425 DX News #1744

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Oct 4, 2024, 12:06:24 PM (2 days ago) Oct 4
to 425...@googlegroups.com
5 October 2024                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1744

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2/R  - The  Rebel DX Group  has been  active from  Rotuma Island  since  2
         October.  Look for 3D2V on FT8 and FT4,  while 3D22 will be used on
         SSB and CW.  Their targeted  transmit  frequencies  are  listed  on
         https://www.qrz.com/db/3D2V. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
         The SuperFox keys  issued by the  Northern California DX Foundation
         are compatible with  WSJT-X 2.7.0-rc6  (not with the latest release
         candidate -rc7):  "we can still use rc6",  the Rebels say,  "but we
         are afraid  that  there will be  too  much  headache  for  everyone
         changing soft left and right. Let's see during the next days".
8Q     - Francesco, IK0FUX  will be active holiday style as  8Q7UX  from the
         Maldives (AS-013) on 6-14 October.  He will operate mainly CW  with
         some FT8. QSL via LoTW, or via home call.
9X     - Harold, DF2WO  will be active again as  9X2AW  from Rwanda  from 10
         October for approximately 12 days.  He will operate CW, FT4 and SSB
         on  80-10 metres, plus  "some 6m  if possible",  with  a  focus  on
         working  stations  from  Asia . He will also be QRV  on  the QO-100
         satellite. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
A6     - In  recognition  of  World Space Week,  the  Emirates Amateur Radio
         Society  will  operate  special  callsign  A60WSW (QSL  via EA7FTR)
         on 4-10 October.  Also expect activity by A60WSW/0, A60WSW/1,  etc.
         (see  https://www.qrz.com/db/A60WSW   for the  QSL routes  for  the
         various suffix extensions).
F      - Look for  Vic, I2GPT  and  other  three  operators  to be active as
         F/I2GPT from Sainte Marguerite Island (EU-058) from around 7 UTC on
         5 October until 14 UTC on 6 October.  They will be QRV on 80-10m CW
         and SSB. [TNX DX World]
FO     - Fred, DH5FS  will be active as  FO/DH5FS  from  French Polynesia as
         4-11 October      Manihi  (OC-131)
         11-18 October     Rangiroa (OC-066)
         18-23 October     Tikehau (OC-066)
         He will operate  CW and FT8  on  20-10 metres.  QSL via  home call.
         Updates will be posted to https://mastodon.radio/@dh5fs.
HZ     - HZ9WSW is the special callsign for the  Saudi Amateur Radio Society
         (HZ1SAR) to promote  World Space Week  on 4-10 October.  Officially
         recognized by the United Nations in 1999, World Space Week  honours
         the contributions of  science and technology  to the betterment  of
         humanity, coinciding with  significant milestones in space history:
         the launch of  Sputnik 1 (4 October 1957),  and the signing  of the
         Outer Space Treaty (10 October 1967).
I      - Members of ARI Bologna will be active as II4RCDN from 1 October to
         31 December. QSL via IZ4FUE.  The special callsign  marks the  60th
         Anniversary  of  the  Northern Cross Radio Telescope,  one  of  the
         largest transit radio telescopes  in the world.  Gianfranco Siniga-
         glia (I4BBE, SK), after whom the Bologna ARI Section is named,  was
         a  professor  of  radioastronomy  and  applied electronics  at  the
         Physics Institute of Bologna University,  and responsible  for  the
         electronics of the Northern Cross. A certificate will be available,
         see https://www.qrz.com/db/II4RCDN for information.
KH0    - Harry, JG7PSJ  will be active holiday style as  WH0RU  from Saipan,
         Mariana Islands (OC-086) on 11-20 October.  He will operate CW, SSB
         and RTTY on 40-10 metres. QSL via LoTW, or direct to JG7PSJ.
JA     - Take, JI3DST  is active as JS6RRR from Miyako Island (AS-079) until
         25 November,  including  activity  during the CQ WW DX SSB  and  CW
         contests.  Other callsigns  to be used  are  JI3DST/6, JJ5RBH/6 and
         JR8YLY/6 on CW and SSB,  as well as JI3DST/p, JJ5RBH/p and JR8YLY/p
         on FT8. QSOs will be made available for Club Log and  LoTW Matching
         on the IOTA website.
JA     - Sam, 7K1EAS will be active as JR6/7K1EAS from Yonaguni Island  (AS-
         024) from 13 October (02.00 UTC) to 17 October (06.00 UTC). He will
         operate FT8/FT4 and SSB on 40, 10 and "sometimes" 6 metres. QSL via
         the bureau;  QSOs will be uploaded to  Club Log and LoTW on a daily
PA     - Volker, DL1WH  will be  active  holiday style  as  PA/DL1WH/p  from
         Ameland Island (EU-038)  on  12-26 October.  He will operate CW and
         some SSB. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
PY     - Team ZW8C will be active from Santa Isabel Island (SA-025) on 17-19
         October.  They will operate  SSB, CW and FT8 on  80-6 metres,  plus
         SSB, FM and FT8 on 144 MhZ and SSB on the QO-100 satellite. QSL via
         LoTW, PP5AA (bureau) or PS8PL (direct).
YB     - Team 7D4N will be active from Kemaro Island, Sumatra (OC-143) on 5-
         6 October. They will operate SSB, FT8 and RTTY on 40, 20, 15 and 10
         metres. QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log and LoTW.
ZD9    - Lance, ZD9GJ (W7GJ)  had dismantled and packed all his equipment on
         29 September, ready to leave Tristan da Cunha on 1 October  [425DXN
         1739].  However, adverse sea conditions have delayed his departure.
         "The forecast  for  the departure  of the  MV 'Lance'  is now  next
         Wednesday  October 10",  he says.  "I have decided to instead  stay
         Here for an additional 2.5 weeks,  and try  to return on the little
         MFV 'Edinburgh' on October 27".  He is rebuilding  the  6m  antenna
         and station.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

6O3T: THE STORY ---> "As many  of  you  know,  not  all  expeditions  go  as
planned.  Unfortunately, our activities as  6O3T  encountered some obstacles
that led to the cancellation of activities.  Despite our best efforts , some
problems have arisen that have caused us to adapt  and rethink our strategy,
trying to do as little damage as possible.  We have put together an  article
where we tell what happened to us,  and try to share what for us were 12 in-
terminable  days,   marked  by  multiple  different  emotions  and   moods":

C21MM ---> The first six team members  will leave Germany on  7 October  and
are due to arrive in Nauru on  10 October. After their arrival there will be
some things to organise,  so limited operation  (high bands only)  will take
place. Full operation with 5 stations 24/7 can be expected from  the evening
of 15 October  (local time, UTC +12).  Bookmark  https://c21mm.mydx.de/  and
https://x.com/C21MM_2024 for updates.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS  (preferred),
KoTW, or via DL4SVA  (the QSLling policy is  detailed  on  the  DXpedition's

VISALIA 2025 ---> The 76th Annual International DX Convention,  sponsored by
the  Northern California DX Club,  will be held at  the  Visalia  Conference
Center in Visalia,  California  on  11-13 April 2025.  The Hotel reservation
page is now open: https://dxconvention.com/.

WSJT-X 2.7.0 ---> Release candidate WSJT-X 2.7.0-rc7  is  ready for download
and use by beta testers: https://wsjt.sourceforge.io/wsjtx.html.
This revision brings significant improvements for the new SuperFox mode.  It
introduces  a new verification system  which replaces the previous one,  and
works for both the SuperFox mode and for old-style Fox and Hound operation.
Details on program changes since RC6 can be found in the Release Notes:
The SuperFox User Guide can be found on

+ SILENT KEY + Jovan Bojdani, ZA1H was one of the original students from the
pioneering ZA1A IARU training program in 1989. His passion for amateur radio
led him to become the secretary of the newly founded  Albanian Amateur Radio
Association (AARA). Jovan worked tirelessly to unite competing amateur radio
groups in Albania,  though sadly,  he did not live  to see the fruits of his
Beyond radio, Jovan was much appreciated engineer  and  successful business-
man,  deeply respected within his community . He was always ready to lend  a
helping hand, embracing his ZA-identity with pride.  Whether assisting local
operators or welcoming international visitors,  Jovan embodied the spirit of
international community belonging.
Radio ran through Jovan's veins-literally. His father once led Radio Tirana,
and even today, many remember the powerful  7050 kHz signal that once broad-
casted across the airwaves. His father's legacy continues through a recently
published book chronicling those early days.
Frederik Kote, a former  Telecom Director  and an early supporter of amateur
radio in Albania,  said it best:  "We lost a dear friend and colleague,  and
the family lost their loved one. But this is life."
Jovan's memory  will live on in  the hearts of all who knew him,  especially
his wife Teuta  and  children Krista and Jona.  Rest in peace,  Jovan.  Your
family's legacy  and  contributions  to  the world of  radio  will never  be
forgotten. [Martti, OH2BH, Hans, PB2T, and Driton, Z61DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
4U1UN       HB9BOU      EI4POTA     EI4JVB      SC7DX       SM7GIB
5B4AGN      M0URX       GB2NZ       M0OXO       SD1A        SM1TDE
5X4E        IQ3CO  [b]  HG5D        HA8QZ       SE5E        SM5AJV
5X4E        IZ3ZLG [d]  HG7T        HA7TM       SK3W        SM5CCT
5Z4PA       M0URX       HH2AA       EB7DX       SM6POTA     SM6YEC
7S2A        SA2SAA      HP1XV       EA5HB       SN7Q        SP7GIQ
9A100RKZ    9A1ADE      IB9T        IT9TQH      TC93HARP    YM9EKE
9K9KSA      EC6DX       II4VISN     IQ4FE       TF3D        TF3MH
A25AO       HA5AO       J88BTI      EA5GL       TF3W        TF3MH
A43S        EC6DX       KL7SB       N4GNR       TG9ADM      EA5GL
A60A        EA7FTR      LO7H        EA7FTR      TG9ADQ      VE7BV
AM1000MM    EA3URC      ME5W        M0HMJ       TI5/N3KS    M0URX
AO200CNP    EA7DA       MW7C        M0OXO       TI5CDA      EA5GL
AP2TN       N4BAA       OE2024EM    OE4HLF      TI8/N7ZG    EA5GL
AZ1D        EC6DX       OE45NO      OE3IDE      TM0S        F4WBU
C21TS       M0OXO       OG6W        OH6NJ       TM3Z        F4DSK
C37N        C37URA      OH0M        OH6KZP      TM5RT       F5PTI
CR3DX       OM2VL       OK7O        OK1DOL      TO2DX       OM2DX
CR3W        DL5AXX      OL90ABU     OK2ZAW      V26OC       N3OC
D2ACE       EA7FTR      OX3LX       OZ0J        V55Y        DK2WH
E51D        HA7RY       OZ0MF       DF5LW       VE2CSI      M0URX
E6FS        DH5FS       PJ2MAN      EC5AHA      VJ3A        VK3JA
ED8M        EA7FTR      PV2K        EA5GL       VO2VC       VO1CH
ED8W        EA5GL       RI1ANE      RN3RQ       VP8KCA      G5KC
EF5T        EA5JDN      S570CST     S59CST      XP2I        OZ2I
EH5FVP      EA5ITJ      S79VU       N4GNR       Z21NRT      EA5GL

4L4DX     Alexander Nersesian, 1790 E Indigo Dr, Chandler AZ 85286, USA
5R8AL     Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol,
          BS49 5HQ, United Kingdom
5W0TE     Pete Leng, 158A Williams Street, Cambridge 3434, New Zealand
D4VMJ     Paulo Bauer Jorge, 114 Avenue Victor Hugo, 92170 Vanves, France
ED1R      Jesus Maria Gimare Marquez, C/ Jacinto del Barrio 2,
          05358 Papatrigo (Avila), Spain
EG5RCB    Radio Club Carthago, AAVV Fuente Cubas, C/Malaga 10-12,
          30310 Cartagena (Murcia), Spain
EI7M      John Barry, Lackabeha, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork, Ireland
G8X       Tim Hugill, West Whitnole House, Stoodleigh, Tiverton, EX16 9QH,
          United Kingdom
GW0A      John Barber, 49 Blackmill Road, Bryncethin, Bridgend, CF32 9YN,
          United Kingdom
HA5AO     Gaspar Istvan, Budapest, Rakoczi u. 85., 1196, Hungary
LX8RTTY   Andre Doffing, 9 Cite Europe, L-3834 Schifflange, Luxembourg
MS0NYM    Mark R. Dutton, 3 Kilkenny Road, Guisborough, TS14 7LE,
          United Kingdom
OG66X     Jouni Mehtomaa,  Kylmalantie 1, FI-92140 Pattijoki, Finland
OH0V      Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, FI-31400 Somero, Finland
OH0Z      Laurent D. Thomin, 1615 Beaconshire Rd, Houston TX 77077-3817, USA
PX2A      Carlos Adalberto Carareto, Estrada de Santo Amaro 201,
          Sao Paulo - SP, 05544-000, Brazil
SJ2W      Per Eklund, Teaterallen 12-0102 lgh 1102, SE-903 64 Umea, Sweden
SZ1A      R.A.A.W.G., Kokkinologos Sargiadas, 301 50 Agrinio, Greece
TI5/VA3RA Peter Helmuth Csanky, 1255 Bayly Street Suite 2508,
          Pickering ON L1W 0B6, Canada
TM0DCD    Jean-Claude Munier, Residence Louis Best, 5 avenue de Lorraine,
          55100 Verdun, France
V47JA     John Abbruscato, 22199 Pine Tree Ln, Hockley TX 77447, USA
VA2PEACE  Jean Charron, 17 Rue Elisabeth, Saint Jerome QC J7Z 2S9, Canada
ZF2OO     Jim Millner, 7010 Gullotti Place, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952, USA


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (i1jqj...@gmail.com)    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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