Sorted file and dups/no dups files do not add up

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Josh Grey

Oct 4, 2021, 12:12:14 PM10/4/21
to 3D Genomics
Hi all,

Thank you for this very helpful forum. I've looked through the posts and other resources, but can't seem to figure out why I repeatedly return this error.

I am running juicer for a HiC experiment and run into the following error code in the final output file:

***! Error! The sorted file and dups/no dups files do not add up, or were empty. Merge or dedupping likely failed, restart pipeline with -S merge or -S dedup
Dups don't add up.  Check /juicedir/scripts/aligned for results

Below is the resulting inter_30.txt stats:

Sequenced Read Pairs:  1,112,743,359
 Normal Paired: 451,669,235 (40.59%)
 Chimeric Paired: 536,976,217 (48.26%)
 Chimeric Ambiguous: 114,213,210 (10.26%)
 Unmapped: 9,884,697 (0.89%)
 Ligation Motif Present: 1,038,936,627 (93.37%)
Alignable (Normal+Chimeric Paired): 988,645,452 (88.85%)
Unique Reads: 674,967,732 (60.66%)
PCR Duplicates: 309,379,282 (27.80%)
Optical Duplicates: 3,301,021 (0.30%)
Library Complexity Estimate: 1,216,966,025
Intra-fragment Reads: 4,830,913 (0.43% / 0.72%)
Below MAPQ Threshold: 186,952,810 (16.80% / 27.70%)
Hi-C Contacts: 483,184,009 (43.42% / 71.59%)
 Ligation Motif Present: 447,610,743  (40.23% / 66.32%)
 3' Bias (Long Range): 88% - 12%
 Pair Type %(L-I-O-R): 25% - 25% - 25% - 25%
Inter-chromosomal: 171,921,541  (15.45% / 25.47%)
Intra-chromosomal: 311,262,468  (27.97% / 46.12%)
Short Range (<20Kb): 131,757,217  (11.84% / 19.52%)
Long Range (>20Kb): 179,505,057  (16.13% / 26.59%)

I have tried restarting at the merge and dedup step, but still run into this same issue. This does not happen when running the test data, nor when I run similar samples with fewer reads. I'm confused as to whether this is a problem for the results as the pipeline still runs to completion and the .hic files seem to be mostly okay. Is there something I am missing here?


Neva Durand

Oct 4, 2021, 12:31:13 PM10/4/21
to Josh Grey, 3D Genomics

If you sum the statistics in your inter_30.txt file, you see Unique + Duplicates = 987,648,035; but your alignable is 988,645,452, so you're missing ~1M reads. You're free to use what you've got but you are missing some reads from the hic file.

I would have a look in the debug folder and see if there are errors during merge. You can also count the lines yourself (wc -l merged_sort.txt) to see if it adds up to Alignable (which it should).


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Neva Cherniavsky Durand, Ph.D. | she, her, hers
Senior Scientist |  Gene Regulation Observatory
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
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