Hey Olga,
Sorry, I was initially confused because when I would try to load my assembly files into JBAT, none of the tracks for editing, chromosomes, or scaffolds would load. I've since figured out that if you try to load a different assembly file into a JBAT session where you have already loaded one, the tracks don't load. This made me think there was something super wrong with my data, anyway it's all good now.
I didn't really understand what 3D-DNA and I was wondering why the early hic files in the pipeline looked better than the final output. After reading the supplementary stuff and getting some higher coverage data, I get why that was.
I've since moved forward with a 2.hic file from a run with some higher coverage data. I would just like your opinion on which assembly I should move forward with.
This assembly is around 840Mb and I can clearly see the 10 chromosomes. The length of all the chromosomes minus debris is roughly what I expect the actual genome size to be. I notice there are some little crosses with low coverage in the superscaffolds, and I'm not really sure if I should just assign those regions as debris or not. What are your thoughts? In chromosome 1 for example. there is a pretty big gap in coverage in the middle, but I can also see that this region does have more interactions with chromosome 1 than any other part of the assembly.
I also have a review assembly file where I went through assigned all of these little gaps as debris, but it did shrink my assembly to about 750Mb. Would you consider this assembly better despite the large drop in sequences no longer placed into chromosomes?
Thanks for any input, and thanks for these tools! They're fantastic