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JetGuy - MIA But Alive!

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Kurt at VR-FX

Feb 15, 2019, 4:31:33 PM2/15/19
to 3D Printer Tips, Tricks and Reviews
Okay folks, here's the deal ...

To be quite honest, this posting is a bit overdue on my part! I actually
should have written this up a couple weeks ago, since it was a couple
weeks ago that I spoke to JetGuy on the phone! And, he sort of slapped
my wrist, because the previous time I called him and he didn't answer,
it was actually late at night, considering I am California time and he's
in Carolina's. Although I busted on his chops because he used to always
tell me there's plenty of time to sleep when you're dead! Typical Jetguy
type of joke. However, that reality finally caught up with him. And I
told him a number of times in the past, that if he doesn't get enough
sleep he's going to get sick. And sure enough, when I spoke to him a
couple weeks ago on the phone, he was sick as a dog.
So, yes, he is indeed Alive. Proof by me being able to speak to him on
the phone. Now, all that being said, I'm going to have to be a little
careful about what I write here. The reason being, has to do with
something that he spoke to me about on the phone. It turns out, that he
recently signed an agreement for work, that will basically limit him to
what he writes in the social media. Now I can't really say that much
more, because it's becoming murky Waters and I don't want to get in
trouble nor do I want him to get in trouble. But simply stating that he
has to be careful about what he says, I think that is legit for me to
let people know. And part of this has to do with how he might write up a
rant about a person, about a company or about a technology out there on
the web. And you know he posted multiple different forms, not only this
one! So yeah, that's part, just only part of why he may be missing for a
Now, many of you know, he's obviously like a god of 3D printing when it
comes to 3D printing knowledge. Case in point, a number of years ago he
got a brand new printer from 3D Systems, which was kind of like the high
end of the hobby level type 3D printers, he ripped the entire thing
apart analyzed the entire thing put it all back together and had it
printing. And it's obviously one of the reasons why Ryan used a quote
from JetGuy in his book.
But, most of you probably don't know much more about him - other than
his intense experience with 3D printers. Although you should of course
know that he has a deep knowledge and hands-on experience with jet
engines! Because obviously, that's why he has the nickname! And he has
posted some of his videos here in the forums, and he's got a bunch of
YouTube videos all about putting jet engines on golf carts! Pretty crazy
stuff indeed!
However, did you know that as a day job his expertise is in regards to
corporate and government security? Other than that, I don't really have
any details I can talk about. Although, I know that at times he works in
different corporate settings where he goes into rooms that are so secure
that he can't even bring in his cell phone. He must leave the cell phone
outside the room!
Therefore, as you can imagine, that's why there is now this kind of a
deal where he has to be somewhat silent or somewhat Limited in what he
writes on the internet. Again, I'm not going to go into any more
details, maybe he will and maybe he won't add some commentary to what I
write. It might be nice but he may not get to it.
So, besides his experience with 3D printing, jet engines, and security,
did you know he has certain expertise and Hands-On and a number of other
areas? This is also part of the problem why he's kept way way way too
busy! So for instance, he also does repair and fixing of cars, which was
one of the last of the things that I learned about him. Although,
another thing I learned, and we had a long discussion about a
month-and-a-half ago, is his deep involvement with model trains in
setting up this entire train track system on a massive board in this
room, with highly complex wiring underneath it and wiring controls to
prevent trains from crashing into each other! I found that pretty Dawn
Wild. I asked him at one point if he would please send us a picture of
his trains, but he never did, just because he's gotten too busy. And
he's also gotten requests from some other people local to him asking for
help on the trains. He also does a lot of help and working within his
Makerspace place nearby him.
Lastly - right around the time he went MIA - he was Deep Diving into
multi-color printing. HE was testing out a Bunch of things - but, also
Waiting on some things - like from Prusa. He was Testing the Palette -
the new 2.0 version. Can't say much more about that, for obvious
reasons. Also, he was testing out this strange little system - from a
guy who posted this stuff on ThingiVerse, to do color printing of a kind
of powder stuff. And, the guy was creating a new kind of Kit. Am sure
some folks recognize what I speak of.

However, around this time - he got too immersed in the color stuff, then
got too busy with Other stuff - including work - and then went MIA.

So - there U have it!


JF Kansas

Feb 19, 2019, 3:03:40 AM2/19/19
Thanks for the update. I was thinking a few days ago that I haven't seen him post lately. But the whole 3D Printing Groups things has slowed down and thought that some might have migrated to a different platform. 

I have been slowing down on my 3d printing stuff and interest lately, but I still have everything. 

About a month ago I was laid off from my 25 year long career in the printing industry as a Prepress/Production Designer that morphed into print related Ecommerce activities in the last 10 or so years. 

So this week I started a new career path into Full Stack web development. My Ecommerce background had a lot of Front end Web development programming already so I am expanding that to real app development both front and back end.

I was at the top of my career path in the print industry, meaning I would never make much more than I was making. It was a decent living and I live in a relatively low cost of living area of the country. Hopefully I will take to the programming that I have always had some interest in, but never have had any formal training in. 

Erik Mendoza

Feb 19, 2019, 11:10:55 AM2/19/19
to 3D Printer Tips, Tricks and Reviews
Thanks for the heads up, and all the information. Hope he gets to feeling better soon!

Kurt at VRFX

Feb 19, 2019, 12:38:33 PM2/19/19

Hey there Jeff!

On 2/19/2019 12:03 AM, JF Kansas wrote:
Thanks for the update.

No problemo!

I was thinking a few days ago that I haven't seen him post lately.

Lately? Try like several Months now! Actually - I just checked - last post here was Sept 20 & thus he just reached the 6 Mo. MIA Mark!!!

But the whole 3D Printing Groups things as slowed down as a whole and thought that some might have migrated to a different platform.

It HAS gotten quite here! Yes - folks have migrated...

I have been slowing down on my 3d printing stuff and interest lately, but I still have everything.


About a month ago I was laid off from my 25 year long career in the printing industry as a Prepress/Production Designer that morphed into print related Ecommerce activities in the last 10 or so years.


So this week I started a new career path into Full Stack web development. My Ecommerce background had a lot of Front end Web development programming already so I am expanding that to real app development both front and back end.

So - you're actually working now - at a new job? And - UR not in the CA area - are you?

I was at the top of my career path in the print industry, meaning I would never make much more than I was making. It was a decent living and I live in a relatively low cost of living area of the country. Hopefully I will take to the programming that I have always had some interest in, but never have had any formal training in.

Good luck with that. Seriously - hope it works out well for you.


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Kurt at VRFX

Feb 19, 2019, 12:42:13 PM2/19/19

I'm sure he's feeling better now - as that last call was about 3 weeks ago now.

I should call him again soon - and maybe even bust his chops and ask when he will be back on the forums! Will see...



JF Kansas

Feb 20, 2019, 2:29:02 PM2/20/19
to 3D Printer Tips, Tricks and Reviews
Nope, not working, but  I uber/lyft drive part time so not all bad.

Kansas CIty, this training is 4 months 8:30 to 4pm ish so pretty much a full time thing. 
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Kurt at VR-FX

Feb 21, 2019, 8:42:39 PM2/21/19

Hey there Jeff!

Again - sorry to hear of your job loss!

On 2/20/2019 11:29 AM, JF Kansas wrote:
Nope, not working, but  I uber/lyft drive part time so not all bad.

Hey - at least that's something. My car is a little older and only 2 doors - U & L each bitched about one of those 2 issues - so, it wasn't an option for me. And, as you will see by my other posting - am now doing a little teaching. But, VERY Little - only 4 Hrs/wk!

Kansas CIty,

My bad - I shoulda remembered Ur in KS - since its in your email addy!

this training is 4 months 8:30 to 4pm ish so pretty much a full time thing.

Understood. FYI - a potentially even BETTER option - as a buddy of mine has been pitching it to me - is to learn and work with SalesForce. Its supposed to be Super easy to work with - and a TON of jobs out there in it!!! He even went so far as to send me this link today:


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JF Kansas

Feb 26, 2019, 11:57:07 AM2/26/19
to 3D Printer Tips, Tricks and Reviews
If you are interested in Uber/Lyft you can rent a car from them. 

Use my Uber invite code. :-)  4GFNADXNUE  

or lyft  code:  FRITTON28473

Kurt at VR-FX

Feb 26, 2019, 2:46:07 PM2/26/19

Honestly - I need to Make $ - not Spend $ - so, renting  car from them doesn't seem like a good idea. But, I do appreciate the suggestion!


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JF Kansas

Feb 26, 2019, 2:54:05 PM2/26/19
to 3D Printer Tips, Tricks and Reviews
It is renting a car to make money. It is actually a decent deal. The lyft rental can only be used on Lyft, but I think the Uber Rental can be used on Lyft.  Ride share can be addictive once you start, it is kinda fun. But after a year or 2 it can get old. 

In an average to above average market you can make 1000-1500 a week. You pay a weekly fee that includes unlimited miles, insurance, and vehicle maintenance. Currently Lyft partners with Hertz and Flexdrive and the cost of Lyft rentals is around $180 – $240/week. 

Brandon A.

Feb 26, 2019, 4:17:56 PM2/26/19
to 3D Printer Tips, Tricks and Reviews
Huh.  This answers my questions regarding "How do you make money while depreciating your own vehicle?" That's an impressive rate all things considered, just need to be sure you're using it.

I love driving, but I dislike people.  I've occasionally thought that ride sharing would be a good way to practice small talk.

JF Kansas

Feb 26, 2019, 7:31:11 PM2/26/19
You really want to rideshare in a depreciated vehicle, 6-10 year old vehicle is ideal. But even if you have a newer vehicle you can come out ok just doing 10-20 hours a week. You will accelerate wear on your vehicle for sure, but it isn't as bad as you think. A lot of cars just age out because of being out in the elements. Most cars people own are severely under utilized for what they cost to own. 

As far as renting, the rental fees and gas are tax deductions also. If you use your own vehicle,  58 cents a mile is deductible. 

When I was laid off I just upped my driving and was able to drive in more busy times early in the AM rush. I was doing 750 to 800 a week working 5-6 hours per day, 5 or 6 days a week. KC is an average market and is oversaturated with drivers somewhat, but I didn't have troubles getting rides. The weather has been bad and I don't go out in heavy snow or ice even though the rates are much higher for the driver.  There is a Youtube guy that I follow in Chicago and he consistently does about 1750-2000 a week driving 60-70 hours a week.  Usually he breaks up his day into early AM runs and quits around 11AM, then gets after it again around 4-5pm into the evenings. So it is 10 hours per day, but split up into morning and evening shifts during the week. 
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