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Re-attach to gNB

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Tiago Sousa

Sep 19, 2024, 6:01:15 AM9/19/24
to 5G-LENA-users
Hello guys,
I created a scenario where my UE has mobility and cannot re-attach to the gNB  after lose the connection, even when the UE returns to the positon of the gNB. 
Despite getting the SINR overtime, i cannot transfer data...
Do you have a hint in how can i overcome this situacion, and restore the link?

Kent Huns

Sep 19, 2024, 9:24:23 AM9/19/24
to 5G-LENA-users

Hello Tiago

From what I understand, the process of attach (nrHelper->AttachToEnb) is completed once before the simulation starts(Simurator::Run()).
I've never seen the example of re-attach or initial access(gNB searches unconnected UE and attach to it) during simulation time.

But, one thing I'm stuck on, was there any process of disconnection in ns-3/5G-LENA?
Once a gNB-UE pair was attached, I think they would keep sending packets even if their SINR is extremely low.
I have a feeling that there is some other cause, such as packet generation has stopped.

Best regards,

Gabriel Ferreira

Sep 22, 2024, 5:19:49 AM9/22/24
to 5G-LENA-users
Right now, Radio Link Failure (RLF), cell scanning, etc is not supported. I'm working on that, but we have no timelines for that.
There are a lot of RRC, MAC and PHY changes, plus calibrating parameters to make all of this work correctly.

Kent Huns

Sep 23, 2024, 5:33:56 AM9/23/24
to 5G-LENA-users
Thank you for the reply, Gabriel.
Please continue your schedule. I will not request them.
I think it's quite difficult to change topology in simulation time due to the concept of ns-3.

Tiago Sousa

Sep 24, 2024, 4:10:01 AM9/24/24
to 5G-LENA-users
Thank you for the reply, 
I will try to keep the UE walking around the area,  without exit of the gNB.
Keep the good work!!

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