511 SF Bay Open Data - Transit API Question

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Maria Strunjas

Jan 25, 2024, 1:30:03 AMJan 25
to 511sfbaydevel...@googlegroups.com

I hope you're doing well!

I recently have been working on a project that connects to your API for SF's transit data, and I had a quick question about passing in parameters for one of the APIs. I have been using the 2.1 API - Real Predictions at a Stop and have been passing in one stop code (e.g. 
http://api.511.org/transit/StopMonitoring?api_key={your-key} &agency=AC&stopCode=15124). I wanted to ask - is it possible to pass in multiple stop codes instead of just one, or would that require a new API call? I thought since the API call returns data for all stops if you do not pass in a stop code, there might be a way to pass in a subset of stops. If this is possible, what would the formatting there look like? 

Sorry if this is a rookie question - connecting to your API for this project was my first time ever connecting to an API. I've had so much fun with it!

Thanks in advance for your help!
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