425 DX News #1666

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Apr 7, 2023, 11:01:34 AM4/7/23
to 425...@googlegroups.com
8 April 2023                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1666
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4X     - Celebrating the 75th anniversary since the foundation of the Israel
         Amateur Radio Club (IARC)  and  the  establishment of  the State of
         Israel,  local amateurs  may use  special prefixes 4X75 and 4Z75 on
         14-30 April [425DXN 1665].  An award will be available for contacts
         made with 4X75 and 4Z75 stations, as well as with "regular"  4X and
         4Z stations, during that time frame: https://www.iarc.org/iarc75/.
CT7    - Markus, DJ4EL will be active as CT7/DJ4EL from Culatra Island  (EU-
         145) on 6-10 April. He operates SSB on  40-10 metres.  QSL via Club
         Log's OQRS and LoTW. [TNX DX World]
DL     - Special event  callsign DM23BUGA  will be active from  9 April to 8
         October.  All QSOs will be confirmed automatically  via the bureau;
         direct cards via DL2VFR. The suffix stands for "Bundesgartenschau",
         the biennial  horticulture  show and festival  that this year  will
         take place in Mannheim.
DX0    - The DX0NE DXpedition to Kalayaan,  Pag-asa Island,  Spratly Islands
         (AS-051) [425DXN 1647] is now scheduled to take place from 30 April
         to 9 May.  Gil, 4F2KWT  will be  the only operator;  one of his two
         radios will be dedicated to FT8 using MSHV.  The pilot station will
         be  Nic, DU1NA  (dx0ne....@gmail.com):  "Internet on  the island
         will be  spotty",  Gil  says,  "and I may  only  be  able  to check
         messages sporadically". QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), or via
         IZ8CCW. See https://www.mdxc.support/dx0ne/ for possible updates.
F      - Jean, F8CHM now expects to be active as TM1AI from  Aix Island (EU-
         032) [425DXN 1665] on 13-16 April.  He will operate  CW and SSB  on
         80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via home call.
JW     - Thomas, DC8TM and Martina, DF3TS report that their North Pole expe-
         dition [425DXN 1665] has been cancelled  "at short notice"  for the
         fourth year in a row.  They are  still going to  Longyearbyen  (EU-
         026), Svalbard, though, and be active as  JW/DC8TM and JW/DF3TS  on
         9-12 April. They will operate SSB and FT8. QSL via home calls.
PY     - Team ZY1M will be active from  Maricas Island (SA-079)  "during one
         weekend between 15 April and 14 May",  depending on sea and weather
         conditions.  Updates will be posted to https://www.qrz.com/db/ZY1M.
         QSL via PY1AA (direct or bureau), LoTW, eQSL.
PY     - Beto, PY6RT  and Jose, PY6HD  will be active as  PR6T  from Tinhare
         Island (SA-080)  on  20-23 April.  They  will operate  SSB and  FT8
         (using MSHV) on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres.  QSL via  Club Log's OQRS
         and LoTW.
T30    - The T30UN operation from  West Kiribati (OC-017)  [425DXN 1664]  is
         now expected to start on 10 April in the local early afternoon (T30
         is UTC +12 hours)  for about five weeks.  The frequency plan can be
         found on https://www.qrz.com/db/T30UN. Plans are to be QRV on 160-6
         metres with one CW station, one SSB station and seven FT8 stations.
         It will possible to see  two FT8 stations  on the same band  at the
         same time on different frequencies. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
T8     - Ichy, JH7IPR  will be active again as  T88UW  from  Koror (OC-009),
         Palau 14-20 April.  He will focus on 12 and 10 metres CW  and  FT8,
         and on 6 metres "all modes".  QSL via Club Log's OQRS,  LoTW or via
         home call (direct or bureau).
VE     - Radio Amateurs of Canada is once again holding a "Get on the Air on
         World Amateur Radio Day" special event  in which  it encourages  as
         many amateurs as possible to contact as many RAC stations as possi-
         ble.  Operating across Canada from  00.00 UTC  to 23.59 UTC  on  18
         April, the RAC  official stations will be  VA2RAC, VA3RAC,  VE1RAC,
         VY0RAC, VY1RAC and  VY2RAC.  QSL via LoTW or via the bureau.  Those
         contacting one or more RAC stations, on any band and mode,  will be
         eligible for a certificate: https://www.rac.ca/certificates/.
VP2V   - Seth, KD9TAW will be active as  VP2V/KD9TAW from  Tortola,  British
         Virgin Islands (NA-023) on 17-22 April. He will operate FT8 and SSB
         on 40, 20, 17, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via LoTW and Club Log.
VP9    - Look for Paul, VP9KF to be active again from  Baileys Bay,  Bermuda
         (NA-005) on 12-26 April with a focus on Japan and the Far East.  He
         operates CW only.  QSL direct  to  Paul Evans,  15 Watch Knob Lane,
         Swannanoa NC 28778, USA. He does not use LoTW. [TNX DX World]
VU7    - Yuris, YL2GM will be active as VU7W from Karavatti Island (AS-011),
         Lakshadweeps on  15-29 April. He will operate CW, SSB and FT8 ("F/H
         mode will be used when outside  normal FT8 frequencies")  on 160-10
         metres, and FT8 only on 6m. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), or
         direct to YL2GN.  A full  LoTW  upload will follow six months after
         the end of the DXpedition.  See https://www.lral.lv/vu7w/index.html
         for more information and updates.
XE     - Enrique, XE2AA planned to be QRV as XF3A from  Tamalcab Island (NA-
         200) on 2-7 April [425DXN 1662].  The operation has been cancelled,
         however, owing to bad weather conditions  "with very choppy waves".
         He now expects to be QRV as as XF3O from Cozumel Island (NA-090) on
         9-15 April. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW, or direct to IT9EJW.
ZB     - ON5OO and ON7EQ, along with ZB2JK, ZB2GI  and  other members of the
         Gibraltar Radio Amateur Society (GARS), will be active as ZB2BU  on
         2m and 70cm EME  on  14-17 April.  QSL for this activity via  ON7EQ
         (direct only).  See  https://www.qrz.com/db/ZB2/ON7EQ  for detailed

CARIBBEAN TOUR ---> Michal, OM2DX  and  Rado, OM2ZZ  will be active  holiday
style as FS/OM2DX and FS/OM2ZZ from Saint Martin Island (NA-105)  between 12
and 21 April. They plan side trips to  Sint Maarten (PJ7)  Saba (PJ6),  Sint
Eustatius (PJ5), Saint Barthelemy (FJ) and Anguilla (VP2E). [TNX DX World]

WARD 2023 ---> Celebrating  World  Amateur  Radio  Day (18 April),  look for
* 3Z0WARD from Poland on 1-30 April (QSL via LoTW, or via SP6IEQ);
* ZS9WARD from South Africa on 1-30 April (QSL via Club Log);
* 9A23WARD from Croatia on 6-30 April (QSL via 9A3JB);
* A60WARD from the United Arab Emirates  on 9-17 April  (QSL via EA7FTR; see
  https://www.qrz.com/db/A60WARD  for the QSL routes for the  various suffix
  extensions: A60WARD/0, A60WARD/1, A60WARD/2, etc);
* CQ7HS4A from Portugal on 11-25 April  (QSL via CT1REP).  The special call-
  sign's  suffix  stands  for  "Human Security for All",  the theme of World
  Amateur Radio Day 2023. For the first time, the  United Nations Trust Fund
  for Human Security and the World Academy of Art and Science are partnering
  with IARU in a campaign to highlight the role that  amateur radio plays in
  addressing the world's most pressing needs.
* A91WARD from Bahrain on 12-18 April (QSL via EC6DX);
* HZ1WARD from Saudi Arabia on 12-18 April (QSL via HZ1SAR);
* 9Y4WARD from Trinidad (SA-011) on  14-18 April  (QSL via M0OXO's OQRS, and
* AO5WARD from Spain on 14-18 April (QSL via EA5JEB);
* TM98WARD from France on 15-24 April (QSL via F6BEE);
* PA23WARD from the Netherlands on 18 April (QSL via eQSL)

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

CQMM DX CONTEST ---> The CQ MM DX Contest, organized by the  Juiz de Fora CW
Group, will be held  on  15-16 April.  It will run from  9 UTC  on  Saturday
through  23.59 UTC on Sunday, on  80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW.  Complete
details,  including  the results  of  the 2022  edition,  can  be  found  at

PACCDIGI CONTEST ---> The  Dutch  PACC  Digital Contest,  sponsored  by  the
national IARU society (VERON), will take place on 15 April from 7 to 19 UTC.
Everyone can work everyone on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres FT8/FT4 and/
or RTTY. Complete information can be found on https://www.veron.nl/paccdigi.

TX5S ---> The Northern California DX Foundation (https://www.ncdxf.org/) has
announced it is granting USD 25,000 to the  TX5S  DXpedition  to  Clipperton
Island (January 2024).  The mission of NCDXF is to provide  necessary finan-
cial support for well-organized DXpeditions to desirable DXCC entities,  and
to support advances in DXpeditioning skills, technology, and infrastructure:
"your contribution will help make DX happen".

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       N4GNR       EE7L        EA7HLU      LZ5R        LZ1JZ
3B9FR       M0OXO       EE7P        EA7ATX      NP2X        KU9C
3D2TS       M0OXO       EF5K        EA5DF       NP3X        EB7DX
3Z0WARD     SP6IEQ      EF8BBM      EA4BQ       OD5PY       KU9C
3Z1K        SP1KRF      EG1PVC      EA4HNO      OG16M       OH8EJW
3Z8GSC      SP8GSC      EG1RVC      EA1URS      OG73X       OH8L
4A7A        XE2T        EG1SSV      EA1URV      OK5Z        OK2ZI
4J100TC     DC9RI       EG20MPM     EA7URM      OK8NM       OM2FY
4K100TC     DC9RI       EG35MCN     EA7URM      OL60KUB     OK2CME
4L5O        N3SL        EG7MSP      EA7RCM      OL7T        OK2BXU
4L5P        IK7JTF      EI23M       EI3KD       OM7M        OM4MM
4X0AAW      W2TMR       EP2ABS      RW6HS       PA23WAAD    NL10743
4X6FR       4X6OM       EP2MRK      RW6HS       PC00T       PA2TMS
4X6TT       N4GNR       ES9UKR      ES5RY       PJ2T        W3HNK
5Z4VJ       M0URX       EY8MM       W0VTT       PJ4DX       M0URX
8P1W        KU9C        FG4NO       EA5GL       PJ4R        WD9DZV
8P5A        HA1AG       FH/F4IFF    EB7DX       PT5J        PP5JR
8Q7MO       OE7MOP      FK8CE       N4GNR       PV2G        PT2IC
9A0BR       9A4W        FK8GU       EA5GL       PW7T        PT7WA
9A23WARD    9A3JB       FM8QR       F5EAN       PX2R        PY2RE
9A23Y       9A1TT       GB2AA       W2TMR       PY2ZEA      OH2MM
9A3B        9A1AA       GB2AAW      W2TMR       S76A        W2TMR
9A3XV       9A3JB       GB5AAW      W2TMR       SN0KSP      SP9ODM
9A50P       9A6KX       GM5X        N3SL        SN8ZSIGM    SP8ZBX
9A5Y        9A7W        H31B        EA3BT       SP50GVU     SP6GVU
9A7A        9A7A        H31W        EA3BT       ST0HQ       ST2M
9G5AR       N4GNR       H44MI       DL2GMI      SU1SK       N2OO
9J2BO       EA5GL       HF50F       SP2FAP      SV0XAF      HB9EBC
9J2BS       EA5GL       HG3R        HA3NU       TM13CCAE    F6FMT
9K9A        EC6DX       HG7T        HA7TM       TM1K        F8KGM
9K9C        EC6DX       HG8R        HA8JV       TM350DA     F4GFE
A60A        EA7FTR      HI0AUT      W2TMR       TM8A        F8DVD
AM5WAD      EA5PC       HK3C        M0URX       TO7O        EA1BP
AP2MKS      EA5GL       HQ2E        M0OXO       TX5L        F4FTV
AT3K        VU2XE       IB9A        IZ2WFL      UP7L        UN6LN
B7P         BA4EG       IB9T        IT9TQH      UP9L        RW6HS
C7A         UA3DX       II0GUI      IQ0EF       V26EI       M0OXO
CB3W        XQ4CW       II0PEG      IQ0PG       V55Y        DK2WH
CB8E        CE8EIO      II1CAM      IK2QIN      VC2AA       W2TMR
CM7JAA      IK2DUW      II2BGY      IK2WAD      VC3T        VE3DZ
CN2MOG      DL1MOG      II2S        IZ2FOS      VJ4K        N3SL
CN2SMB      F1SMB       II2VGT      IQ2GM       VJ9N        M0OXO
CN3A        IK2OHG      II3AFT      IK3FHP      VK4A        M0OXO
CQ8Q        PT2FM       II3GOR      IQ3GO       VK9TOM      M0OXO
CR3DX       OM2VL       II3PRL      IQ3TF       VK9WX       M0OXO
CR3W        DL5AXX      II4BRI      IQ4FE       VL4R        VK4ZD
CV7S        CX7SS       II4CPC      IQ4DJ       VP5P        N2OO
CW3A        EA5GL       II5LDV      IQ5LV       VY0ERC      M0OXO
CX2CC       EA5KB       II7BPM      IQ7DV       W2A         W2TMR
D2XX        CT1CRS      II8K        IZ8EPX      XF2C        IT9EJW
D4Z         IK2NCJ      II9TMM      IQ9MK       XF3RAM      EA5GL
E2A         E21EIC      IO6A        IZ6BRJ      YJ8RN       NZ4DX
E2E         E23NEZ      IR0A        OM2FY       YV4EK       EA7FTR
E6AF        SP9FIH      IR2C        IQ2CJ       Z81D        OM3JW
E6CI        SP6CIK      IR6T        IK6VXO      ZF1A        K7ZO
EA8OM       DJ1OJ       KL7RA       N4GNR       ZP6RAI      IK2DUW
ED2R        EA2RCA      KP2M        NZ4DX       ZW5B        PY5EG
ED3D        EA3RCB      LG5LG       LA7TIA      ZX7E        PT7BI
ED5R        EA5SR       LO7H        EA7FTR      ZY2A        PP2BO
ED8M        EA8DIG      LP1H        EA5KB       ZZ5K        PP5RT

4L4DX     Alexander Nersesian, 1790 E Indigo Dr, Chandler AZ 85286, USA
7T60ARA   Amateurs Radio Algeriens, 7 Square Port Said, 16000 Algier,
CB6CPC    Radio Club Traiguen, Casilla 150, 4730000 Traiguen, Chile
CB6I      Radio Club Traiguen, Casilla 150, 4730000 Traiguen, Chile
CO8LY     Jorge Manuel Santos, Rua do Moinho 3, Seixal, 2530-267 Lourinha,
CR6K      Filipe Monteiro Lopes, Rua Manuel Jose da Silva 184, Espinheira,
          3720-537 Sao Martinho da Gandara, Portugal
CR6P      Miguel Goncalves, Rua Doutor Joel Magalhaes 6, 4740-272 Esposende,
CX5A      Lupo Bano Negreira, Casilla de Correos 950, 11000 Montevideo,
D4NA      Timo Klimoff, Yrjonkatu 4 A 15, FI-28100 Pori, Finland
E7DX      Boris Knezovic, P.O. Box 59, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
ED1R      Jesus Maria Gimare Marquez, C/ Jacinto del Barrio 2,
          05358 Papatrigo (Avila), Spain
EE5T      Santiago de La Fuente, Miguel Hernandez 37 Pta. 6, 46970 Alacuas
          (Valencia), Spain
EH5SSC    Radio Club Carthago, Apartado Postal 176, 30200 Cartagena (Murcia)
FK8GX     Raymond Merle, Pavillon 1, Rue des Augeres, 77520 Donnemarie
          Dontilly, France
FK8HM     Raymond Merle, Pavillon 1, Rue des Augeres, 77520 Donnemarie
          Dontilly, France
FR4QT     Francois Barbier, 5 bis La Marrerie, 50500 St Andre de Bohon,
FR8UA     Fabrice Brassier, 10 rue de Chanlat, 63190 Moissat, France
FW1JG     Fabrice Brassier, 10 rue de Chanlat, 63190 Moissat, France
FY5KE     Laurent Haas, 19 Rue de la Duee, BP 11, 75020 Paris, France
HV0A      Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, 00136 Roma RM, Italy
IO9A      Antonello Scauso, Via Tenente Minniti 105, 98057 Milazzo ME, Italy
IT9EJW    Alfio Bonanno, Via Trastevere 8, 95037 San Giovanni La Punta CT,
LW1F      Jesus Rubio, Calle Jose Ignacio Rucci 1350, S2141ARB,
          Luis Palacios, Argentina
OH0V      Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, FI-31400 Somero, Finland
PJ5/W5JON John Abbruscato, 22199 Pine Tree Ln, Hockley TX 77447, USA
PT1W      Pabricio Paiva, Rua Ronda Alta Lote 24 Quadra 42, Guaratiba,
          Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 23031-320, Brazil
PT4Z      Jeber Wilker Colares, Rua Rio Pardo 244, Taiobeiras - MG,
          39550-000, Brazil
PX2A      Carlos Adalberto Carareto, Estrada de Santo Amaro 201,
          Sao Paulo - SP, 05544-000, Brazil
SJ2W      Per Eklund, Teaterallen 12-0102 lgh 1102, SE-903 64 Umea, Sweden
SZ1A      R.A.A.W.G., Kokkinologos Sargiadas, 301 50 Agrinio, Greece
SZ7SER    R.A.A.S., PO Box 1063, 621 10 Serres, Greece
TM0T      Stephane Van Langhenhoven, 24 bis rue de Anter Hent,
          29830 Ploudalmezeau, France
TM6M      Stephane Van Langhenhoven, 24 bis rue de Anter Hent,
          29830 Ploudalmezeau, France
TM72FDL   Guillaume Francoise, 7 impasse Jacques Danton, 72470 Champagne,
TR8CA     Jean Charron, 19 rue Gabriel Moussa, 33320 Eysines, France
VC2W      Victor Androsov, 1185 Rue de Blois, Boucherville, QC J4B 7Z5,
VK9DX     Nick Hacko, Suite 403 Level 4, Culwulla Chambers, 67 Castlereagh
          St, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
W2TMR     James Gallo, 149 Marine Avenue 6F, Brooklyn NY 11209, USA
YR190S    Ion Smadoiu, Str. Dr. Victor Babes nr. 99, bl. C2, sc. 1, ap. 16,
          220212 Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania
YR190T    Stefan Popovici, Aleea Sulfinei nr. 5, bl. V7, sc. 2, ap. 12,
          220022 Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania
ZB2BU     Gibraltar Amateur Radio Society, PO Box 292, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
ZV2HAM    Carlos Wagner, Rua Jose Manoel Lorenzo Leiro 659, Itanhaem - SP,
          11740-000, Brazil


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (i1jqj...@gmail.com)    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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