullcaps) and
(prayer shawls) at "Shabbat" and "High Holiday" services.
These "Hebrew
Christians" promote their Christian faith by using a new
name: "Messianic
These groups have influenced evangelical churches to adopt the same
techniques. For the first time in history, Jews are welcomed into the
church and
told that they can retain their Jewish identity. Church members then
the Jew to "someone Jewish who has accepted the Lord." This method of
proselytizing increases the number of contact people, who serve as
conduits to
the "Hebrew Christian" missionaries, to include Christian associates
at work, at
school and in social settings.In addition, new programs such as the
theme park in Orlando, Florida, called The Holy Land Experience, and
conferences like "To the Jew First in the New Millennium" are virtual
grounds to teach Christians how to effectively evangelize their Jewish
Contrary to popular perception, it is not only emotionally unstable
Jews who
fall prey to the missionaries' efforts; in fact, all Jews are
Missionaries often target college campuses, hospitals, drug
programs, seniors' residences, and shopping malls in Jewish
neighborhoods, as
well as the Israeli community, Soviet immigrants and intermarried
couples. They
deliberately misquote, mistranslate and misinterpret Jewish
scriptures and
rabbinical texts in an attempt to "prove" that Jesus was both the
Jewish Messiah
and G-d. Their delegitimization of Judaism, in concert with their
exploitation of Jewish symbols, religious artifacts and even
traditional music,
serve to confuse the potential convert, making him or her more
These missionary groups -- over 900 in North America alone -- are
worldwide, and can be found in almost every Jewish population center.
governing bodies in this movement have considerable political clout;
one has
even been granted "observer" status at the United Nations. Several
groups have
founded "Messia-nic Jewish" day schools for children and "yeshivot"
where they
produce ordained "Messianic rabbis." There are over 100 "Messianic
congregations" in Israel, and over 38 in the former Soviet Union.
These groups
prey almost exclusively upon uneducated, unaffiliated and alienated
Jews."(Meshugeneh means crazy in Yiddish (so-called Messy an eck Jews,
they spell it
somewhat differently, are not really Jews, they are Xtians
pretending to be Jews
to convert Jews to their Xtian religion.)

The material directly below is excerpted from:
Democrats' Platform for Revolution
By John Perazzo | Monday, May 05, 2008

Obama was trained by the Alinsky-founded Industrial Areas Foundation
(IAF) in Chicago and worked for an affiliate of the Gamaliel
Foundation, whose modus operandi for the creation of "a more just and
democratic society" is rooted firmly in the Alinsky method. As The
Nation magazine puts it, "Obama worked in the organizing tradition of
Saul Alinsky, who made Chicago the birthplace of modern community
organizing.…" In fact, for several years Obama himself taught
workshops on the Alinsky method.....A People's Organization, said
Alinsky, can build a wide-based membership only if it focuses on
multiple issues ...
One example of such an organization today is the International Action
Center (IAC), founded by Ramsey Clark and staffed by members of the
Marxist-Leninist Workers World Party. To broadcast the notion of
American evil as widely as possible, IAC has created numerous "faces"
for itself, each one serving as a unique portal through which the
organization can reach a portion of the public. But in the final
analysis, there is no difference between any of these nominally
distinct groups, among which are International ANSWER, the Korea
Truth Commission, No Draft No Way, Troops Out Now, Activist San
Diego, the People's Video Network, the Mumia Mobilization Office, the
New York Committee to Free the Cuban Five, the National People's
Campaign, the Association of Mexican American Workers, Leftbooks, the
Rosa Parks Day headquarters, and the People's Rights Fund. These
groups are concerned with such varied issues as racism, the Iraq War,
American war crimes, the military draft, Cuban spies, the allegedly
wrongful incarceration of a convicted cop-killer, the Arab-Israeli
conflict, poor working conditions, immigrant rights, "vigilante" hate
groups, poverty, civil rights violations, economic inequality, and
globalization. And for the most part, all of these groups are
composed of the very same people.
Alinsky cautioned organizers to judiciously choose to initiate only
those battles which they stood a very good chance of winning. "The
organizer's job," he said, "is to begin to build confidence and hope
in the idea of organization and thus in the people themselves: to win
limited victories, each of which will build confidence and the
feeling that `if we can do so much with what we have now, just think
what we will be able to do when we get big and strong.' It is almost
like taking a prize-fighter up the road to the championship -- you
have to very carefully and selectively pick his opponents, knowing
full well that certain defeats would be demoralizing and end his
Alinsky also taught that in some cases the mission of the People's
Organization could be aided if the organizer was able to get himself
arrested and thereafter exploit the publicity he derived from the
arrest. "Jailing the revolutionary leaders and their followers,"
Alinsky said, "… strengthens immeasurably the position of the leaders
with their people by surrounding the jailed leadership with an aura
of martyrdom; it deepens the identification of the leadership with
their people." It shows, he said, "that their leadership cares so
much for them, and is so sincerely committed to the issue, that it is
willing to suffer imprisonment for the cause."[88] But Alinsky
stipulated that organizers should seek to be jailed only for a short
duration (from one day to two months); longer terms of incarceration,
he said, have a tendency to fall from public consciousness and to be
During the 1960s Alinsky was an enormously influential force in
American life....Though Alinsky died in 1972, his legacy has lived on
as a staple of leftist method, a veritable blueprint for revolution --
to which both Democratic presidential candidates, who are his
disciples and protégés, refer euphemistically as "change."
end of material excerpted from:
We found the piece excerpted from directly above interesting.
Does Obama know Ramsey Clark, We would like to know.
More on Ramsey Clark, et. al. is below:
Kerry Lawyer Represented Saddam,Arafat,Nazi,Terrorists,LaRouche
"Ramsey Clark Endorses John Kerry
By Cliff Kincaid
March 1, 2004
One of the leading "America bashers" on the political scene today
has endorsed John Kerry for president....Ramsey Clark said he's
voting for Kerry because he would take U.S. foreign policy in a new
direction...."I think John Kerry is a great human being," Clark told
this reporter. "I knew him when he was—I call a youngster—in his
20s...." Clark has been labeled a "traitor" for his habit of showing
up in countries hostile to the U.S. A lawyer, he has represented
accused terrorists and war criminals.Clark served as LBJ's Attorney
General in the 1960s and then participated in the anti-Vietnam War
movement in the early 1970s with Kerry, just back from the war, who
accused his fellow soldiers of war crimes and genocide. Clark was a
lawyer for Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and Kerry was a major
leader of the group. A photograph at the time shows Clark on the
same stage with Kerry. Clark and Kerry were strongly against the
Reagan policy of supporting the anti-communist "Contra" freedom
fighters in Nicaragua. The policy, though opposed by a liberal
Congress, resulted in the holding of elections in Nicaragua, the
electoral defeat of the Communist Sandinistas, and an end to the
communist insurgency in El Salvador.More recently, Clark has been
collaborating with the communist Workers World Party (WWP) in
staging "anti-war" demonstrations against U.S. Iraq policy. Brian
Becker, a member of the WWP secretariat, helped organize those
protests...Cliff Kincaid is Editor of the AIM Report."
"The Source Behind the Interview
CBS News is acknowledging that anchorman Dan Rather had help in
getting his
exclusive interview with Saddam Hussein from none other than Ramsey
Clark, the
onetime U.S. attorney general who has since been on the outer fringe
of the
American left. Clark, who bitterly opposed the Gulf War in 1991, has
accused the United States of war crimes in that conflict.... He
visited with
Saddam Hussein over the weekend, as he has done several times before,
according to CBS News, put in a good word for Rather, whom he has
known for a
long time."
On September 17th, 2001 Dan Rather appeared with David Letterman on
Letterman's CBS TV show. The tearful appearance by Rather with
showed a clearly overwrought and emotional Dan Rather discussing the
11th,2001 attack on America. You can see photos of that appearance
On September 18th, 2001 the first of the anthrax letters was mailed.
There are
those who speculate that the real target of the anthrax attacks was
Dan Rather,
who was perhaps a "man who knew too much", about too many things
from the
Kennedy assassination in 1963 to Saddam Hussein, to Afghanistan, and
knows what else. Did Saddam Hussein see a tape of Dan Rather's
seeming nervous breakdown about 9/11 on September 17th, 2001 on
David Letterman's show and
decide to order the anthrax attack on Dan Rather to close Dan
Rather's mouth
forever? We do not know. We have no forged or fabricated documents to
back up such a theory. But the theory is out there.
"CBS: Traces of anthrax in Dan Rather's office
October 22, 2001 CBS News anchor Dan Rather
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Preliminary testing found trace amounts of anthrax
in CBS News anchor Dan Rather's anteroom and office areas, but
Rather had shown no signs of exposure, CBS News announced Monday."
Iraq behind US anthrax outbreaks
Britain's GPs put on full alert over deadly disease War on
Terrorism: Observer special
David Rose and Ed Vulliamy, New York
Sunday October 14, 2001 The Observer
American investigators probing anthrax outbreaks in Florida and New
York believe they have all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack - and
have named Iraq as prime suspect as the source of the deadly
spores.Their inquiries are adding to what US hawks say is a growing
mass of evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved *** with the 11
September hijackers....Leading US intelligence
sources, involved with both the CIA and the Defence Department, told
The Observer that the 'giveaway' which suggests a state sponsor for
the anthrax cases is that the victims in Florida were afflicted with
the airborne form of the disease. 'Making anthrax, on its own, isn't
so difficult,' one senior US intelligence source said. 'But it only
begins to become effective as a biological weapon if they can be made
the right size to breathe in. If you can't get airborne infectivity,
you can't use it as a weapon. That is extremely difficult. There is
very little leeway. Most spores are either too big to be suspended in
air, or too small to lodge on the lining of the lungs.' As claims
about an Iraqi link grew, senior health officials in Britain revealed
they warned all the country's GPs last week to be vigilant about the
disease. 'I think we have to be prepared to think the unthinkable,'
said the Government's Chief Medical Officer, Dr Liam Donaldson. The
Department of Health confirmed the Government is conducting an urgent
review of Britain's ability to cope with chemical or biological
attacks. It also emerged last night that three people who worked in
the Florida buildings at the centre of anthrax scares are now in the
UK and undergoing tests for the disease. ***In liquid form, anthrax
useless - droplets would fall to the ground, rather than staying
suspended in the air to be breathed by victims. Making powder needs
repeated washings in huge centrifuges, followed by intensive drying,
which requires sealed environments. The technology would cost
millions. US intelligence believes Iraq has the technology and
supplies of anthrax suitable for terrorist use. 'They aren't making
this stuff in caves in Afghanistan,' the CIA source said. 'This is
prima facie evidence of the involvement of a state intelligence
agency. Maybe Iran has the capability. But it doesn't look likely
politically. That leaves Iraq.' Scientists investigating the attacks
say the bacteria used is similar to the 'Ames strain' of anthrax
originally cultivated at Iowa State University in the 1950s and later
given to labs throughout the world, including Iraq. According to
sources in the Bush administration, investigators are talking to
Egyptian authorities who say members of the al-Qaida network,
and interrogated in Cairo, had obtained phials of anthrax in the
Republic. Last autumn Mohamed Atta is said by US intelligence
officials to have met in Prague an agent from Iraqi intelligence
called Ahmed Samir al-Ahani, a former consul later expelled by the
Czechs for activities not compatible with his diplomatic mission.The
Czechs are also examining the possibility that Atta met a former
director of Saddam's external secret services, Farouk Hijazi, at a
second meeting in the spring. Hijazi is known to have met Bin Laden.
It was confirmed yesterday that Jim Woolsey, CIA director from1993 to
1996, recently visited London"
BLITZER: That's Osama bin Laden's group. Now you also have some
new information, David, about Mohamed Atta. He's the suspected
ringleader of the September 11th hijackings.
ENSOR: Well, that's right. As you know, he was one of the suicide
hijackers who died on September 11th on one of those aircraft. And we
had previously reported on September 19th that he met with an Iraqi
intelligence official somewhere in Europe. Well, I'm now able to tell
you, based on information from U.S. sources, he met not once but
with Iraqi intelligence officers in Prague in the Czech Republic:
last year in June of 2000 and once in April of 2001."
"LARRY KING: Senator Lieberman, we have 30 seconds. Your thoughts on
JOE LIEBERMAN: My colleagues are absolutely right. And I think it's
important to go back. Don't panic. Be prepared. We've been thinking
about this for a while. But I want go back to what Bill Owens said.
Iraq and Saddam Hussein have been working to develop chemical and
biological weapons. They've used them against their own people. They
used them against the Iranians during their war. Saddam really ought
to be the next target of this war on terrorism, because he can do the
unthinkable to us if we give him a chance.
LARRY KING: Gentlemen, this is for all three you. I can't go by
without asking it.
Admiral Owens, are you concerned about this anthrax thing?
it, Larry. I think we in the military have been following anthrax,
as its been part of the story of Saddam Hussein, and the world of
terrorism, for the last decade or so. And I think we always fear
that something like this would start to be seen inside our borders."
LARRY KING: We now welcome to LARRY KING LIVE Judith Miller, who has
been helping us over the past five weeks report on this story, and
has written a best-selling book, way up on the list, "Germs:
Weapons and America's Secret War." But now, she becomes part of the
story herself with a scare herself."
NEW YORK TIMES,": I have always been concerned about Iraq. I share
concern about Iraq's biological weapons program. I found it very
indeed that Saddam Hussein was willing to give up information about
nuclear program and his chemical program, but not the biological
He had anthrax, botulinum toxin, other agents, perhaps, as well. And
he fought very, very hard to keep weapons inspectors out and to
that technology. So it is something I am concerned about."
"Ex-U.N. weapons inspector: Possible
Iraq-anthrax link
October 15, 2001 NEW YORK (CNN) -- Richard Butler, the former U.N.
weapons inspector,
pointed Monday to a possible Iraq connection to the recent anthrax
mailings, saying he did not believe
terrorist groups could have made the deadly bacteria. ***"What we've
got to be certain about above
all is whether it came from a country supporting these terrorists as
matter of policy, such as Iraq, which we know has made this stuff,"
Butler said. "And there's a credible report, ***, that they may
have given anthrax to exactly the group that did the World Trade
Center." Mohamed Atta-one of the suspected suicide hijackers-had two
meetings with Iraqi intelligence officers in Prague, Czech Republic,
U.S. and Czech officials told CNN.*** Butler *** said Egyptian
authorities believe that Iraq could have handed some anthrax over to
one of the suspected terrorists in the September 11 attacks. "It's
possible that many months ago anthrax, a small quantity of it, was
handed over in Prague to Mohamed Atta ... and the person who handed
over in Prague was an Iraqi," Butler said. "If that proves to be
there's a connection. ***Butler, however, did mention something that
would worry him-an outbreak of smallpox, perhaps caused by a
act. "I'd be much more concerned about smallpox because it's
contagious," Butler
said. "And there is reason to think that Iraq, for example, and maybe
some others
were in the past attempting to bring back smallpox for use as a
biological weapon."
the International Action Center. Ramsey Clark FOUNDED the
International Action Center.
"Testimony Of Dr. William Kemp Clark ... before the President's
Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy..."
The Formation of the Clark Panel: More of the Secret Team at Work? By
Lisa Pease The Clark Panel was the medical panel convened almost
immediately after Ramsey Clark had been approved for his appointment
as Attorney General in 1967. The panel was clearly convened to put to
rest the growing doubts caused by the exposures of Mark Lane, Harold
Weisberg, other researchers and even in late 1966, LIFE magazine
itself. All of the above talked about the evidence of conspiracy, and
the implication is that the medical evidence would either show
conspiracy, or else, signs of tampering. What brought it to a crux
Jim Garrison's all-out investigation of the assassination, which, in
1967, was making official story proponents very nervous. One of the
key questions raised by the New Orleans DA was this: Why hadn't the
Warren Commission members examined the autopsy photographs and
Ramsey Clark also dutifully backed the official findings that Lee
Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan each acted alone in the
of the Kennedy brothers.*** Carlos Marcello biographer John Davis
asserts that the kingpin continued to funnel money to (Ramsey)
Clark(`s father Tom Clark) when he, (Tom Clark), sat on the high
court.*** "
RFK was killed on the first anniversary of the Six Day War.
FBI records indicate that when in 1961 Carlos Marcello had become one
of Bobby Kennedy's targets for deportation, the New Orleans don
contacted Santo Trafficante.). International Action Center-IAC-
Founder Ramsey ) "Clark represented PLO leaders in a suit brought by
the family of Leon Klinghoffer, the elderly vacationer who was shot
and thrown overboard from the hijacked Achille Lauro cruise-ship by
Palestinian terrorists in 1986."
"The PLO, PA, and other related defendants are being represented by
former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark." "PLO attorney and former
U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark." Clark also represented PLO
leaders in a suit brought by the family of Leon Klinghoffer, the
elderly vacationer who was shot and thrown overboard from the
Achille Lauro cruise-ship by Palestinian terrorists in 1986."
Another Ramsey Clark client was Sheik Rahman himself.
""In private legal practice since 1969, Mr. Clark has argued or
briefed a number of ... cases before the Supreme Court. In addition,
he has
defended a rogue's gallery of clients, including convicted 1993
World Trade Center bombing conspirator Sheik Rahman and presidential
fringe candidate Lyndon LaRouche."—National Press Club Luncheon With
Ramsey Clark"
Who is Dan Rather?
"With the Zapruder film, came the frame by frame voice account of
the assassination. It was the voice of an obscure KRLD-TV Dallas
news reporter as the only journalist allowed to view the Zapruder
film and report on it to the public. The voice was that of Dan
Rather, and his frame by frame account of the head shot was that "
the bullet clearly entered the back of the President's head as then
the President's head lurched FORWARD with considerable force". His
account was precisely the opposite of what the film clearly showed,
and Dan Rather was lying to the public and the government was
sanctioning this!! We all three agreed that fall evening in 1971,
that Dan Rather was "going places". He did not disappoint us."
"Dan Rather was spawned Halloween day, 1931, in Wharton, Texas. He
was the CBS news reporter covering the Kennedy visit to Dallas on
November 22, 1963. At the time, Rather was widely praised for his
coverage of the assassination. However, over the years, as elements
of the truth have been discovered, Rather's reporting has been
revealed to be less than truthful. Consider this: Rather was the
only newsman present at a private screening of the Zapruder film the
day after the assassination. He described what was in the film over
nationwide radio and was fairly accurate until he described the
fatal head shot. Rather stated Kennedy's head "went forward with
considerable violence," the exact opposite of what is in the film.
Several months later, Rather was promoted to White House
correspondent for CBS and by the 1980s, he was chief news anchorman.
Now, since the film was immediately bought from Abraham Zapruder by
Time-Life, and withheld from public viewing until 1975, that means
for over a full decade, Rather's bogus account of the fatal head
shot was taken as the gospel truth.
Another questionable statement by Rather involves his location at
the time of the assassination. In his book, "The Camera Never
Blinks," Rather wrote how he was waiting to pick up news film from
CBS cameramen in the Presidential motorcade. He wrote he was
standing on the west side of the Triple Underpass and missed
witnessing the assassination by only a few yards. However, recently
discovered film footage of the west side of the underpass has now
become public. This film plus still photographs show the Kennedy
limousine speeding through the underpass and on to Stemmons Freeway--
but no sign of Dan Rather.
Why did Rather lie about the fatal head shot? Why did Rather lie
about his whereabouts at the time of the assassination?"
Saddam Hussein and Ramsey Clark
Iraq's Hussein won't offer condolences to Bush
September 26, 2001
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein said Wednesday
he will not offer condolences to U.S.
President George W. Bush for
killed in terror attacks because the
United States is "launching a war
on us"
and his condolences would be
In a meeting with a representative of
Russian President Vladimir
Putin, Hussein
said, "Bush wants us to pay our condolences, but if I were to do that
I would not be respecting my people. Bush is the president of a state
that is launching a war on us ... in a mean, terroristic manner.
"And if I offered condolences to its president, this would be
hypocrisy, and we are not hypocrites. Since offering condolences is a
kind of courtesy between states, but we offered condolences to small
organizations in America and to an American personality [Ramsey
who came to extend condolences for America's calamities against us."
Hussein's remarks were reported by the Iraqi News Agency.
Ex-Atty. General Would Aid Saddam Defense
Fri Dec 19,10:26 PM ET
By JENNIFER C. KERR, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark said Friday
that he would be willing to provide legal counsel to Saddam Hussein
(news - web sites) if the ousted Iraqi leader requested Clark's
"In his Texas days, the politically ambitious elder Clark was
cultivated as a useful connection by New Orleans Mafia kingpin Carlos
Marcello, and many feared Clark's new job would afford organized
access to higher levels of power. AG Clark was repeatedly mired in
corruption scandals.*** In 1947, after he had four convicted Chicago
mob bosses sprung from prison before their terms were complete,
Congress appointed a committee to investigate-and was effectively
blocked by Tom's refusal to hand over parole records. "Roselli was a
Las Vegas based Mafia figure and a link in the CIA-Mafia chain. He
close ties to three Mafia bosses associated with the Kennedy
assassination: Sam Giancana of Chicago, Santos Trafficante of
and Carlos Marcello of New Orleans. According to columnist Jack
Anderson, Roselli told him that mob leaders had ordered Jack Ruby to
kill Lee Harvey Oswald because they were afraid he might crack and
reveal their part in the conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. In
1976, shortly before Roselli was to be questioned by the Senate
Intelligence Committee, his body was discovered floating in
Dumfoundling Bay in Miami. He had been strangled and stabbed; his
had been sawed off and stuffed into an empty oil drum along with the
rest of his body. It is believed that Roselli was killed by someone
working for Trafficante because he was talking too much about the
Kennedy assassination. Conspiracy" "Crime and Cover-Up (p. 44): Here
Scott discusses links between Ruby, Roselli, and Ramsey Clark. "One
Ruby's close personal friends' and character witnesses for his liquor
license was Hal Collins (22 H 928), brother-in-law of prominent local
attorney Robert L. Clark, the brother and uncle respectively of U.S.
Attorneys General Tom and Ramsey Clark (CD 4.371)Robert L. Clark and
his law partner Maury Hughes. arranged the...parole in 1947 of John
"JFK: The day that changed America" IN WHICH RAMSEY CLARK STATES
of the idea that Oswald's uncle, Dutz
Murret, could have been the connection between Marcello and Oswald"
"The authors also reveal a Mafia chieftain, who employed Jack Ruby
and Oswald's uncle, confessed to federal officers he had been
directly involved in Kennedy's murder. "
From: "JFK, RFK, the Mob and Dallas by Ronald Goldfarb "Ronald
Goldfarb who practices law in Washington, D.C., is an active literary
agent and television producer. He worked for Robert F. Kennedy in the
Department of Justice 1961-64. This book-Goldfarb's ninth-is a memoir
of his experiences as a special prosecutor in the organized crime
section." "Judith Exner, once close to mobsters John Rosselli and Sam
Giancana, told talk show host Larry King on television in 1992 that
she repeatedly carried satchels of money from JFK to Sam Giancana for
his use in Kennedy's West Virginia primary. She said that Sam
bragged to her, "Your boyfriend wouldn't be in the White House if it
wasn't for me."*** After the assassination, Hoffa told Ragano that he
was delighted. "Did you hear the good news They killed the
son-of-a-b***h b*****d.", Hoffa rejoiced. Hoffa pulled down the flag
that hung at half mast at Teamsters headquarters. Hoffa told one
reporter, on the day Ruby killed Oswald, "Bobby Kennedy's just
lawyer now." Several days after the assassination, he took Ragano
aside, saying: "I told you they could do it. I'll never forget what
Carlos and Santo did for me." Later, in New Orleans, Marcello, who
waiting for approval of a huge Teamsters pension fund loan, told
Ragano, "When you see Jimmy, you tell him he owes me, and he owes me
big." He got his loan. Ragano's conclusion: "They had actually acted
on the message I had delivered to them from Jimmy and now they wanted
payoffs from him." Ragano says Trafficante told him, in a
shortly before he died in 1987, "We shouldn't have killed John. We
should've killed Bobby."
"The House Assassinations Committee heard evidence that Ruby visited
Las Vegas in the weeks prior to the assassination, and if he did, it
was certainly to see McWillie, and it was also rumored he saw
Rosselli at that time."
"FBI records indicate that when in 1961 Carlos Marcello... had become
one of Bobby Kennedy's targets for deportation, the New Orleans don
contacted Santo Trafficante... who in turn called Frank to use his
influence with `the President's father' on Marcello's behalf."
This story has appeared (with little emphasis) in the Blakey-Billings
book (which does not specify that a contact with Sinatra was made; p.
242) and at 9 HSCA 70 (which does not specifically refer to JFK's
father). "
"Have you heard THE ULTIMATE JOHN KERRY AD? Click the link below and
will play"
"Former Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman called
President Bush a "strong and consistent supporter of Israel,"
Source:By George Bennett
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer Thursday, October 14, 2004
"Ramsey Clark William Ramsey Clark (born December 18, 1927) served
as the 66th United States Attorney General under President Lyndon
Johnson. He is the son of Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark....Born
in Dallas, Texas, Clark served in the United States Marine Corps in
1945 and 1946,...He
served in the United States Department of Justice as Assistant
Attorney General of the Lands Division from 1961 to 1965, and as
Deputy Attorney General from 1965 to 1967....On March 2, 1967,
President Johnson appointed him Attorney General of the United
States. He served in that capacity until January 20, 1969.Clark is
well-known for having unconventional political views and for
providing legal counsel to numerous controversial figures, including
former Nazis
Karl Linnas
and Jack Riemer, Liberian political figure Charles Taylor during his
1985 fight
against extradition from the United States to Liberia, and in 1989
to Lyndon
LaRouche, who faced charges of conspiracy and mail fraud....Clark
has also
represented Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, a leader of the Rwandan
genocide. He also
represented PLO leaders in a lawsuit brought by the family of Leon
the wheelchair bound elderly tourist who was shot and tossed
overboard from the
hijacked Achille Lauro cruise ship by Palestinian terrorists in
1986. Prior to
the start of the second Gulf War, Clark was retained by the state of
serving as legal counsel for the Hussein regime. Clark is affiliated
VoteToImpeach, an organization advocating the impeachment of
President George W.
Bush. He has been an opponent of both Gulf Wars. It is also widely
claimed that
his association with Lyndon LaRouche in the early 1990s went beyond
counsel to advocacy. He is the founder of the International Action
Center, which
has much overlapping membership with the Workers' World Party. Clark
and the IAC
helped found the anti-war group ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End

"Hamas: Anthrax should be put in US water supply
Atallah Abu Al-Subh, a columnist for the Hamas weekly Al-Risala based
in Gaza, writes open letters to prominent figures, ideologies, and
events. His most recent letter, No. 163, was titled "To Anthrax":
"The truth is that I wondered how to begin! Should I greet you [i.e.
anthrax], or should I curse you? Should I hold my tongue?... I will
begin by saying: Oh Anthrax, despite your wretchedness, you have sown
horror in the heart of the lady of arrogance, of tyranny, of
boastfulness! Your gentle touch has made the US's life rough and
"You have entered the most fortified of places; [you have entered]
the White House and they left it like horrified mice ... The Pentagon
was a monster before you entered its corridors... And behold, it now
transpires that its men are of paper and its commanders are of
cardboard, and they hasten to flee as soon as they see - only see -
chalk dust!
"Nevertheless, you have found your way to only eight American breasts
so far ... May you continue to advance, to permeate, and to spread.
If I may give you a word of advice, enter the air ... the water
faucets from which they drink, and the pens with which they draft
their traps and conspiracies against the wretched peoples."
(The Middle East Media Research Institute translated the above op-ed
piece which originally appeared in Al-Risala)

Speaking of Hamas, we can recall when Howard Dean found
himself under fire in 2004 as Kerry skewered him for calling members
Hamas soldiers. Dean said, there is a war going on in the Middle
East, and members of Hamas are soldiers in that war.-Kerry
said: Dean insults the memory of every innocent man, woman, and
child killed by these murderers. Hamas militants are not soldiers in
a war - they are terrorists who need to be stopped. We thank
Senator Kerry for those comments. We wish that he would speak up
Hamas and Obama now instead of speaking for Obama.

the item directly below is from:

Hamas Endorses Obama
Thursday, April 17, 2008 10:21 AM"

The item directly below is excerpted from:The Times of India
"Republican McCain says Obama is the candidate of Hamas
26 Apr 2008, 0650 hrs IST,AFP
WASHINGTON: Republican John McCain took a shot at Democratic
presidential hopeful Barack Obama on Friday, saying he was the
candidate for the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas.
"I think it's very clear who Hamas wants to be the next president of
the United States," said McCain, his party's presumptive presidential
nominee, in a conversation with conservative bloggers.
According to a transcript posted on the website of the Weekly
Standard magazine, he said: "I think that people should understand
that I will be Hamas's worst nightmare ... If Senator Obama is
favored by Hamas I think people can make judgments accordingly."
The item directly below is excerpted from:

Little Rock, Arkansas "It is just a fact that apparently the North
American spokesperson is endorsing Senator Obama. People can make
their own judgment from that," McCain said at a media availability
today, referring to comments made by Ahmed Yousef, a top Hamas
adviser Yousef told WABC Radio on April 13 that, "we like Mr. Obama,
and we hope that he will win the election. I do believe he is like
John Kennedy, a great man with a great principle."
He also took aim at Obama on foreign policy, attacking him for his
intention to hold diplomatic talks with Cuban and Iranian dictators,
among other issues.
"Those are issues and I will continue to talk about them, and they're
important to the future of this nation because…he is very lacking in
experience on national security issues. And I disgree with him from
wanting to sit down with the President of Iran, to sit down with Raul
Castro, to wanting to set a date to leave Iraq immediately," McCain
said. "So anybody who believes that questioning his judgment on
national security issues is not a big issue, as far as the judgment
of the American people are concerned, obviously don't share my view
about it's importance."

Obama and the Jews
marc zell , THE JERUSALEM POST Feb. 21, 2008
Less than two weeks before the critical primary elections in Ohio and
Texas, Democratic voters have made it very clear: Barack Hussein
Obama is for real.
Leading in the popular votes cast, delegates pledged and total
delegates (meaning principally the back-room machers euphemistically
referred to as "superdelegates"), Obama has a decent chance to become
the 2008 Democratic candidate for President of the United States.
Obama has become a rallying point for millions of disgruntled voters
who yearn for a new style of politics in the world's greatest
Since the Republican race is all but over and Senator John McCain
will likely win the nomination of his party in Minneapolis in early
September, it is not idle speculation to consider an Obama-McCain
contest in the November general election. Such a contest has
potentially enormous consequences for Israel and the Jews.
It is no secret that Obama's candidacy has been supported financially
and politically by many prominent members of the American Jewish
community. Even previously outspoken Clinton-supporting spokespersons
for Democrats Abroad here in Israel have been hedging their bets
recently in articles and interviews, suggesting that an Obama
Administration would augur well for Israel. Incredibly, citing
unenthusiastic, canned pro-Israel campaign statements, these dyed-in-
the-wool Democratic sycophants would urge Jewish voters to cast their
fate and Israel's with Obama rather than with the Republican
candidate, McCain.
With all due deference to the Obama celebrity supporters like Steven
Spielberg and George Soros, can Jews herein Israel and in America and
other friends of Israel risk a vote for Obama in November? A quick
look at the facts should switch on a big red light in most peoples'
First and foremost among the considerations that should trouble
friends of Israel is the foreign policy team Obama has selected to
advise him. The composition of a candidate's advisory panel is
usually a very good indicator of where the candidate will come out on
the issues if elected.
This was the test this writer applied to George W. Bush in 2000 at a
time when most pundits in Israel and in the Jewish community
predicted that his Middle East policy would be a carbon copy of his
father's, meaning trouble for Israel. But Bush, the son, had selected
a blue-ribbon team of pragmatic and conservative advisors whose views
on the Middle East were markedly pro-Israel and pro-democracy.
Subsequently, the W. Bush Era became among the closest allies of
Israel in her 60-year history.
The opposite is the case with the Obama team. Headed up by Jimmy
Carter's ("Israel is an apartheid state") national security advisor,
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Obama's team includes such problematic figures
as Anthony Lake, Robert O. Malley and Susan Rice.
One commentator, citing an article by the staunchly left-wing Israeli
newspaper, Haaretz, has noted that an Obama presidency including a
foreign policy team that included the foregoing and their ideological
soul-mates, "would likely have an approach towards Israel radically
at odds with those of previous Presidents (both Republican and
Democrat)" and is the candidate apt to be "least supportive" of
Brzezinski has been disseminating vitriol about Israel for three
decades and recently publicly defended the Walt-Mearsheimer study
which concluded that US policy towards Israel was the result of
Jewish pressure and inconsistent with American interests. More
recently Brzezinski called for the US to initiate dialogue with
Hamas, described Israel's action in the Second Lebanon War as a
killing campaign against civilian hostages and earlier this month
made a trip to confer with Syria's President Assad, ostensibly
unbeknownst to the Obama campaign.
Robert O. Malley, another former Carter Administration diplomat and
President Clinton's special advisor on Arab-Israeli affairs, is an
unabashed advocate for the Palestinians, co-authoring a spate of anti-
Israel propaganda with former Arafat advisor, Hussein Agha, including
a tract that blames Israel for the failure of the 2000 Camp David
talks and another piece which blames the Bush Administration for
continuing Israeli-Palestinian strife.
And then there is Susan Rice, foreign policy advisor to the ill-fated
John Kerry presidential campaign in 2004, where she concocted the
idea of solving the Middle East problem by appointing none other than
Jimmy Carter and James Baker as negotiators, an idea which was later
repudiated by her own boss as being unbalanced against Israel. Nor
are these the only "bad apples" in Obama's foreign policy bin…
Another problematic indicator is candidate's close association with
Jeremiah Wright, Jr., pastor of the Trinity United Community Church
(a member of the United Church for Christ, which itself has been
rebuked for anti-Israel bias), who is well known for his virulent
anti-Israel remarks, including a call for a divestment campaign
against Israel for the "injustice and the racism under which the
Palestinians have lived because of Zionism."
Nor should bring much solace to Jewish voters and friends of Israel
that Reverend Wright counts among his closest friends, the nefarious
anti-Semite, Louis Farrakhan for whom Judaism is a "gutter religion"
and Jews are "bloodsuckers." Obama could have picked any one of
hundreds of churches in Chicago's South Side; he picked Jeremiah
Wright's parsonage, which awarded Farrakhan with the Jeremiah Wright
Lifetime Achievement Trumpeteer Award in 2007. And Wright's church is
the single largest beneficiary of Obama's charitable giving. Even
Jewish columnist Richard Cohen of the Washington Post felt compelled
to ask Obama to clarify his relationship with these anti-Jewish and
anti-Israel community leaders, questioning why Obama has stayed
steadfast in his allegiance to Pastor Wright over the years.
Obama is only a first-term senator and has therefore only
participated in a handful of votes that bear upon Israel and the
Middle East. He also has a penchant for missing controversial votes
where he would have to put his personal policies in the public
record. However, his public statements on a variety of issues present
a number of troubling issues for Jews and friends of Israel. Here are
a few samples:

1)Obama openly advocates outreach toward and diplomatic engagement of
Iran even though Iran has recently referred to Israel as a "filthy
bacteria" and has repeatedly called for the annihilation of the
Jewish State, including recent hints that this will be accomplished
by a nuclear attack

2) "Nobody has suffered more than the Palestinian people."

3)"[T]he creation of a wall [referring to Israel's security fence]
dividing the two nations is yet another example of the neglect of
this [the Bush] Administration in brokering peace… ."

4)"I am opposed to the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul
Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in the administration
to shove their ideological agenda down our throat." [note that only
Jews are singled out despite the fact that the policies in question
were promoted by the entire Administration]

5)"Reverend [Al] Sharpton is a voice for the voiceless, and a voice
for the dispossessed. What [Reverend Sharpton's] National Action
Network has done is so important to change America, and it must be
changed from the bottom up." [National Action lead a protest against
the Jewish owner of Freddy's Fashion Mart in New York in which
picketers, sometimes joined by Sharpton himself, repeatedly screamed
epithets about "bloods---ing Jews" and "Jew ba******."]
Obama was the only Democratic candidate who said the onus was on
Israel to change its policies vis-à-vis the Palestinians in order to
achieve peace.
Barack's problematic and unrecanted public statements and
associations raise enough serious questions that should cause Jewish
voters and friends of Israel to think twice about supporting him in
But there is one other troublesome factor that voters in the
Democratic primaries have thus far failed to credit seriously, viz.:
Obama aspires to become president of the greatest democracy and still
the only remaining superpower on the planet, having held a senate
seat for less than five years and having had no previous
administrative or national experience.
While it may have suited Democratic voters to cast their votes for
Obama during the primaries as a protest against the Democratic
political establishment (much as they did in 2006 to deny (now
Independent) Senator Joseph Lieberman the nomination of his party for
the Senate seat from Connecticut), one would like to think that the
American electorate will again demonstrate its maturity and
seriousness during the General Elections in November 2008, when their
votes really count.

The Presidency in this day and age is no place for a neophyte,
however charismatic. Those of us Americans who live in the Jewish
State clearly understand what is at stake and what kind of risk Obama
poses to the region and the world. There is every reason to hope that
our compatriots in the United States and friends of Israel and
freedom generally would agree.
The writer is Co-Chairman Republicans Abroad in Israel

Richard Vallee, 49, is charged with murder in connection with the
death of a federal drug informant.C
Biker Accused Of Blowing Up Drug Informant
Jury Selection Under Way In 14-Year-Old Murder Trial
POSTED: 3:56 pm EDT September 12, 2007
UPDATED: 4:10 pm EDT September 12, 2007
ALBANY, N.Y.—Jury selection is under way in federal court in Albany in
a 14-year-old murder case.
Richard Vallee, 49, is charged with murder in connection with the
death of a federal drug informant.Canadian Police said Vallee told
them in 1995 that he planted a bomb in the car of Lee Carter.Carter
was killed in Champlain, N.Y., on July 28, 1993, when his Porsche blew
up in front of the bowling alley where Carter worked.Police said
Carter had been helping United States Customs Service officials arrest
several people who were in a Hell’s Angels motorcycle gang with
Vallee, after being approached to smuggle cocaine.Vallee was arrested
in Montreal, Canada, in April of 2003.Canadian officials said Vallee
had cosmetic surgery to change his appearance during his years on the
run, and was using a false name.If convicted, Vallee faces a mandatory
term of life imprisonment without parole, and a fine of up to a $1
million.Vallee could also be forced to pay restitution to the Carter
family.The trial is expected to last almost three weeks.
Have a comment about this story? E-mail our newsroom.
Richard Vallee, 50, was convicted in September of murdering Lee Carter
Jr. to keep him from testifying in Vallee’s cocaine smuggling case
Hells Angel sentenced to life for car bombing
Richard Vallee was convicted of blowing up a federal drug informant
updated 8:33 p.m. ET, Mon., April 14, 2008
ALBANY, N.Y. - A Montreal-based Hells Angel was sentenced Monday to a
mandatory life term for blowing up a federal drug informant with a car
bomb nearly 15 years ago near the Canadian border.
Richard Vallee, 50, was convicted in September of murdering Lee Carter
Jr. to keep him from testifying in Vallee’s cocaine smuggling case.
Carter’s Porsche exploded July 28, 1993,outside a bowling alley where
he worked as a bartender in the northern New York community of Rouses
Point. Carter, 31, was a government informant.
Read more:
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Asbury Park Press

Probe continues into pedestrian fatality in Toms River
December 03, 2009 00:21 AM
TOMS RIVER - Authorities are continuing to investigate Friday’s fatal
crash on Route 35, while thousands of mourners bid farewell to Mark A.
Infante, 54, a prominent Essex County attorney who was struck and
killed near his summer home in Ocean Beach.
Police Chief Michael G. Mastronardy said that the preliminary
investigation shows Infante was walking on the east shoulder of the
southbound lane of Route 35.
The initial investigation showed Infante was struck from behind by a
car driven by Crystal Vallee, 26, of West Princeton Avenue in Brick,
Mastronardy said.
Infante was en route to the Lavallette post office, about four blocks
away, when he was struck. Near the site where he was killed, a family
friend later found the letter Infante was taking to the post office,
Mastronardy said. The letter was returned to his family, Mastronardy
Police said that Vallee’s car struck Infante then a second vehicle, a
Toyota Camry driven by Lawrence Geller, 76, of Philadelphia. The Camry
had minimal damage and was able to be driven after authorities cleared
the car from the scene.
Authorities are continuing to await forensic results that can help
determine the facts of Vallee’s activities before the crash and what
led to her car striking Infante, according to the Ocean County
Prosecutor’s Office. Forensic evidence that was collected is still
being analyzed. No charges have been filed against Vallee, police
Vallee’s car, a 1998 Chevrolet Lumina, registered to her, has been
impounded by authorities and is the subject of a search warrant, a
standard protocol in any investigation involving a fatality, Mohel
said. Police are asking the public if they have any information
relative to the investigation to call Detective Craig Ally of the
Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office at 732-929-2027, ext. 3113 or the
township police Traffic Safety Office at 732-349-0150.
p. 1/1
(Image: Photo courtesy of the Infante family)
Asbury Park Press

Official fatally struck in Toms River crash
November 28, 2009 20:51 PM
TOMS RIVER - A prominent Essex County attorney in line to be a state
administrative law judge was struck by a car and killed Friday while
walking along Route 35 near his summer home.
The lawyer, Mark A. Infante, 54, of West Orange, who maintains a
vacation home in Ocean Beach I, was returning from a walk to the
Lavallette Post Office when he was struck about 12:30 p.m., said Toms
River Police Chief Michael G. Mastronardy. He was pronounced dead at
the scene, police said. Infante was struck by a southbound 1998
Chevrolet Lumina driven by Christal Vallee, 26, of Brick, Mastronardy
said. Traffic safety officers, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office
and county Sheriff’s Department are investigating the circumstances of
the accident. Police said Infante was across about 100 feet south and
across the street from the summer home which his family said was built
by his grandfather in 1962. Infante was returning to the summer home
after walking about a half-mile to the post office, police said.
Infante, the West Orange municipal prosecutor, was nominated in June
by Gov. Jon S. Corzine for appointment as a state a administrative law
judge. The family had gathered for Thanksgiving at the home of
Infante’s brother, Martin Infante, in Point Pleasant. On Friday,
members gathered and consoled each other and spoke about the man they
admired. They recalled how Mark Infante, in charge of this year’s
turkey and ever the stickler for detail, fussed over the best brining
kit for the holiday fowl. The brined bird turned out to be the best
they had ever had, the Infantes said. He also made bread pudding, said
Lynn Infante, 53, his wife of 31 years. He loved to cook and loved
family traditions especially when it came to food. “We were friends,
best friends,” Lynn Infante said. Lynn and Mark Infante, sweethearts
since junior high school, also have two sons, Mark, 21, and Andrew,
19, both of West Orange. Infante’s daughter, Jessica, is a staff
writer for the Asbury Park Press and Times-Beacon newspapers. A Giants
fan, Mark Infante was passionate about yelling instructions to the
players through the television screen. He didn’t care that they could
not hear him, Jessica Infante said. Mark Infante was a man of many
hobbies and had an appropriate outfit to go with each adventure. He
and his wife were fans of yoga and were planning on attending yoga
class this morning. He could do a perfect tree pose, Jessica Infante
said. His enthusiasm for yoga would at times lead him to engage other
yoga followers. “He would challenge you to a yoga-off,” Jessica said.
Lynn Infante said she was just grateful that “all the children were
together in the same room” on Thanksgiving. “He was a good egg,” Lynn
Infante said of her husband. “I would tease him about it all the
time.” Mark Infante loved his summer home, a place he cherished and
spent time fishing, boating and enjoying life, his family said. “He
always had as much fun as he could,” Jessica Infante said. “He was
like a big kid with toys.”
West Orange man fatally struck by car in Toms River Published: Friday,
November 27, 2009, 6:10 PM MaryAnn Spoto/The Star-Ledger MaryAnn Spoto/
The Star-Ledger Follow Share this story Story tools TOMS RIVER—A West
Orange man was killed when he was hit by a car near his summer home in
Toms River this afternoon. Toms River Police Chief Michael Mastronardy
said officers are continuing their investigation into the death of the
54-year-old man, who was not immediately identified pending
notification of his family. 16 0 0Share He said the accident occurred
shortly after 12:30 p.m. while the man was a block from his home in
the Ocean Beach section of town. The chief said the victim was walking
on the shoulder of Route 35 south when he was hit by a 1998 Chevrolet
Lumina operated by Christal Vallee, 26, of Brick Township. The victim,
who lives in West Orange, was at his Ocean Beach summer home for the
Thanksgiving holiday with family and was returning home from mailing a
letter when he was struck, Mastronardy said. He was pronounced dead at
the scene. No summonses have been issued but the investigation is
continuing, he said. Route 35 south was closed and traffic was
detoured by the state Department of Transportation emergency response
team for four hours during the investigation, Mastronardy said. Anyone
who may have information about the accident is asked to contact Toms
River police at (732) 349-0150.
West Orange man fatally struck by car in Toms River
Published: Friday, November 27, 2009, 6:10 PM
MaryAnn Spoto/The Star-Ledger
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TOMS RIVER—A West Orange man was killed when he was hit by a car near
his summer home in Toms River this afternoon.
Toms River Police Chief Michael Mastronardy said officers are
continuing their investigation into the death of the 54-year-old man,
who was not immediately identified pending notification of his family.
He said the accident occurred shortly after 12:30 p.m. while the man
was a block from his home in the Ocean Beach section of town. The
chief said the victim was walking on the shoulder of Route 35 south
when he was hit by a 1998 Chevrolet Lumina operated by Christal
Vallee, 26, of Brick Township.
The victim, who lives in West Orange, was at his Ocean Beach summer
home for the Thanksgiving holiday with family and was returning home
from mailing a letter when he was struck, Mastronardy said.
He was pronounced dead at the scene.
No summonses have been issued but the investigation is continuing, he
Route 35 south was closed and traffic was detoured by the state
Department of Transportation emergency response team for four hours
during the investigation, Mastronardy said.
Anyone who may have information about the accident is asked to contact
Toms River police at (732) 349-0150.
ID’d as driver in fatal crash, woman faces theft charge
December 05, 2009 22:06 PM
TOMS RIVER - A 26-year-old Brick woman, identified by police as the
driver of a car that fatally struck a West Orange attorney in Toms
River last week, appeared in court Friday on an unrelated charge of
stealing from her mother.
Crystal A. Vallee of West Princeton Avenue appeared before Superior
Court Judge Wendel E. Daniels, who maintained her bail at $20,000 with
no option to gain release by posting 10 percent. Vallee pulled her
long, blonde hair in front of her face to shield it from a news
photographer for the duration of the brief court appearance. Vallee,
who has not been charged in the Nov. 27 car accident that claimed the
life of 54-year-old Mark A. Infante, was arrested Thursday and charged
with theft by deception, police said. They allege Vallee stole blank
checks from her mother and wrote them out to herself. The checks,
written and cashed between Nov. 1 and 8, totaled $1,400, police said.
Vallee has been identified as the driver of a vehicle that struck
Infante, of West Orange, while he walked near his vacation home in the
Ocean Beach I section Nov. 27. Before that, Vallee was arrested Nov.
14 in Neptune and charged with possession of crack cocaine and
possession of drug paraphernalia, a crack pipe. Daniels told Vallee
her bail will be reviewed again by Monday, and she would be notified
if there is any change to it.
Steven Vallee was arrested and charged with assaulting his wife
Cambridge Mutual Fire Insurance Company appeals from a summary
judgment entered in the Superior Court (Androscoggin County,
Alexander, J.) in favor of Steven M. Vallee, State Mutual Insurance
Company, and David and Renee Ouellette. Cambridge Mutual, in response
to a personal injury action brought against Vallee by the Ouellettes,
filed a complaint seeking a declaratory judgment that Vallee was not
covered under a homeowners insurance policy issued by Cambridge Mutual
to Vallee’s father. Cambridge Mutual argues the trial court erred in
deciding that Steven Vallee was a resident of his father’s household
at the time the Ouellettes’
action arose. We disagree, and affirm the judgment.
Vallee was the defendant in a
ling & Blasting, Inc., v. Insurance Co. of North America, 665 A.2d
671, 673 (Me. 1995) (citing Massachusetts Bay Ins. Co. v. Ferraiolo
Constr. Co., 584 A.2d 608, 609 (Me. 1990)).
Construing the term “resident” in favor of coverage, as we must,
Steven Vallee was a resident of his parents’ household within the
meaning of the homeowners policy issued by Cambridge Mutual. We are
not persuaded by its contention that the temporary nature of Vallee’s
stay, in itself, precludes residence. Faced with a court order that
prevented him from returning to his home, Vallee intended to reside
with his parents until the criminal charge against him was resolved.
The entry is:
Judgment affirmed.
All concurring.
3. “insured” means you and residents of your household who
a. your relatives. . . .
The definitions section does not define or otherwise explain the
meaning of the term “resident” as contained in the definition of
On June 8, 1992, almost a month before Bradley Ouellette’s injuries,
Steven Vallee was arrested and charged with assaulting his wife. A
condition of his bail prohibited him from returning to their home in
Lisbon. A trial on the assault charge was scheduled for August 27,
1992. Between June 8 and his trial date (with the exception of a one-
or two-week period in August), Vallee lived at his parent’s house,
kept his clothes there, and returned there after work each day. Vallee
intended to live there until the assault charge against him was
resolved. On the date set for trial, August 27, the charge was dropped
and Vallee moved back into his Lisbon home.
On an appeal from a summary judgment, we view the evidence in the
light most favorable to the party against whom the judgment was
entered to determine whether the record supports the trial court’s
conclusion that there is no genuine issue of material fact and the
moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. Simpson v.
Central Maine Motors, Inc., 669 A.2d 1324, 1325-26 (Me. 1996).
The term “resident,” as used in the homeowners policy issued to
Bertrand Vallee, is ambiguous. The language of a contract of insurance
is ambiguous if it is reasonably susceptible of different
interpretations. Brackett v. Middlesex Ins. Co., 486 A.2d 1188, 1189
(Me. 1985) (citing Lidstone v. Green, 469 A.2d 843, 846 (Me. 1983)).
As many courts have observed, “residence” has different shades of
meaning depending on the context in which it is used. See, e.g.,
Huffman v. Huffman, 232 Neb. 742, 441 N.W.2d 899, 904 (1989) (to
“reside” and its corresponding noun “residence” are “chameleon-like
expressions”); Jamestown Mut. Ins. Co. v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co.,
266 N.C. 430, 146 S.E.2d 410, 414 (1966) (the words “resident,”
“residing,” and “residence” have no precise, fixed meaning applicable
to all cases); State v. Tustin, 322 S.W.2d 179, 180 (Mo.App. 1959)
(the term “residence” is “like a slippery eel”).
Despite the ambiguity inherent in the term “resident,” that term was
not clarified in the homeowners policy issued to Bertrand Vallee. We
note that Cambridge Mutual did attempt to define numerous other terms
in the policy’s definitions section. Without the benefit of
elaboration, the term “resident” is ambiguous because it is reasonably
susceptible of different interpretations. It is well-established that
ambiguities in an insurance policy are resolved against the insurer,
Allstate Ins. Co. v. Elwell, 513 A.2d 269, 271 (Me. 1986) (citing
Baybutt Constr. Corp. v. Commercial Union Ins. Co., 455 A.2d 914, 921
(Me. 1983)), and that a liability insurance policy must be construed
to resolve all ambiguities in favor of coverage, Maine Dril
Edward Arthur Vallee was arrested and charged with the crime by
Strathcona County RCMP
Alcohol may have been the root cause of two men stealing a large piece
of construction machinery and parking it on the middle of CN railway
tracks near Clover Bar Road in Strathcona County in July of 2008.
Miraculously no one was hurt. This in spite of the fact that the
11,000 kilogram machine was T-boned by an 85 car train and 13 of its
cars derailed. By sheer luck the train cleared a highly travelled
overpass before the derailment occurred.
Eighteen months later the police finally have suspects. Edward Arthur
Vallee was arrested and charged with the crime by Strathcona County
RCMP. He is currently out on bail with a court date of February 1st.
His alleged partner, Ian Douglas Gillie, has had an arrest warrant
issued with his name on it. Police are hoping that the media
attention will cause Gillie to turn himself in.
Both of the suspects face charges of theft over $5000, mischief over
$5,000 and mischief endangering life. The cost of clean-up and
related issues for the incident was over one million dollars. The
engineer, conductor, emergency responders and investigators all agree
that the damage to property and loss of human life could have been
Edward Arthur Vallee and Ian Douglas Gillie have been charged with
mischief endangering life, mischief over $5,000 and theft over $5,000.
Disclosure still delaying train derail case
Posted By Michael Di Massa News Staff

Continuing arrival of disclosure has pushed back the election hearings
for two men accused of derailing a train near Sherwood Park in 2008.
Both suspects are now expected to enter pleas and elect how they wish
to be tried on June 2.
Speaking at the latest court hearing on Wednesday, Crown prosecutor
Susan Richardson said the Crown has been the one asking for the delays
since the first court appearance in February, with the expectation of
receiving additional information related to the case from the RCMP.

She said the Crown has recently received another “enormous binder of
discloser from the RCMP.”
The court case stems from a July 2008 train derailment at the Highway
16 rail overpass near Sherwood Park. Two engines and 13 of 85 railcars
derailed after the train collided with a road packer that had been
left on the tracks.
No one was injured in the collision.
It is believed by the RCMP that the road packer was stolen from a
nearby construction zone before being left on the tracks.
Edward Arthur Vallee and Ian Douglas Gillie have been charged with
mischief endangering life, mischief over $5,000 and theft over
Vallee was arrested on Dec. 30, 2009 and Gillie three weeks later Jan.
Edward Arthur Vallee, 26, has been charged with mischief endangering
life, mischief over $5,000, and theft over $5,000.
Charges laid in ’08 train crash
Posted By Michael Di Massa News Staff

Crews work to right two engines and rail cars that came off the tracks
near Highway 16 in 2008.
Charges have been filed against two suspects in relation to the CN
train derailment that occurred east of Sherwood Park in July 2008.
Sherwood Park resident Edward Arthur Vallee, 26, has been charged with
mischief endangering life, mischief over $5,000, and theft over
Vallee was arrested by Strathcona County RCMP on Dec. 30, 2009, and
was subsequently released that same day after posting bail.

He is due to appear in Sherwood Park justice court on Feb. 3.
A second suspect is also being sought by the Strathcona County RCMP,
but little information is known about him, other than his name and
hometown: Ian Douglas Gillie, 26, from Edmonton.
Strathcona County RCMP media liaison Const. Wally Henry said Gillie’s
whereabouts are not known, but he is believed to be in the province.
Warrants for his arrest are in effect.
“We’re just requesting that Mr. Gillie take care of those warrants and
bring himself in,” Henry said.
Henry said the men were identified through a recent tip received from
someone from the public.
“These two people are not known to us. They weren’t on our radar as
far as tracking them down in the first instance,” Henry said.
“It was a matter of us putting all the pieces together … to make sure
everything matched up and at this point there’s enough evidence to lay
these charges.”
Shortly before 3 a.m. on July 10, 2008, a westbound CN train struck a
road packer that had been stolen from a nearby construction site and
parked on the tracks at the Highway 16 overpass east of Clover Bar
Thirteen of the 85 rail cars and two engines derailed as a result of
the collision. A fire, believed to be from a ruptured fuel tank, was
also triggered, but quickly extinguished by Strathcona County
Emergency Services.
There were two occupants in the train at the time of the collision.
They were not injured.
According to Henry, the incident cost about $1 million in damage and
emergency response.
“From that standpoint alone and the danger it caused to residents and
to motorists of Highway 16, with that overpass going right over the
highway, and the train derailing, it was definitely something that we
were anxious to get to the bottom of and try to solve,” he said. “The
potential for (the incident) to be catastrophic was definitely
It is believed the two suspects had consumed alcohol prior to their
alleged role in the incident. It is also believed that the road packer
was started by one of the suspects before being driven on the tracks,
Henry said.
There is no indication that the two suspects may have worked at the
construction site.
Members of the public who have information about the incident are
encouraged to call the Strathcona County RCMP at, 780-467-7741 or
Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-1-800-222-8477.
Crime Stoppers provides rewards of up to $2,000 for information
leading to an arrest. Anonymous tips are also eligible for the
Robert Ernest Vallee, 37, of Lockesburg was arrested in Sevier County
on two counts of indecent exposure
Man Accused of Repeated Flashing Arrested

HORATIO, Ark. - A man accused of repeatedly exposing himself to the
same woman has been arrested after the woman took a picture of him
naked standing on a highway and called police.
The man had exposed himself five times in the last six months to the
woman as she traveled on Arkansas 41 for work. She did not know the
man, police said.
”I think he had singled her out, and she was loaded and ready for bear
the next time she saw him,” Arkansas State Police Cpl. Ray Gentry
said. “She slowed down in her car to about 40 mph and got a picture of
Robert Ernest Vallee, 37, of Lockesburg was arrested in Sevier County
on two counts of indecent exposure stemming from incidents Thursday
and Jan. 19 and one count of harassment. All are misdemeanors.
”He admitted he was the suspect in question and he had exposed himself
to her. He admitted he was nude except for a shirt covering his face,”
Gentry said.
The woman said she didn’t want to press charges.
Authorities also had gotten a complaint from a 17-year-old female of a
man exposing himself. He reportedly would stand on the side of the
highway next to his car.
Vallee was arrested Thursday after the woman called a dispatcher,
saying a man in a silver Dodge Neon had exposed himself to her,
according to a Sevier County Sheriff’s Department report. The woman
said the vehicle turned onto Arkansas 24 East and she waited for an
officer at a Horatio convenience store.
Gentry encountered the vehicle traveling east on Arkansas 24 near its
intersection with Arkansas 329 and stopped it.
”He had put his pants back on by the time I made the arrest. He was
worried I was going to charge him with reckless driving for putting
his pants back on while driving,” Gentry said.
A Sevier County deputy took the woman from the store to the traffic
stop and she identified the vehicle.
Vallee was taken to the Sevier County Jail in De Queen. He posted bond
and was released from jail Friday.
Richard Vallée, once a leading member of Quebec’s Hells Angels,
expressed some remorse for killing a government witness about to
testify against him
Angel with bloody hands
Adrian Humphreys, National Post
Sunday, Apr. 13, 2008
By Adrian Humphreys
Richard Vallée, once a leading member of Quebec’s Hells Angels,
expressed some remorse for killing a government witness about to
testify against him — he was sorry that his victim was driving a
classic Porsche sports car when he blew him up in 1993.
After a career marked by drugs, death plots, surprise acquittals and
unlikely prison escapes, Vallée will stand today in a New York
courtroom to learn whether he will spend the rest of his life in jail.
On July 28, 1993, a thunderous explosion tore apart a white, 1977
Porsche, sending both car and body parts across the large parking lot
of Bowl-Mart in Rouses Point, N.Y., about an hour’s drive south of
When the victim was identified as Lee Carter, 31, who worked part-time
as a bartender at the bowling lane and lived in an adjacent trailer,
New York police looked north for answers. Mr. Carter was known as the
sole witness who could finger Vallée, a founding member of the elite
Quebec Nomads chapter of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, in a cross-
border cocaine smuggling conspiracy.
The Nomads were the architects of the biker war that would claim more
than 160 lives.
Mr. Carter’s troubles, however, started in May, 1992, when he was
asked by an acquaintance to move cocaine into Canada.
Mr. Carter, whose namesake father said his son “just wanted to do the
right thing,” feigned interest and then called police, offering to
work for them undercover.
Working with police, Mr. Carter brought 54 kilograms of fake cocaine
into Canada and, at a Montreal motel, was introduced to “Rick” who
told him where to deliver the load. Mr. Carter later identified Vallée
as the man he met and Vallée and fellow conspirators were soon
In March, 1993, as Vallée’s trial approached, his lawyer wrote to the
Quebec prosecutor of the case. The letter, U.S. prosecutors claim in
court documents, “intended to ferret out what witnesses or evidence
connected Vallée to the cocaine.” The lawyer was told Mr. Carter was
the only witness who was willing and able to identify Vallée.
Mr. Carter did not get a chance to give his testimony; a month before
the trial he started his Porsche on a sunny morning after it had
secretly been loaded with explosives. Because of the murder of the
only witness against Vallée, his drug charges were dismissed.
Police in Canada and the United States were fairly sure Vallée was
behind the bombing and slowly built a case against him.
A neighbour of Mr. Carter said that two days earlier a man who looked
like Vallée was asking where Mr. Carter lived. New York police
recovered the detonator used in the blast and a year later police in
Quebec seized a nearly identical detonator from a man who was visiting
Vallée’s apartment. Quebec police next searched the apartment of an
associate of Vallée’s and found a bomb-making kit with Vallée’s
fingerprints on it.
Then, in 1995, Serge Quesnel, a Hells Angels assassin, agreed to
cooperate with police. He told officers that Vallée once learned that
Quesnel’s mother’s maiden name was Carter.
“He said, ‘Is she any relation to the guy that I blew up in the
States?’ ” Quesnel said.
The subject came up a second time: “I was telling him how much the
cops hate me because I had killed a guy; they knew it but they weren’t
able to pin it on me. And he said to me, he goes, ‘Well the police
hate me even more because I killed one of their witnesses in a drug
deal in New York,’ ” Quesnel said.
“And he said that it was actually a bit of a shame because the guy was
driving a really nice car and he had to blow up the car, so it was a
Vallée was arrested in Trois-Rivières in 1995 and charged in Mr.
Carter’s death. He was told there were two witnesses against him.
Vallée was unfazed.
“You know what happened to Carter, I blew him up and he did not come
to testify. The other two witnesses will also not come to testify,” he
told officers, according to court documents. Bold action followed
those bold words.
In 1997, Vallée concocted a prison fight that gave him a broken jaw
and he was taken to a Montreal hospital. There, two days before he was
to be sent to the United States, a gun-wielding man confronted guards
and helped Vallée flee on a motorcycle.
For years he was a fugitive, featured on both the U.S. Marshals’ Most
Wanted list and the popular TV show America’s Most Wanted.
In 2003, he again fooled police when he was stopped in Montreal for
drunk driving. After giving officers forged documents and claiming he
was a businessman from Costa Rica, he was allowed to walk out of the
police station. It was not until the next day, when his fingerprints
were checked, that mortified officers learned they had again let
Vallée escape.
He did not go far, however, and was arrested days later as he left a
Montreal dépanneur.
In September in Albany, N.Y., Vallée faced a jury trial for—as William
Pericak, the Assistant U.S. Attorney who prosecuted the case, put it
—“procuring the unavailability of the witness by murder.”
Although the case was circumstantial and Vallée denied his
involvement, an anonymous jury found him guilty.
Judge Thomas McAvoy will sentence Vallée this morning. Mr. Pericak is
seeking a life term and $1.4-million in restitution to Mr. Carter’s
family for the loss of his income.
“When you go to jail here we have a thing called the Inmate Financial
Responsibility Program where you work,” Mr. Pericak said.
“It is our hope that Mr. Vallée works every single day for the rest of
his life and that every single day a fraction of that money gets paid
to the family of Lee Carter so that each day he has a reminder of what
he did.”
National Post
2 Arrested In Armed Robbery At Zuke’s Deli
Robber Flees With Restaurant’s Register Drawer
POSTED: 1:18 am EDT July 21, 2009
UPDATED: 12:47 pm EDT July 21, 2009
Police have arrested two people in connection with an armed robbery at
Zuke’s Deli in Plattsburgh on Sunday. Click To Watch Video Of suspects
Leaving Police Station Tuesday MorningPolice said the robber showed a
gun to the deli owner and left with a register drawer full of cash at
about 4 p.m. Police said the man left before officers arrived. Police
searched the area but were unable to immediately locate the man.

Franklyn R. Akey, 24, of Plattsburgh, N.Y.
Franklyn R. Akey, 24, and Anthony P. Vallee, 27, both of Plattsburgh,
were charged with first-degree robbery, a felony. Police said they
found an air pistol believed to have been used in the robbery and the
store register drawer at Vallee’s Wallace Hill Road home. Other
evidence was also found at the home, police said.

Anthony P. Vallee, 27, of Plattsburgh, N.Y.
Police said they traced the two men down using information on the
vehicles used during the robbery. The vehicle was located by police
and information obtained during a traffic stop of the vehicle led to
the arrest, police said, adding that they believe the men wanted the
cash to purchase illegal prescription drugs.Akey has also been charged
in connection with a June 19 burglary at Taylor Rental, where a safe
containing business cards and cash was stolen. He faces a third-degree
burglary charge in that case.Dan Harpp, the co-owner of Zuke’s, told
NewsChannel 5 that he’s “very concerned that this happened in a small
residential area in midafternoon.” He said he’s “thankful no one got
hurt.”Both men were arraigned in Plattsburgh court Tuesday and sent to
Clinton County Jail.
Previous Stories:
• July 19, 2009: Police Search For Armed Robber
Vallee admits to robbing Zuke’s
March 24, 2010
PLATTSBURGH — Instead of taking his case to trial as expected, and
without a negotiated plea in place, Anthony Vallee has admitted to
robbing Zuke’s Corner Store last year.
The 27-year-old Plattsburgh man was set to go on trial this week but
recently returned to Clinton County Court and admitted to the full
indictment against him.
That means the terms of his sentencing will be at the discretion of
the court when Vallee returns on May 24, court clerks said.
Vallee and Franklyn Akey, 25, of Plattsburgh were arrested within a
day of the July 19 holdup inside the popular Plattsburgh deli.
Authorities have said that Akey drove the getaway car, while Vallee
stormed the store with an air pistol and threatened two clerks, making
off with a cash register containing $720.
No one was physically harmed during the robbery.
The pair were arrested when police searched Vallee’s home and found
evidence connected to the crime.
Prosecutors have said their addiction to painkillers fueled the brazen
daytime crime.
Akey recently pleaded guilty in the case and is now serving five years
at Bare Hill Correctional Facility. As part of his plea, Akey was
expected to testify against Vallee.
Vallee remains in custody at Clinton County Jail pending sentencing.
E-mail Andrea VanValkenburg at:

Thomas Arthur Vallee was arrested by the secret service in Chicago
days before a scheduled visit by Kennedy
There were three known attempts on taking JFK’s life in the fall of
1963. In late October, Thomas Arthur Vallee was arrested by the secret
service in Chicago days before a scheduled visit by Kennedy. Vallee
was discovered to have an M-1 rifle, a handgun, and three thousand
rounds of ammunition. Days later, the Secret Service received another
threat: Kennedy would be ambushed in Chicago by a Cuban hit squad. The
Chicago trip was cancelled without explanation. On November 18, four
days before the assassination in Dallas, Joseph Milteer outlined the
details for the upcoming Texas attempt to a police informant. None of
these threats were forwarded to authorities in Dallas. (Belzer 10)

Vallee told invesitgative reported Edwin Black that he had been
assigned by the Marines to a U-2 base in Japan, Camp Otsu.(note

Oswald's primary training was as a radar operator, a position
requiring a security clearance. A May 1957 document states that he was
"granted final clearance to handle classified matter up to and
including CONFIDENTIAL after careful check of local records had
disclosed no derogatory data."[18] In the Aircraft Control and Warning
Operator Course he finished seventh in a class of thirty. The course
"...included instruction in aircraft surveillance and the use of
radar."[19] He was assigned first to Marine Corps Air Station El Toro
in July 1957,[20] then to Naval Air Facility Atsugi in Japan in
September as part of Marine Air Control Squadron 1. (Atsugi was a base
for CIA U-2 spy planes flying over the Soviet Union, and Oswald may
have subsequently passed information on this program to the Soviets.)
[21] Nation: Was Lee Oswald a Soviet Spy?". Time. February 27, 1978.,9171,919345,00.html.
Retrieved May 7, 2010.

What is truly mind-boggling is how similar the profiles of Oswald and
Vallee were, even to the point of Vallee having been a Marine assigned
to a U-2 base in Japan (Camp Otsu, not in Atsugi where Oswald was)
U.S. Marshals 15 Most Wanted fugitive Richard VALLEE was arrested
Thursday night in Montreal, Canada, after years on the run.
USMS Public Affairs Office
April 18, 2003 (202) 307-9065

DUI Arrest Results In U.S. Marshals 15 Most Wanted Capture
Richard Vallee Wanted for Murdering a Government Witness

U.S. Marshals 15 Most Wanted fugitive Richard VALLEE was arrested
Thursday night in Montreal, Canada, after years on the run.
A surveillance team spotted Vallee entering a massage parlor, and a
heavily-armed tactical team was put on alert. After exiting the
establishment, Vallee’s identity was verified, he was confronted by
law enforcement officers and surrendered without resistance.
Vallee was wanted on charges stemming from the car-bombing murder of
Lee Carter on July 28, 1993 near Champlain, New York. Carter was a
cooperating witness for the government in a cocaine smuggling and
criminal activities case against Vallee and other members of his
Hell’s Angels outlaw motorcycle gang chapter. It is alleged that
Vallee built and placed the car bomb which killed Carter. He was
indicted in this case by the U.S. District Court in Albany, New York
in August 1996.
Ironically, Vallee had been arrested six days prior to his arrest on
“The break we needed in this case occurred on Friday, April 11, when a
man who called himself Guy Turner was arrested by the Montreal, Canada
Police Department for driving under the influence,” said U.S. Marshals
Senior Inspector Harry Layne. “A search incident to that arrest
revealed a quantity of cash and a handgun in Turner’s vehicle. Turner
was released on bond, and later in the week his fingerprints were
determined to be a match for Vallee.”
After this discovery, Canadian law enforcement officers mounted a
massive effort. Their team consisted of more than 100 officers,
supported by members of the U.S. Marshals, New York State Police, and
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. This combined effort led
to Vallee’s arrest Thursday.
Vallee will appear in court in Montreal where it will be determined if
he will stand trial first in Canada on firearms and escape charges, or
be returned to the U.S. where, if convicted, he could receive a
maximum term of life without parole.
U.S. Marshals Service Director Benigno Reyna praised the cooperation
and dedicated police work of the Canadian authorities over the past
five years, which ultimately led to Vallee’s capture. He also
recognized the efforts of the New York State Police, the ATF, and the
Bureau of Diplomatic Security, which contributed to a successful and
safe apprehension.
Annually, U.S. Marshals arrest more than 50 percent of all Federal
fugitives and serve more Federal warrants than all other Federal law
enforcement agencies combined. Last year U.S. Marshals cleared 23,294
warrants on fugitives wanted by state and local law enforcement
authorities in addition to 38,249 Federal fugitive warrants.
For more information on this and other 15 Most Wanted cases, go to
crystal vallee News at
Find the latest crystal vallee News at allvoices, where anyone can
report ... using cocaine before the fatal event and has a criminal
record in Florida, ...
Bail unchanged in fatal accident
Toms River :: NJ :: USA | 4 months ago
A 26-year-old Brick woman, accused in an accident that killed a West
Orange attorney, admitted using cocaine before the fatal event and has
a criminal record in Florida, an assistant prosecutor told a judge
Friday to dissuade him from lowering the defendant’s...
Tags: Crystal Vallee, Ocean County College, Ocean County Jail, Bridget
Coughlin, Eugenia Lynch, Judge Wendel E. Daniels, West Orange, fatal
accident, Toms River, Crime, Bail, Law, Vehicular homicide, Criminal
law, Law Crime, Defendant
Bail unchanged in fatal accident
Source: Beacon
Toms River : NJ : USA | Feb 05, 2010
0 0
Views: 11
A 26-year-old Brick woman, accused in an accident that killed a West
Orange attorney, admitted using cocaine before the fatal event and has
a criminal record in Florida, an assistant prosecutor told a judge
Friday to dissuade him from lowering the defendant’s bail. Superior
Court Judge Wendel E
READ MORE: Crystal Vallee, Ocean County College, Ocean County Jail,
Bridget Coughlin, Eugenia Lynch, Judge Wendel E. Daniels, West Orange,
fatal accident, Toms River, Crime, Bail, Law, Vehicular homicide,
Criminal law, Law Crime, Defendant
Vehicular homicide suspect facing new credit card theft charge |
APP ...

Crystal Vallee appeared Monday before Superior Court Judge Francis R.
Hodgson to learn about the new charge via videocamera from the Ocean
County Jail, where she has been held on ...
Indictment: Brick woman stole $1,400 from mother by forging checks

February 25, 2010 19:50 PM
TOMS RIVER - A 26-year-old Brick woman, accused in an accident that
killed a West Orange attorney, has been indicted in an unrelated case
in which she is accused of stealing from her mother.
An Ocean County grand jury last week charged Crystal Vallee of Route
88 in a single-count indictment alleging theft by deception. The
indictment accused Vallee of cashing a series of seven checks written
on an account she was unauthorized to use. The indictment alleges the
total amount of the theft was more than $500, the legal threshold for
a third-degree crime carrying a potential prison term of three to five
years upon a conviction. Authorities have said Vallee stole blank
checks from her mother, wrote a series of them to herself in amounts
totaling $1,400 and then cashed them. The alleged criminal activity
occurred between Nov. 9 and Nov. 24, 2009, the indictment said. Vallee
also is charged, but not yet indicted, in an unrelated case involving
the vehicular homicide of Mark A. Infante, 54, a municipal prosecutor
in West Orange who had been nominated last year by then-Gov. Jon
Corzine to become an administrative law judge. Infante was struck by
Vallee’s vehicle while he walked on Route 35 near his vacation home in
the Ocean Beach I section of Toms River on the day after Thanksgiving.
Vallee admitted using cocaine prior to the fatal event, an assistant
prosecutor said in court at a recent hearing. Vallee is being held in
the Ocean County Jail. She has been unable to post $150,000 bail set
in the vehicular homicide case or $10,000 set in the theft case.
Vallee also has charges pending against her in Monmouth County
stemming from her arrest in Neptune on Nov. 14 on charges of
possessing crack cocaine and a crack pipe.
Vehicular homicide suspect facing new credit card theft charge |
APP ...

Crystal Vallee appeared Monday before Superior Court Judge Francis R.
Hodgson to learn about the new charge via videocamera from the Ocean
County Jail, where she has been held on ...

Indictment: Brick woman stole $1,400 from mother by forging checks

February 25, 2010 19:50 PM
TOMS RIVER - A 26-year-old Brick woman, accused in an accident that
killed a West Orange attorney, has been indicted in an unrelated case
in which she is accused of stealing from her mother.

An Ocean County grand jury last week charged Crystal Vallee of Route
88 in a single-count indictment alleging theft by deception. The
indictment accused Vallee of cashing a series of seven checks written
on an account she was unauthorized to use. The indictment alleges the
total amount of the theft was more than $500, the legal threshold for
a third-degree crime carrying a potential prison term of three to five
years upon a conviction. Authorities have said Vallee stole blank
checks from her mother, wrote a series of them to herself in amounts
totaling $1,400 and then cashed them. The alleged criminal activity
occurred between Nov. 9 and Nov. 24, 2009, the indictment said. Vallee
also is charged, but not yet indicted, in an unrelated case involving
the vehicular homicide of Mark A. Infante, 54, a municipal prosecutor
in West Orange who had been nominated last year by then-Gov. Jon
Corzine to become an administrative law judge. Infante was struck by
Vallee’s vehicle while he walked on Route 35 near his vacation home in
the Ocean Beach I section of Toms River on the day after Thanksgiving.
Vallee admitted using cocaine prior to the fatal event, an assistant
prosecutor said in court at a recent hearing. Vallee is being held in
the Ocean County Jail. She has been unable to post $150,000 bail set
in the vehicular homicide case or $10,000 set in the theft case.
Vallee also has charges pending against her in Monmouth County
stemming from her arrest in Neptune on Nov. 14 on charges of
possessing crack cocaine and a crack pipe.
Vehicular homicide suspect facing new credit card theft charge
Toms River :: NJ :: USA | 2 months ago
A 26-year-old Brick woman, previously charged in a car accident that
killed a West Orange attorney and also accused of stealing checks from
her mother, has been charged in a new case with credit card theft.
Crystal Vallee appeared Monday before Superior ..
Indictment: Brick woman stole $1,400 by forging checks | APP ...
Your browser’s security settings are preventing some features from
appearing. ... Crystal Vallee, 26, of Brick was indicted last week on
a single count of theft ... 100223045/...
Brick woman is charged in Rt. 35 fatality
Asbury Park Press - Asbury Park , N.J.
Date: Dec 8, 2009
Start Page: n/a
Section: NEWS
Text Word Count: 354
Abstract (Document Summary)
Crystal Vallee, 26, of West Princeton Avenue also was charged with
driving while intoxicated, reckless driving, possession of controlled
dangerous substance—heroin—in a motor vehicle, failing to maintain a
lane of travel and failing to keep to the right.
Vehicular homicide suspect facing new credit card theft charge
Source: Beacon
Toms River : NJ : USA | Mar 29, 2010
1 0
Views: 29
A 26-year-old Brick woman, previously charged in a car accident that
killed a West Orange attorney and also accused of stealing checks from
her mother, has been charged in a new case with credit card theft.
Crystal Vallee appeared Monday before Superior Court Judge Francis R
ID’d as driver in fatal crash, woman faces theft charge — December 05, 2009
A 26-year-old Brick woman, identified by police as the driver of a car
that fatally struck a West Orange attorney in Toms River last week,
appeared in court Friday on an unrelated charge of stealing from her
mother. Crystal A. Vallee of West Princeton ... »
• car accident,
• Cocaine,
• Crystal A Vallee,
• Drug paraphernalia,
• Judge,
• Show all tags »

Brick woman, 26, charged with cocaine possession — December 02, 2009
hw19p Brick NEPTUNE—Crystal Ann Vallee, 26, of West Princeton Avenue,
Brick, has been charged with possession of crack cocaine and
possession of drug paraphernalia, a crack pipe, police said. The
arrest Nov. 14 was the result of a narcotics interdic... »
Vehicular homicide suspect facing new credit card theft charge ...
Mar 29, 2010 ... Crystal Vallee appeared Monday before Superior Court
Judge Francis R. Hodgson to learn about the new charge via videocamera
from the Ocean ...
Indictment: Brick woman stole $1,400 from mother by forging checks
Asbury Park Press - Asbury Park, N.J.
Date: Feb 23, 2010
Start Page: n/a
Section: NEWS
Text Word Count: 298
Abstract (Document Summary)
Vallee also is charged, but not yet indicted, in an unrelated case
involving the vehicular homicide of Mark A. Infante, 54, a municipal
prosecutor in West Orange who had been nominated last year by then-
Vehicular homicide suspect facing new credit card theft charge
Asbury Park Press - Asbury Park, N.J.
Date: Mar 29, 2010
Start Page: n/a
Section: NEWS
Text Word Count: 253
Abstract (Document Summary)
Vallee already is being held in lieu of $150,000 bail on a charge of
vehicular homicide in connection with the death of Mark A. Infante,
54, a West Orange prosecutor who was fatally struck by Vallee’s
vehicle on the day after Thanksgiving on Route 35 near his vacation
home in Toms River.
Crystal Vallee appeared Monday before Superior Court Judge Francis R.
Hodgson to learn about the ... ID’d as driver in fatal crash, woman
faces theft charge ...
Crystal Vallee appeared Monday before Superior Court Judge Francis R.
Hodgson to learn about the ... ID’d as driver in fatal crash, woman
faces theft charge ...
• charged with possession of crack cocaine and ...
• Bail unchanged in fatal accident
Feb 5, 2010 | HOPKINS, KATHLEEN ... dissuade him from lowering the
defendant’s bail. Superior Court Judge Wendel E. Daniels cited Crystal
Vallee’s out-of-state convictions as a reason to keep her bail at
Bail unchanged in fatal accident
Asbury Park Press - Asbury Park, N.J.
Date: Feb 5, 2010
Start Page: n/a
Section: NEWS
Text Word Count: 449
Abstract (Document Summary)
Vallee also faces charges of driving while intoxicated, reckless
driving, possession of heroin in a motor vehicle and other traffic
offenses related to the fatal accident.
Crystal Ann Vallee, 26, of West Princeton Avenue, Brick, has been
charged with possession of crack cocaine and possession of drug
paraphernalia, a crack pipe, police said.
Brick woman, 26, charged with cocaine possession
Asbury Park Press - Asbury Park, N.J.
Date: Dec 2, 2009
Start Page: n/a
Section: NEWS
Text Word Count: 130
Abstract (Document Summary)
Crystal Ann Vallee, 26, of West Princeton Avenue, Brick, has been
charged with possession of crack cocaine and possession of drug
paraphernalia, a crack pipe, police said.
Probe continues into pedestrian fatality in Toms River
December 03, 2009 00:21 AM
TOMS RIVER - Authorities are continuing to investigate Friday’s fatal
crash on Route 35, while thousands of mourners bid farewell to Mark A.
Infante, 54, a prominent Essex County attorney who was struck and
killed near his summer home in Ocean Beach.
Police Chief Michael G. Mastronardy said that the preliminary
investigation shows Infante was walking on the east shoulder of the
southbound lane of Route 35.
The initial investigation showed Infante was struck from behind by a
car driven by Crystal Vallee, 26, of West Princeton Avenue in Brick,
Mastronardy said.
Infante was en route to the Lavallette post office, about four blocks
away, when he was struck. Near the site where he was killed, a family
friend later found the letter Infante was taking to the post office,
Mastronardy said. The letter was returned to his family, Mastronardy
Police said that Vallee’s car struck Infante then a second vehicle, a
Toyota Camry driven by Lawrence Geller, 76, of Philadelphia. The Camry
had minimal damage and was able to be driven after authorities cleared
the car from the scene.
Authorities are continuing to await forensic results that can help
determine the facts of Vallee’s activities before the crash and what
led to her car striking Infante, according to the Ocean County
Prosecutor’s Office. Forensic evidence that was collected is still
being analyzed. No charges have been filed against Vallee, police
Vallee’s car, a 1998 Chevrolet Lumina, registered to her, has been
impounded by authorities and is the subject of a search warrant, a
standard protocol in any investigation involving a fatality, Mohel
said. Police are asking the public if they have any information
relative to the investigation to call Detective Craig Ally of the
Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office at 732-929-2027, ext. 3113 or the
township police Traffic Safety Office at 732-349-0150.
p. 1/1
(Image: Photo courtesy of the Infante family)
Brick woman is charged in Rt. 35 fatality possession of controlled
dangerous substance—heroin—in a motor vehicle,
Brick woman is charged in Rt. 35 fatality
Asbury Park Press - Asbury Park, N.J.
Date: Dec 8, 2009
Start Page: n/a
Section: NEWS
Text Word Count: 354
Abstract (Document Summary)
Crystal Vallee, 26, of West Princeton Avenue also was charged with
driving while intoxicated, reckless driving, possession of controlled
dangerous substance—heroin—in a motor vehicle, failing to maintain a
lane of travel and failing to keep to the right.
Crystal Vallee appeared Monday before Superior Court Judge Francis R
Vehicular homicide suspect facing new credit card theft charge
Source: Beacon
Toms River : NJ : USA | Mar 29, 2010
1 0
Views: 28
A 26-year-old Brick woman, previously charged in a car accident that
killed a West Orange attorney and also accused of stealing checks from
her mother, has been charged in a new case with credit card theft.
Crystal Vallee appeared Monday before Superior Court Judge Francis R
Posted: Wednesday, 24 February 2010 5:20AM
Double Trouble For Brick Woman
A Brick woman accused in an accident that killed a West Orange
attorney has been indicted in an unrelated case.
An Ocean County Grand Jury charged 26 year-old Crystal Vallee with
theft by deception after she stole $1400 in checks from her mother.
She remains in Ocean County jail on 10,000 dollars bail in the theft
case. Vallee is also charged with vehicular homicide in the death of
54 year-old Mark Infante the day after Thanksgiving in Toms River.
killed 54-year-old Mark A. Infante
Drivers charged with vehicular homicide in Toms River crashes
December 13, 2009 05:50 AM
TOMS RIVER - A driver who allegedly caused a two-vehicle crash that
killed one of the passengers in his car has been charged with
vehicular homicide.
Authorities claim Jamal Lomax, 33, of Dove Street in Toms River, was
driving under the influence when he lost control of his Subaru Nov. 27
on the Thomas A. Mathis Bridge, which carries Route 37 traffic east
over Barnegat Bay. After striking a sport-utility vehicle, police said
the Subaru overturned, causing Lomax and two passengers to be ejected.
One of the passengers, 33-year-old Charles Hart of Toms River, was
pronounced dead at the scene shortly after the 11:30 p.m. crash. In
addition to the vehicular homicide and DUI charges, Lomax has been
charged with reckless driving and failure to wear a seat belt. He was
released from the Ocean County Jail in Toms River after posting
$75,000 bail. Lomax and the other passenger - 33-year-old Lamiont
Coston, also of Toms River - were treated for minor injuries at Jersey
Shore University Hospital in Neptune. The driver of the other vehicle,
Sarah Rathgeberkleinert, 22, of Toms River, and her three passengers
were uninjured, police said. The driver in a separate fatal accident
Nov. 27 also is facing vehicular homicide and driving while
intoxicated charges. Crystal Vallee, 26, of Brick was charged by Toms
River police in connection with a crash that killed 54-year-old Mark
A. Infante. Police said Infante, the municipal prosecutor in West
Orange, who had been nominated for a state judgeship, was walking
across Route 35 near the Lavallette post office when Vallee’s car
struck him from behind. At her first appearance in court on the
homicide charge Wednesday, a visibly distraught Vallee sat shaking her
head and shielding her face before standing to address Superior Court
Judge Wendel E. Daniels. Vallee also is charged with reckless driving,
possession of heroin in a motor vehicle, failing to maintain a lane of
travel and failing to keep to the right. When asked if she understood
her rights, Vallee put her face in her hands, then looked at the judge
and quietly said, “Yes, sir.” She remained held Tuesday on a total of
$170,000 bail for not only the homicide charge but also a theft
charged filed by Brick police after her mother accused her of stealing
blank checks and writing them out to herself
Official fatally struck in Toms River crash
November 28, 2009 20:51 PM
TOMS RIVER - A prominent Essex County attorney in line to be a state
administrative law judge was struck by a car and killed Friday while
walking along Route 35 near his summer home.
The lawyer, Mark A. Infante, 54, of West Orange, who maintains a
vacation home in Ocean Beach I, was returning from a walk to the
Lavallette Post Office when he was struck about 12:30 p.m., said Toms
River Police Chief Michael G. Mastronardy. He was pronounced dead at
the scene, police said. Infante was struck by a southbound 1998
Chevrolet Lumina driven by Christal Vallee, 26, of Brick, Mastronardy
said. Traffic safety officers, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office
and county Sheriff’s Department are investigating the circumstances of
the accident. Police said Infante was across about 100 feet south and
across the street from the summer home which his family said was built
by his grandfather in 1962. Infante was returning to the summer home
after walking about a half-mile to the post office, police said.
Infante, the West Orange municipal prosecutor, was nominated in June
by Gov. Jon S. Corzine for appointment as a state a administrative law
judge. The family had gathered for Thanksgiving at the home of
Infante’s brother, Martin Infante, in Point Pleasant. On Friday,
members gathered and consoled each other and spoke about the man they
admired. They recalled how Mark Infante, in charge of this year’s
turkey and ever the stickler for detail, fussed over the best brining
kit for the holiday fowl. The brined bird turned out to be the best
they had ever had, the Infantes said. He also made bread pudding, said
Lynn Infante, 53, his wife of 31 years. He loved to cook and loved
family traditions especially when it came to food. “We were friends,
best friends,” Lynn Infante said. Lynn and Mark Infante, sweethearts
since junior high school, also have two sons, Mark, 21, and Andrew,
19, both of West Orange. Infante’s daughter, Jessica, is a staff
writer for the Asbury Park Press and Times-Beacon newspapers. A Giants
fan, Mark Infante was passionate about yelling instructions to the
players through the television screen. He didn’t care that they could
not hear him, Jessica Infante said. Mark Infante was a man of many
hobbies and had an appropriate outfit to go with each adventure. He
and his wife were fans of yoga and were planning on attending yoga
class this morning. He could do a perfect tree pose, Jessica Infante
said. His enthusiasm for yoga would at times lead him to engage other
yoga followers. “He would challenge you to a yoga-off,” Jessica said.
Lynn Infante said she was just grateful that “all the children were
together in the same room” on Thanksgiving. “He was a good egg,” Lynn
Infante said of her husband. “I would tease him about it all the
time.” Mark Infante loved his summer home, a place he cherished and
spent time fishing, boating and enjoying life, his family said. “He
always had as much fun as he could,” Jessica Infante said. “He was
like a big kid with toys.”

Many people around the world from almost all corners of the political
spectrum have been upset by the recent NPR firing of Juan Williams.
Few of us know that Joan Kroc, widow of McDonalds Ray Kroc left $200
million dollars to NPR in 2003. As reported at the url above and

Sadly NPR has long banned Steve Emerson from its airwaves, which are
of course in reality the public's airwaves.
Despite Terror Attacks, NPR Maintains Blacklist of Leading Terror

as reported by CAMERA above.
Daniel Pipes, like Juan Williams, has been a target of CAIR.

Tell your member of Congress to defund NPR which has long had an anti-
Israel party
Tell McDonalds that you will be happy to return to McDonalds as a
customer once McDonalds matches the $200 million, adjusted upwards for
for the fact that NPR has benefited all these long years from that
$200 million that
Joan Kroc left to NPR by donating a suitable amount, perhaps $100
million each, to Steve Emerson,
Daniel Pipes,
CAMERA FOX and the ZOA the Zionist
Organization of America
For the record we have no connection
to Steve Emerson, Daniel Pipes, CAMERA, the ZOA or FOX.

Likely PA Prime Minister a Holocaust-Denier By
Rafael Medoff | February 26, 2003 While European
Union officials praised Yasser Arafat's decision to appoint his
first-ever prime minister, historians of the Holocaust winced at
the news that a leading candidate for the job is the author of a
book denying that the Nazis murdered 6 million Jews. The
candidate is Mahmoud Abbas (also known as Abu Mazen), Arafat's
second in command, and his book, published in Arabic in 1983,
translates as The Other Side: The Secret Relations Between Nazism
and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement. It was originally his
doctoral dissertation, completed at Moscow Oriental College. The
book repeatedly attempts to cast doubt on the fact that the Nazis
slaughtered 6 million Jews, according to a translation provided by
the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. Following the war,
he writes, word was spread that six million Jews were amongst the
victims and that a war of extermination was aimed primarily at the
Jews...The truth is that no one can either confirm or deny this
figure. In other words, it is possible that the number of Jewish
victims reached six million, but at the same time it is possible
that the figure is much smaller -- below one million. Abbas
denies that the gas chambers were used to murder Jews, quoting
a scientific study to that effect by French Holocaust-denier
Robert Faurisson. Abbas' book then asserts: The historian and
author Raoul Hilberg thinks that the figure does not exceed
890,000. That is, of course, utterly false. Hilberg, a
distinguished historian and author of the classic study The
Destruction of the European Jews, has never said or written any
such thing. Abbas believes the 6 million figure is the product of a
Zionist conspiracy: It seems that the interest of the Zionist to inflate this figure so that their gains will be
greater, he writes. This led them to emphasize this figure in
order to gain the solidarity of international public opinion with
Zionism. Many scholars have debated the figure of six million and
reached stunning conclusions -- fixing the number of Jewish victims
at only a few hundred thousand. Another falsehood. In fact, no
serious scholar proposes such a figure. After reducing the
magnitude of the Nazi slaughter so that it no longer seems to have
been a full-scale Holocaust, Abbas seeks to absolve the Nazis by
blaming the Zionist leadership for whatever killings did take
place. According to Abbas, A partnership was established between
Hitler's Nazis and the leadership of the Zionist movement...[the
Zionists gave] permission to every racist in the world, led by
Hitler and the Nazis, to treat Jews as they wish, so long as it
guarantees immigration to Palestine. In addition to encouraging
the persecution of Jews so they would immigrate to the Holy Land,
the Zionist leaders actually wanted Jews to be murdered, because --
in Abbas' words -- having more victims meant greater rights and
stronger privilege to join the negotiation table for dividing the
spoils of war once it was over. However, since Zionism was not a
fighting partner -- suffering victims in a battle -- it had no
escape but to offer up human beings, under any name, to raise the
number of victims, which they could then boast of at the moment of
accounting. Perhaps sentiments of this sort were common within
Abbas' circle of graduate students in the Soviet Union in the
1970s. But in the free world, such propaganda has never been
accepted as serious scholarship. In most Western countries,
Holocaust-deniers have been treated as pariahs. In Canada and many
European countries, Holocaust-denial is a criminal offense. In New
Zealand, Canterbury University recently issued an apology for
having accepting a master's thesis denying the Holocaust, while the
French minister of education revoked a doctoral degree that was
awarded to a Holocaust- denier by the University of Nantes. A
Polish university professor who denied the Holocaust was suspended
from his position. The Japanese publisher Bungei Shunju shut down
one of its magazines for printing an article denying the Holocaust.
International pressure compelled Croatian President Franjo Tudjman
to publicly retract statements in his book doubting that the
Holocaust had taken place. Austrian Freedom Party leader Jorg
Haider was ostracized by the international community for his
remarks praising members of the SS, as was French politician Jean
Marie Le Pen, for questioning the existence of the gas chambers
and belittling the significance of the Holocaust. A recent poll
found 64 percent of Americans believe world leaders should
likewise refuse to meet with Abbas. Yet some in the media have
treated Abbas with kid gloves, to say the least. The official BCC
News Profile of Abbas reports: A highly intellectual man, Abbas
studied law in Egypt before doing a Ph.D. in Moscow. He is the
author of several books. The New York Times recently characterized
Abbas as a lawyer and historian...He holds a doctorate in history
from the Moscow Oriental College; his topic was Zionism. Neither
the BBC nor the Times offered any further explanation as to the
contents of Abbas' writings. Bestowing the title historian upon
Mahmoud Abbas awards his writings a stature they do not deserve,
and deals a grievous insult to every genuine historian. If Abbas
is elevated to the post of prime minister of the Palestinian
Authority, not only the media but the entire international
community will be confronted with the question of whether Abbas
deserves to be treated any differently from Tudjman, Haider and Le
Pen. The writer is visiting scholar in the Jewish studies program
at the State University of New York-Purchase College. His latest
book is A Race Against Death: Peter Bergson, America and the
Holocaust, co-written with David S. Wyman. Source:
(note we regularly change misnomers such as Palestinian to so-
called palestinian, etc. in articles we quote.) Abbas wins
backing of so-called palestinian gunmen with pledge to stand
by 'fighting brothers' By Eric Silver in Jerusalem 03 January
2005 so-called palestinian gunmen yesterday threw their support
exuberantly behind Mahmoud Abbas, the favourite to succeed the late
Yasser Arafat in next Sunday's presidential election. Mahmoud
Mashabat, a local militia commander, embraced Mr Abbas and kissed
him at a campaign rally in the central Gaza town of Deir el-Balah
after the Fatah frontrunner promised never to abandon the fighters
Israel is still hunting as terrorists. Dozens of gunmen greeted
his pledge with shots in the air. Others welcomed him equally
warmly on Saturday in the Rafah refugee camp in southern Gaza, a
scene of frequent battles with Israeli troops. He has also won the
endorsement of Zakaria Zubeidi, a high-profile warlord in the West
Bank city of Jenin. Although Mr Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen,
has said repeatedly that resorting to arms four years ago was a
mistake for which the so-called palestinian people have paid
dearly, he told thousands of supporters in a Deir el-Balah sports
stadium: We say to our fighting brothers that are wanted by
Israel, we will not rest until you can enjoy a life of security,
peace and dignity, so you can live in your country with total
freedom. Mr Abbas, 69, a grey, backroom revolutionary running in
his first election, is striving in campaign meetings throughout
the West Bank and Gaza to raise his profile. Again yesterday, he
vowed to follow in Mr Arafat's footsteps, though his rhetoric
eschews the bombast of the dead leader's million martyrs marching
on Jerusalem. He would not rest, Mr Abbas said, until an
independent so-called palestinian state was established, Israeli
settlements were dismantled and so-called palestinian refugees
receive their rights. The principles of Yasser Arafat, and his
sayings, are his will, and it is our duty to implement it.
story=597384 Please click on the following url : to see the photo of
Tali Hatuel,pregnant with her 5th child, and her 4 daughters, all
murdered by arafat's GENOCIDAL terrorists . All were shot dead at
pointblank range.
Arafat's actual name was Abd
al-Rahman abd al-Bauf Arafat al-Qud al-Husseini. He shortened it to
obscure his kinship with the notorious Nazi and ex-Mufti of
Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini. Source: Howard M. Sachar, A HISTORY
ISRAEL (New York: Knopf, 1976). BIOGRAPHY 1929, August 24 (?): Born
in Cairo, Egypt. Place of birth is not certain, other sources state
Jerusalem or Gaza. During his childhood Arafat lived in both Cairo
Jerusalem. 1947: Arafat fought on the side of the grand mufti of
Jerusalem. Source: Encyclopaedia of the Orient. He uses that alias
because of its significance to Islamic Fundamentalists Arafat a
north of Mecca. It is on this plain that humanity will be raised on
the Day of Judgement for questioning and judgement. During the Hajj
the ninth day of the month of Zhu-l-Hijjah, Muslim pilgrims gather on
this plain for one day. SOURCE:
(When Saddam) Hussein (was) slightly wounded (In 1959 Saddam and a
group of Baathist supporters attempted to assassinate General Qassim
in Iraq by a day-light machine-gun attack.), he fled to Syria. From
Syria, he went to Cairo, Egypt where he would spend the next 4 years.
In 1951, a close relative of the Mufti named Rahman Abdul Rauf
el-Qudwa el-Husseini matriculated to the University of Cairo. The
student decided to conceal his true identity and enlisted as Yasser

What is the Origin of the Name Palestine? Where did the
name Palestine come from? The name Palestine refers to a region
of the eastern Mediterranean coast from the sea to the Jordan
valley and from the southern Negev desert to the Galilee lake
region in the north. The word itself derives from Peleshet, a
name that appears frequently in the Bible and has come into English
as Philistine. The Philistines were Mediterranean people
originating from Asia Minor and Greek localities. They
reached the southern coast of Israel in several waves. One group
arrived in the pre-patriarchal period and settled south of
Beersheba in Gerar where they came into conflict with Abraham,
Isaac and Ishmael. Another group, coming from Crete after being
repulsed from an attempted invasion of Egypt by Rameses III in 1194
BCE, seized the southern coastal area, where they founded five
settlements (Gaza, Ascalon, Ashdod, Ekron and Gat). In the Persian
and Greek periods, foreign settlers - chiefly from the
Mediterranean islands - overran the Philistine districts. From the
time of Herodotus, Greeks called the eastern coast of the
Mediterranean Syria Palaestina. The Philistines were not
Arabs nor even Semites, they were most closely related to the
Greeks. They did not speak Arabic. They had no connection, ethnic,
linguistic or historical with Arabia or Arabs. The name Falastin
that Arabs today use for Palestine is not an Arabic name. It is
the Arab pronunciation of the Greco-Roman Palastina; which is
derived from the Peleshet, (root Pelesh) which was a general term
meaning dividers, penetrators or invaders. This referred to
the Philistine's invasion and conquest of the coast from the
sea. The Roman historian Herodotus was the first to mention
the name. He called it the Philistine Syria. Subsequently, the
name was shortened to Palestina, and eventually Palestine. The
Christian Crusaders employed the word to refer to the general area
that had been known since the fourth century as the three
Palestines. After the fall of the crusader kingdom, Palestine was
no longer an official designation. The name, however, continued to
be used informally for the lands on both sides of the Jordan River.
The Ottoman Turks, who were non-Arabs but religious Muslims, ruled
the area for 400 years (1517-1917). Under Ottoman rule,
Palestine attached administratively to the province of Damascus and
ruled from Istanbul. The name Palestine was revived after the fall
of the Ottoman Empire in World War I and applied to this territory
under the British Mandate. SOURCE:

Who did you vote for or against and why

The Issues Of Course Included But Were Not Limited to Those Discussed
Op-Ed: SOS, Save Our Society, Vote on the Issues
Published: 11/02/10, 1:29 PM / Last Update: 11/02/10by Phyllis
Follow Israel news on Twitter and Facebook.
Call me narrowly partisan, call me a flaming fanatic--actually, I am
neither--but given what I know, there is simply no way that I can vote
for any American candidate who supports President Obama’s position on
Israel or on the Islamic world. I am thinking of Obama’s low bow to
King Abdullah, his maiden-voyage speech in Cairo, his 2010 public
shaming of the Israeli delegation at the White House, going so far as
having refused to feed them or to pose with them for photos—but of
course, there is more, so much more. Doing absolutely nothing to stop
to Iran or to help Iranian dissidents is among the next 50 important
issues that our President has either not grasped or has, indeed,
handled as if he truly is either an empty suit or a Muslim Manchurian
candidate. Or both.

I am not talking about his race. I am talking about his
administration’s policies.

Obama’s administration has also invited “J” Street, a Soros-funded
anti-Israel lobby, into its inner circle as a “pro-Israel” group;
suggested that Israel has been the cause of American military deaths
in Afghanistan and Iraq; demanded that Israel stop building on
sovereign Israeli soil; and has refused to say that Israel is, indeed,
a Jewish state.

America’s foreign policy in terms of both Israel and the Muslim world
is a matter of the most profound national and international security,
and the fact that I may not agree with conservatives or Republicans on
certain issues is of lesser importance at this moment in history. All
our precious and hard-won universal human rights, including women’s
rights, will remain tattered pieces of paper if the pro-Islamist and
anti-Israel agenda triumphs. Sadly, under Obama’s reign, this is well

Further: Scapegoating Israel for the crimes of Muslim regimes will not
help Muslim citizens who yearn to live free of terrorism and barbaric
tyranny nor will it help Muslim and ex-Muslim dissidents or infidels
who are being savagely persecuted, exiled, murdered, blown up by
Islamists in Muslim and Hindu countries. Islamic religious apartheid
is real and growing. Israel is not an apartheid country—but both
Islamic gender and religious apartheid are real apartheid practices.

President Obama has yet to suggest that he realizes this.

I cannot vote for someone who supports a civilian trial for Khalid
Sheikh Mohammed as many candidates do. I am indebted to Janet Lehr at
Israel Lives, for listing the candidates’ position on this. For
example, Lehr mentions the following Senate pro-civilian trial
candidates for the Senate: In Florida, Kendrick B. Meek, and in
Indiana, Brad Ellsworth. Thus, we urge people to vote for Marco Rubio
in Florida and for Dan Coats in Indiana. Unsurprisingly, both
candidates happen to be Republicans. In the many Congressional races
around the country, too numerous to mention here, the majority, if not
all, are Republican candidates.

I am not talking about voting Republican because you are already a
Republican or because you are so disgusted with Obama that you will
vote Republican for the first time. I am talking about the issues that
matter. If one party turns out to have the wiser position, then so be

I am uncomfortable voting for all those candidates who strongly favor
the mosque near Ground Zero but then, I am already on record
challenging many Jewish non-candidates, of all denominations,
including Orthodoxy, who are “in bed,” so to speak, and not with the
right Muslims but with high-profile Muslims who have questionable ties
to terrorist organizations and highly objectionable positions on Jews,
Judaism, Israel, and America.

Some are rabbis who are being misled by their own genuinely liberal
values, other rabbis have more cravenly hopped aboard the interfaith
“gravy train.” This is an intra-tribal matter, and one of the greatest
importance as well. Rabbis should be supporting a religious Muslim
like Dr. M. Zuhdi Jassser who opposes the Ground Zero mosque.

I urge all those who vote to keep the issues in mind, not the party,
not even the particular candidate.

SOS: Save our Society, save our civilization. Vote on the issues.
The article also appeared on
Prof. Chesler is an Emerita Professor of Psychology and Women's
Studies at City University of New York. She is the best selling author
of "Women and Madness" (1972), "The New Anti-Semitism" (2003) and "The
Death of Feminism: What’s Next in the Struggle for Women’s
Freedom" (2005) and appears often in international media interviews.
She is an activist in women's causes and an expert of the issue of
women in Islam. She lives in New York City.
Obama seeks to blunt Republican attack over comment
WASHINGTON | Mon Nov 1, 2010 6:35pm EDT
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday he should not have
used the word "enemies" to describe his political opponents as
Republicans sought to make an issue of the comment a day before
congressional elections.
Obama, in an interview with talk radio host Michael Baisden, said, "I
probably should have used the word 'opponents' instead of enemies."
He was backtracking from a comment he made a week ago in an interview
with Univision radio in which he sought to persuade Hispanics to vote
for Democratic candidates instead of Republicans.
"If Latinos sit out the election instead of, 'we're going to punish
our enemies and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us on
issues that are important to us' -- if they don't see that kind of
upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's going to be
harder," Obama had said.
Republicans in hot pursuit of control of the House of Representatives
in Tuesday voting were drawing attention to Obama's "enemies" comment
in hopes of encouraging more turnout by Republican voters.
Hammering home the issue was John Boehner, the Republican who would
oust Democrat Nancy Pelosi as House speaker if Republicans win control
of the House on Tuesday as most pollsters believe will happen.
"Today, sadly, we have president who uses the word 'enemy' for fellow
Americans ... fellow citizens. He uses it for people who disagree with
his agenda of bigger government ... people speaking out for a smaller,
more accountable government that respects freedom and allows small
businesses to create jobs," Boehner planned to say in Cincinnati.
"Mr. President, there's a word for people who have the audacity to
speak up in defense of freedom, the Constitution, and the values of
limited government that made our country great. We don't call them
'enemies.' We call them 'patriots,'" he planned to say.
Obama told Baisden that he was talking about opponents of a
comprehensive overhaul of the U.S. immigration system. Hispanics have
been disappointed that Obama has not pushed ahead on immigration
legislation, which Republicans oppose.
(Reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by Jackie Frank)

"In August 1963 as Oswald was preparing to move from New Orleans back
to Dallas, Vallee moved from New York City back to Chicago (note 175
Chapter 6) Just as Oswald got a job in a warehouse right over Kennedy'
future motercade route in Dallas, so, too did Vallee get a job in a
warehouse right over Kennedy's motorcade route in Chicago. Like
Oswald in Dallas (before his summer in New Orleans), Vallee found
employment as a printer. He was hired by IPP Litho-Plate, located at
625 West Jackson Boulevard in Chicago."
The author, James W. Douglass, describes the view from the roof of
625 West Jackson:
"From its roof I could look down and over to where JFK's presidential
limousine had been scheduled to make a slow turn up from the
Northwest Expressway (today ironically the Kennedy Expressway)
exit ramp onto West Jackson on November 2, 1963. It was analogous
to the slow curve the limousine woul make in Dallas in front of the
Texas School Book Depository three weeks later. In the Chicago
motorcade, after proceeding one more block, President Kennedy woul
have passed by Vallee's workplace, just as he would in fact pass by
Oswald's workplace in Dallas three weeks later
Vallee's location at IPP Litho-Plate actually gave him a nearer,
view ofthe November 2 Chicago motorcade than Oswald's so-
called "sniper's nest" did of the November 22nd Dallas Motercade"
(JFK and the Unspeakable:Why He Died and Why It Matters, p. 206)

November 2nd 1963: Ngo Dinh Diem
On this date in 1963, Ngo Dinh Diem, the first president of South
Vietnam, was executed in the back of an armored personnel carrier
along with his younger brother and secret police chief, Ngo Dinh Nhu,
the day after their government had been overthrown in a military coup.
Born into the Buddhist country’s Catholic elite, Diem was brought up
as a French colonial administrator but fled Vietnam in 1950 under a
death sentence from Ho Chi Minh’s nascent Vietminh.
Fearing communist victory at the polls, Diem blocked scheduled 1956
elections to unify North and South Vietnam, making an interim division
permanent. But Diem made an inconsistent American client, often
spurning Washington’s advice and alienating the Buddhist majority with
heavy-handed authoritarianism that eventually prompted Buddhist monks
to begin public self-immolation as a form of protest.
The government responded by arresting monks.
By now more a liability than an asset, Diem was ousted with the
blessing of a fellow Catholic head of state, John F. Kennedy.
This first successful coup — Diem had already quashed attempted
putsches in 1960 and 1962 — began a cycle of internecine revolts in
which weak South Vietnamese governments were toppled in rapid
succession … leaving Saigon ever more visibly the puppet of
Washington, and dragging the United States ever more deeply into the
Vietnam War.

Washington D.C., November 5, 2003 - A White House tape of President
Kennedy and his advisers, published this week in a new book-and-CD
collection and excerpted on the Web, confirms that top U.S. officials
sought the November 1, 1963 coup against then-South Vietnamese leader
Ngo Dinh Diem without apparently considering the physical consequences
for Diem personally (he was murdered the following day). The taped
meeting and related documents show that U.S. officials, including JFK,
vastly overestimated their ability to control the South Vietnamese
generals who ran the coup 40 years ago this week.
The Kennedy tape from October 29, 1963 captures the highest-level
White House meeting immediately prior to the coup, including the
President's brother voicing doubts about the policy of support for a
coup: "I mean, it's different from a coup in the Iraq or South
American country; we are so intimately involved in this…."

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