Newbie's stupid question.

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William Sokoll

Sep 25, 2009, 2:23:50 PM9/25/09
to 4D-Tech
Hello all,
I am a physician with a need to write a database for my business and
for a research project I'm involved with. Many years ago I used 4D
successfully for these tasks but this was in the early 1990's and I'm
sure it was version 2 or so. I'm evaluating 4D 2004 and v11 SQL.
I like both but am sure I should get v11, due to the new Intel Macs
and the fact that 2004 will soon be a technological "orphan".
My questions are simple. What edition of v11 should I buy in order to
be able to write/compile free standing programs for the doctors who
will be using them: the developer standard or the developer
professional? I will be writing on a Mac but most of my users will use
Windows [go figure:-)]. Will I be able to buy run-time versions for
them with either version of 4D?
Are there any good books out yet for v11 SQL that can help a relative
beginner like me?
Are there any good on-line discussion groups that I should join/
monitor (besides this one, of course).
Thank you for any advice you can give me.



Pat Bensky

Sep 25, 2009, 8:38:59 PM9/25/09
Hi Bill,

You'll probably get a better response from the main 4D mailing list (this one is kind of dormant these days). Sign up here:

4D Tech is the one you want.

Meanwhile here are quick answers to your questions:
You'll need the Developer Professional version.
Don't bother with V. 2004. It has already been orphaned. :)
You shouldn't have any problems developing on Mac and deploying on Windows. Well you might have minor problems :)
As far as I know there are no V11 books.



2009/9/25 William Sokoll <>

CatBase - The Database Publishing Solution
tel: +44 (0) 1462 454522
fax: +44 (0) 1462 454566
skype: pat.bensky

Compass Bvba

Sep 26, 2009, 12:48:42 AM9/26/09

You will need 4d v11 developer edition. There is a runtime volume
sponsored edition license included. This will let you create single
user standalone apps.
You need to buy a developer version for each platform you will be
deploying for.


Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone 3GS

Op 25-sep-2009 om 20:23 heeft William Sokoll <>
het volgende geschreven:\

Jim Redfield

Oct 6, 2009, 12:13:19 PM10/6/09

I just came across this posting and was interested in your project.

If you need some help, I would be interested.

If not, you can discard this email.

I have been working with 4D since the earliest days. Currently I work
with on a longitudinal medical research project for a major University
Hospital and have extensive experience with medical research. At one
point I was in charge of computing for the Statistics department at
Cleveland Clinic. These days I also manage part of the development
team for identity management (security) software for the largest
database company around.

I have a few hours a day (including weekends) that I can devote to
projects on an hourly basis (rate @ $65/hour) and work remotely.

Thanks in advance.

Jim Redfield
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