Well, as a fleet we failed in getting the minimum number of boats required to get our own start, so instead USA 7152 (Gary Lee and Dan Downing) and USA 8411 (Bill Jenkins and I) headed out to the Pacific Ocean to have some fun. What can only be described as one of those days we only seem to get 2 or 3 times a year materialized off of Mission Beach. Our boats met off the Mission Bay Jetty and after a brief discussion we decided on a sail to La Jolla. Conditions started in about the 8-10 knots range and marginal trapping (conditions crew loves.. in.... out... in... out...) Fortunately conditions quickly (within the first 5 minutes) improved and both Dan Downing and I found ourselves fully trapped in just under 12 knots... During the 3 mile sail to La Jolla, we watched as Gary would find some different gears and be able to separate from us to weather by 3 or 4 boat lengths. Bill on the other hand didn't adjust anything and focused on driving... As we approached the kelp beds off La Jolla we found ourselves is the same relative positions we started... Bill and I were quite happy that after a 5+ year sailing hiatus we were hanging with the fastest boat in our fleet (honestly I think Gary may have gone easy on us). As we approached another edge of the kelp bed we made the call to set the chute and wire run down the coast. Gary and Dan had equipment issues as Bill and I sailed past. At this point the wind had increased to the 12-14 knot range and the swells had grown larger... We spent the next 4 miles surfing swells on a sleigh ride to about mid Point Loma. The warm water spray felt great on such a warm day, although Bill did not like it directly in the face. Dan Downing had mentioned at the beginning of the day that it would have been a good day to do the Bay to Bay, and he was right... We considered sailing all the way to the Point but after quick look back we realized that Gary and Dan were heading back in... We gybed (and didn't capsize) to rendezvous with Gary at the jetty entrance. As Gary and Dan sailed in, we decided we had not had enough fun yet, cracked open some beers and headed back to the area of the OD start line. The wind held in the 12-14 knot range and we de-powered the rig as we pounded through the increased swell and chop... Conditions reminded us of San Francisco, only with slightly less wind and much warmer water... We sailed to about 1.5 miles beyond the weather mark turned and set the chute and enjoyed some more wire reaching. By this time starboard tack was less desirable than port due to the confused sea state... Port tack on the other hand was phenomenal as we pumped the sails and caught numerous waves all while wire running... After several gybes we found ourselves lined up with the Jetty and managed to surf in about 1/4 of the way... the end to an incredible day of sailing... The conditions we saw on Saturday are where our boats excel in and where they are most fun to sail in... In the end, Bill and I were happy with our boat speed, and while our boat handling skills weren't perfect, they were good enough to get us around without capsizing and not bad for two old guys that haven't sailed together in long while... I hope the predicted El Nino will bring us more sailing days like this past weekend...
USA 8411