ODBC Returning Null in First Character

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Mike Kerner

Nov 30, 2010, 3:42:51 PM11/30/10
to 4D iNug Technical, 4D Tech GoogleGroups
I have a v12 db that I'm trying to use ODBC with to extract data from an external source.
For some reason, 4D is "getting" a null in the first position of the string in two of the fields, instead of the actual character in those fields.

Other ODBC apps polling the same database get the values that I would expect.

Has anybody else experienced this sort of issue?

David Dancy

Nov 30, 2010, 5:18:41 PM11/30/10
to 4d-...@googlegroups.com
Have you checked the character set of the data you're accessing?
There's a command in 4D's ODBC connectivity that allows you to tell
ODBC what character set the incoming data is encoded with. This in
turn will allow ODBC to translate it correctly to the UTF-16 used
internally in 4D.


David Dancy
Sydney, Australia

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