Uplink and Downlink cttc-nr-demo

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Tiago Sousa

Aug 10, 2024, 9:48:52 AM8/10/24
to 5G-LENA-users
I am a student taking my first steps in 5G-NR. Using the cttc-nr-demo code, I realized that when exchanging the UDPServer and UDPClient applications, that is, putting the UDPServer running on the remote host and the UDPClient on the UE, there is no data reception by the Remote Host.
Could anyone give me any advice of why this happens?
Thanks in advance.

In the file on line 215 i setup the variable ueAsServer:
  • if true- UE runs UDPServer & Remote Host runs UDPClient
  • if false- UE runs UDPClient & Remote Host runs UDPServer

Tiago Sousa

Aug 11, 2024, 2:15:53 PM8/11/24
to 5G-LENA-users

Hello, continuing my question. I am developing a scenario in which the UE is mobile and thus obtains the RSPR over time and distance. The UE moves about the y-axis from position 0 with a speed of 16 meters per second  in y-axis and the gnb is in position 150 .
To check whether connectivity was established I developed an application MyUDPCliente and MyUDPServer that do echo (Client sends a packet, Server receives and returns the received packet).

With this you can notice that the UE (Car) stops receiving packages at around 90 meters, while the gnb is at 150... Can anyone give me an idea of ​​what could be happening?  

Captura de ecrã 2024-08-11 150628.png.

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