Re: Math480 questions...

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William Stein

Apr 30, 2009, 6:50:40 PM4/30/09
to Daniel Shane Delamare, 480-uw09
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Daniel Shane Delamare
<> wrote:
> Prof Stein,
> I'm working on the graph theory worksheet/hw and i have a few questions...
> I'm trying to make a graph st each vertex is adjacent to its 'neighbors'
> using a for loop. the sage code looks like this:
> g= Graph({i:[(i+1),(i-1)]for i in [1..9], 10:[(0)]})
> I didn't get this to work, but even if the for loop worked I think it would
> create a multigraph instead of a graph (not what i want).
> What about:
> g= Graph({i:[(i+1)]for i in [0..9], 10; [(0)]})
> I just can't get a for loop to work on this.

List comprehension doesn't work or make any sense for creating a dictionary.
However, you can make a list of pairs, then turn it into a dictionary
as follows:

sage: dict( [(1,2), (3,[8,10])] )
{1: 2, 3: [8, 10]}

Here's an example like yours:

sage: dict( [(i,[i+1]) for i in [0..9]] + [(10,[0])] )
{0: [1], 1: [2], 2: [3], 3: [4], 4: [5], 5: [6], 6: [7], 7: [8], 8:
[9], 9: [10], 10: [0]}

> On another subject, is there anyway to tell if a graph is bipartite?

sage: g.is_bipartite()

Who would have thought?

> That
> would make problem #4 easy... I guess I could just make an interact for any
> ngraph and show that it's clique#=2 right? I know that a graph's chromatic
> number at least the size of the largest complete subgraph... but the
> chromatic number could be more than that right? How do i get around that?
> Is there a way to tell if a graph has a/an hamilton/eularian cycle/path?


Sage has no code for detecting hamiltonian paths.


> Thank you,
> Daniel Delamare

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

William Stein

Apr 30, 2009, 11:28:04 PM4/30/09
to Daniel Shane Delamare, 480-uw09
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 7:10 PM, Daniel Shane Delamare
<> wrote:
> Prof Stein,
> Is there an easy way to turn the an nxn matrix into an adjacency matrix? Or
> do I need to get each entry in the random matrix and define a graph from
> that?

Yes. Make a graph from a matrix A by typing "Graph(A)":

sage: A = matrix(ZZ,2,[[0,1],[1,0]]); A
[0 1]
[1 0]
sage: g = Graph(A); g
Graph on 2 vertices
sage: g.adjacency_matrix() == A

You could discover the above by typing Graph?.

> Is there a way to just get the upper diagonal of a matrix to have entries (0
> or 1) and have the lower diagonal just zeros? It seems that a graph with 1's
> random everywhere would make the graph a  general graph or multigraph.

I don't understand the question. You can set any entry of a matrix to
whatever you want, e.g., to set the i,j entry of A to 1, type A[i,j] =


> Thank you,
> Daniel Delamare
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