V. Old database

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Oct 6, 2010, 8:53:39 AM10/6/10
to 4D-Tech

First I have to mention that I'm not a specialist in databases.
I need a help with 4d database-
I have database wich is propably created in 4D 3.5, it consist very
important data.
I have to convert those information to any editable format. SInce this
is very old version database I cannot find any software that can
convert/upgrade it any way.

Please help me if you know any solution, it would be important thing
for me.


steve simpson

Oct 6, 2010, 9:33:51 AM10/6/10
to 4d-...@googlegroups.com

I'm in a meeting and will contact you when I am out. Yes I can help. Do you have the noncompiled version and the password? The whole development folder?

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Pat Bensky

Oct 6, 2010, 9:37:07 AM10/6/10
to 4d-...@googlegroups.com
Hi Bartman,

Have you tried to open it with the current version of 4D? You can get a trial version at www.4d.com.

I'm not sure if the current version (V11/V12) will open a V3.5 database :)

We can probably get the data out of it for you. You would need to send us the database and the Developer or Administrator password.


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Oct 6, 2010, 12:35:32 PM10/6/10
to 4D-Tech

If you are attempting to export data in an "editable format" you might
be able to simply use the 4D Quick Report function in User Mode to
accomplish a text export.

Upgrading from 4D v3.5 to the latest 4D version (v12) is not an
insignificant task and should be considered only if you want to
continue to use the application. The upgrade effort is greatly
influenced by many factors including the overall complexity of the
system, nature of the data, coding techniques used, etc.

As mentioned in an earlier message, an upgrade requires that you have
access to the source code and have the top level password. I would
consider an upgrade only if you intend to continue to use the database
in its current format. If you simply want to print out data and
discard the system, a re-write might be more cost-effective.

Footprints, Inc.
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