Fwd: 2 Harlem Community Gardens need our help, this Wed 6:30pm at CB10

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Soretta Rodack

Mar 6, 2017, 8:40:30 PM3/6/17
to 6bcme...@googlegroups.com
Hi, everyone,

If you can attend to support these gardens, please do.  No garden is safe these days.



"I am what I am and that's all what I am"  - Popeye

-----Original Message-----
From: Magali Regis <fleur...@mindspring.com>
To: NYCCGC list serve <NYC-Garden...@yahoogroups.com>; BrooklynCommunityGardenersGroup <BrooklynCommuni...@yahoogroups.com>; Carolyn Ratcliffe <carolynr...@me.com>; Kate Temple-West <katetem...@gmail.com>; Alan Ginsberg <alangin...@yahoo.com>; Soretta Rodack <jasp...@aol.com>; Sassonian, Manu <get...@aol.com>; Pamela Pier <pp...@dinosaurhill.com>; Jeff Wright <cove...@yahoo.com>; Sheila Garson <laplaz...@yahoo.com>; Charles Krezell <c...@wingflix.com>; Peter Cramer <lepetitv...@alliedproductions.org>; events <eve...@6bgarden.org>; Anne Boster (Tranquilidad) <aebo...@mac.com>; Dana Cohen <modernb...@aol.com>; Earth Celebrations <ma...@earthcelebrations.com>; Christopher Batenhorst <cb...@hotmail.com>; Carolyn McCrory <carolyn...@yahoo.com>; Aresh Javadi <are...@gmail.com>; Alexis Adler <alexi...@earthlink.net>; Elissa <ejs...@gmail.com>; Barbara Augsberger <bba...@gmail.com>; Jamey Poole <jameyp...@gmail.com>; Michele Oneal <michel...@gmail.com>; Carol Porteous <carol.lyn...@gmail.com>; JK Canepa <jkth...@gmail.com>; Catherine Wint <landt...@yahoo.com>; Marga Snyder <scra...@gmail.com>; Ayo <ayohar...@aol.com>; Carolyn Zezima <nycfoo...@gmail.com>; Grace Tankersley <nq...@nyc.rr.com>; William LoSasso <william...@gmail.com>; Wendy Brawer <w...@greenmap.org>; George Hirose <ghi...@aol.com>; silvana jakich <silvj...@hotmail.com>; Gladys Feliciano <glad...@hotmail.com>; Tricia Pierson <tricia...@gmail.com>
Sent: Mon, Mar 6, 2017 1:55 pm
Subject: Fwd: 2 Harlem Community Gardens need our help, this Wed 6:30pm at CB10

Harlem gardeners fighting to preserve their gardens need our support. Please attend if you can (See below). The more people show up, the more support CB10 sees they have, the better the chances of these gardens to be saved. Unfortunately i have a class on Wednesday nights and can't attend but maybe some of you can support.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 2 Harlem Community Gardens need our help, this Wed 6:30pm at CB10
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 13:10:32 -0500
From: John McBride <johnmcb...@gmail.com>
To: Electric Ladybug Garden <electricla...@gmail.com>

Hello all,

Please note that 2 gardens in Harlem need our help this Wednesday March 8th at 6:30pm, 215 West 125th, Street 4th fl. as they plead their cases before Manhattan Community Board 10 Parks & Recreation Committee, and that the folks from one of the gardens helped us save our own. As always, the more people who show up in support, the better the odds for the survival of the gardens. Here are the details on the two gardens:

Project Harmony / Joseph Daniel Wilson Memorial Garden http://www.projectharmonynyc.org/

Many of you might remember when Cindy Worley spoke in defense of our garden at the crucial meeting at CB10 where a vote was taken to preserve the Electric Ladybug Garden and transfer it to the Parks Dept.  Cindy Worely and her husband Haja Worley helped start their garden in 1985, have been fighters for community gardens every since, surviving the Guiliani era, and both have served on the board of the New York City Community Garden Coalition for many years.  They also organize the Harlem Community Garden tour, and have brought wonderful visitors to our garden the last two years. The middle of their garden sits on a narrow strip of land, 11 feet wide, that may not be owned by the city, and they are trying to get support for the use of eminent domain to transfer this part of the garden to the Parks Dept.  It would be great if we can show up and give Cindy and Haja some support!

Mandela Community Garden http://www.mandelagarden.org/

Rene Calvo and local residents have been working over the last couple of years to dig up the asphalt that covered a large lot and create a new community garden.  Unfortunately, this lot was placed on a list for development, as our garden had been.  Here is a nice video about the garden. Maybe we can get some wildflower seeds from them :)  https://vimeo.com/196758756

And here is a 596 Acres Facebook link you can share: https://www.facebook.com/596Acres/posts/1222119631157800

Thanks all,

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