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Mari K

Jan 14, 2019, 9:00:53 AM1/14/19

That you can also use 3D printer to engrave?

here is a chance to win a laser for these purposes

Kurt at VR-FX

Jan 14, 2019, 10:54:10 AM1/14/19


First of all - the standard when you join a new forum is to introduce yourself to the group - not just post a message that is almost like a sales pitch! I know its not true sales pitch - since you are promoting a contest. However, that contest is essentially about promoting the Endurance biz - thus it is kinda like a sales pitch!

Second of all - this has been discussed in this forum a NUMBER of times in the past. You can see for yourself if you search the archives! The discussion centers around the Dangers of simply attaching a laser to a 3DP or CNC system. This is because the systems are NOT Enclosed - and offer NO Protection from laser light bouncing and potentially hitting you in the eye. Or, just as bad - bouncing and causing something to catch fire!

As such - MANY People here have advised people NOT to attach a laser to their pre-existing 3DP or CNC. And, thus, your contest is in fact a VERY BAD IDEA!

Just saying...


P.S. I'm not your typical forum member here - as I'm one of the VERY First members of this particular forum, and I am also a bit of a forum admin! As well as a kind of well known 3D Printing guy here on this forum - having created many 3DP projects and exhibited my creations at NYC World Maker Faire for 7 years!

On 1/14/2019 6:00 AM, Mari K wrote:

Еhat you can also use 3D printer to engrave?

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Ryan Carlyle

Jan 14, 2019, 6:14:55 PM1/14/19
to 3D Printer Tips, Tricks and Reviews

Joseph Larson

Jan 15, 2019, 9:30:53 AM1/15/19
to 3D Printer Tips, Tricks and Reviews
Absolute spam. Mods, please remove.

On Monday, January 14, 2019 at 4:14:55 PM UTC-7, Ryan Carlyle wrote:

John Doe

Jan 15, 2019, 9:32:37 AM1/15/19
Their website is full of grammar errors, and doesn't seem very legitimate. 


Brandon A.

Jan 15, 2019, 12:04:19 PM1/15/19
to 3D Printer Tips, Tricks and Reviews
This is a funny plot twist.  I thought Kurt was too much of a loose cannon to be a mod, turns out he's far too nice.  =P

That response was far too thoughtful for a shameless promotion of a dangerous product.

Kurt at VR-FX

Jan 15, 2019, 1:40:27 PM1/15/19
Wow - what a Tough Audience here! Dang Ryan! Yeah - I saw the other
responses - will reply each separately.

Now - most times - spam is unrelated. But, these guys Are a 3DP related co.

But, yes - just to join the forum and blast us with an email asking us
to join in their competition - only to win something truly dangerous -
and even more dangerous in the wrong hands - sure does sound like Spam!

On 1/14/2019 3:14 PM, Ryan Carlyle wrote:
> Spaaaaam

Kurt at VR-FX

Jan 15, 2019, 1:41:35 PM1/15/19

Dang dude - yeah, does come off a bit like Spam. I noticed that after my reply - I didn't see a response from them. Of course, as Spammers - they may not even bother to look for a reply!


Kurt at VR-FX

Jan 15, 2019, 1:46:24 PM1/15/19

Hey there Mr. Anonymous John Doe (did the hospital give you that name as a Baby - since they didn't know who your parents were?)!        :-)

To be honest - all the grammar errors are VERY Typical with Chinese companies - where English is Not the 1st language. And, as you probably already know - the hobby level 3DP industry is flooded by Chinese companies - many which were the 1st ones to do knockoffs of USA brand 3DP's - for example - the MBI machines. So, although its "full of grammar errors" - it doesn't mean they aren't legit. Even trying to give away something like these lasers in a competition - although its a Dangerous item as a give away. Still doesn't mean they aren't legit. Even though we all may agree that its NOT Legit to give lasers away - or, worse yet - suggest people just attach them to an unenclosed 3DP or CNC and start using them. Yeah - that is a Very, VERY BAD Idea!!!


Kurt at VR-FX

Jan 15, 2019, 2:18:32 PM1/15/19

Hey there Brandon! I am Offended by that comment!!!

OK - not really - I know Ur just busting my chops! Its actually quite funny what you wrote. Especially the Plot Twist thing - as though this forum in general reads like some odd story...

And - by the way - about your comment of "...response was far too thoughtful for a shameless promotion..." - I totally hear ya. But, FYI - I was trying to play Devils Advocate in my original reply back to this MariK person!

Oh - and, there are Other Mods here. And, every single person who wants to join the forum - MUST be approved by a Mod. I haven't approved anyone for access for probably several years now.

So, since everyone is bitching - I went online to the forum (of which I normally Never do - I simply read all postings I get via email). I even had problems logging in to the forum - but, I got it resolved. Then I went into Admin mode. I was actually looking around - and saw we had a ton of members - I think it was over 1300. I then looked at the Banned list. And, it was funny - as one guy that was banned - this George Fomitchev - he's actually the one that runs the website which was linked to in this thread. Or, at least - I saw on the website that he supposed did a posting.

Anyway - I went ahead and Removed this MariK person - who posted this thread - and spammed us with the link to Dangerous Damn Lasers!!!

I hope everyone is happy now. I sure don't want Disgruntled forum members! Right Brandon, Ryan & Joe???



On 1/15/2019 9:04 AM, Brandon A. wrote:
This is a funny plot twist.  I thought Kurt was too much of a loose cannon to be a mod, turns out he's far too nice.  =P

That response was far too thoughtful for a shameless promotion of a dangerous product.

Joseph Larson

Jan 16, 2019, 10:14:55 AM1/16/19
to 3D Printer Tips, Tricks and Reviews
Endurance Lasers is run by a guy who has been a plague on my inbox for a year. He runs these contests constantly, but no one has ever won them. When I suggested instead of giving them away in a contest,m he should put a unit in the hands of someone who would do a review of them, his response was "Hmm, na. But I'll sell you one half price instead". That sealed it for me. His contests are a scam.

Then this post shows up with a non-descriptive title from a person who has not been back pointing to a web site that is suspect. 

And even if this were legitimate, and you could mod your A8 to be a laser cutter with a diode, would you really want to be out-gassing without ventilation? This is a company selling a bad idea with scam tactics out of the reach of legal repercussions. There is not one part of this that's a good idea. So whether this thread is a scam or not, again, Mods, please remove.
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Joseph Larson

Jan 16, 2019, 10:17:12 AM1/16/19
to 3D Printer Tips, Tricks and Reviews
Sorry, Kurt. I started writing that reply yesterday and didn't see your reply until I finished it this morning and hit send. You done good.

Kurt at VR-FX

Jan 16, 2019, 11:46:43 AM1/16/19

I beg to differ - since, after reading your previous reply - I realized I ONLY Banned the MariK person - but, Failed to remove the actual message thread! So - am going to try and do that today. I also appreciated ALL your feedback - Honestly - it was good info.! Yeah - the website and that guy - both seem very "fly by night"! Scammers like that must be stopped the best way we can - and removing the thread from the forum is surely a good start!


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