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Enquiry about BLER levels in 5G LENA

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Sangwon Seo

Feb 28, 2024, 9:56:43 AM2/28/24
to 5G-LENA-users


thanks a lot first of all for providing the lookup table with respect to your work in “New Radio Physical Layer Abstraction for System-Level Simulations of 5G Networks ”. It seems really useful to us, and we were wondering if it is possible to have BLERs (for a given MCS, SINR & CBS) in the range of 10^(-6), so that it touches the URLLC realm too. If it is not possible, what are the potential reasons for that?


Mar 12, 2024, 11:15:58 AM3/12/24
to 5G-LENA-users
If you look at
we provide in open-source the BLER-SINR tables for a given MCS and given CBS (of MCS Table1 (up to 64QAM) and MCS Table2 (up to 256QAM), respectively). As you will see, in these tables, after the 1e-04 BLER, the next values are 0. So, at the time when we created the PHY abstraction model using a link-level simulator, we considered that a value lower than 1e-04 is already a 0 BLER, but this does not mean we are not achieving the 1e-06 value, but rather that we neglected such values... Sorry for that. We cannot redo the simulations to have higher accuracy in that regard, since this was done with a proprietary simulator to which we don't have access anymore.
Hope it helps,
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