seminar announcement (somewhat last minute)

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William Stein

Apr 30, 2012, 5:52:53 PM4/30/12
to Michael Munz, Lauren A. Thompson, Alyson Deines, ntuw,

There will be a Number Theory Seminar this week.

Speaker: Lola Thompson (Dartmouth)

Title: Products of distinct cyclotomic polynomials

Date/Time: May 3 at 3:35pm in Padelford C401.

Abstract: A polynomial is a product of distinct cyclotomic polynomials
if and only if it is a divisor over Z[x] of $x^n-1$ for some positive
integer n. In this talk, we will examine two natural questions
concerning the divisors of $x^n-1$: ``For a given n, how large can the
coefficients of divisors of $x^n-1$ be?'' and ``How often does $x^n-1$
have a divisor of every degree between 1 and n?'' We will consider the
latter question when $x^n-1$ is factored in both $Z[x]$ and $F_p[x]$,
using sieve methods and other techniques from analytic number theory
in order to obtain our results.

William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington
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