Kamailio active_watchers

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Arek Fryz

Jun 10, 2017, 8:29:13 AM6/10/17
to 2600hz-dev

I was wondering if anyone tested Kazoo 4.1 with multiple kamailio servers and how was blf doing.

From my tests I see that active_watchers table is being populated per kamailio server. Then if call passes different server that is not aware of subscription from other kamailio it won't send dialog or presence update.
Am I missing configuration that will sync active_watchers?

Thank you,


Jun 14, 2017, 3:14:12 PM6/14/17
to 2600hz-dev
Have you made any progress on this?  I do not have BLF working across zones so it sounds like the same thing.

Arek Fryz

Jun 14, 2017, 3:58:32 PM6/14/17
to 2600h...@googlegroups.com
Yes, you need to add zone configuration into kamailio config. When you define amqp url you need to add zone=zone_name;kazoo:// .....
You do it only for other zones. Local zone amqp url config stays the same.

Arek Fryz


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Jun 14, 2017, 6:46:41 PM6/14/17
to 2600hz-dev
Thanks.  I can confirm that adding 
#!substdef "!MY_AMQP_SECONDARY_URL!zone=z2;kazoo://guest:guest@z2_AMQP_IP:5672!g

Does appear to work.  However, that contradicts info I got in another thread.
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Jun 14, 2017, 7:01:08 PM6/14/17
to 2600hz-dev
Bit of a syntax error there.  Also don't need to use the secondary variable.
#!substdef "!MY_AMQP_URL!zone=z2;kazoo://guest:guest@z2_AMQP_IP:5672!g"


Jun 14, 2017, 7:07:36 PM6/14/17
to 2600hz-dev
Arrrg.  Spoke too soon.  You do appear to need to use the secondary variable.  And if a 3rd Kamailio, the 3rd variable MY_AMQP_TERTIARY_URL

#!substdef "!MY_AMQP_SECONDARY_URL!zone=z2;kazoo://guest:guest@z2_AMQP_IP:5672!g"

Arek Fryz

Jun 14, 2017, 7:15:25 PM6/14/17
to 2600h...@googlegroups.com
You can use those where first ones should be pointing to local zone and next one to other zones kamailio should be aware of.
You can also define amqp urls with: 
modparam("kazoo", "amqp_connection", "zone=z2;kazoo://guest:guest@z2_AMQP_IP:5672")
in default.cfg

Arek Fryz


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Jun 14, 2017, 7:40:35 PM6/14/17
to 2600hz-dev
I only used those variables because they are already defined in default.cfg.  It says at the top of default.cfg to not edit it and make changes to local.cfg instead.

So I guess the modparam statement or the definition of additional variables can go in local.cfg.

Darren Schreiber

Jun 14, 2017, 7:42:13 PM6/14/17
to 2600h...@googlegroups.com

The reason for not modifying default.cfg is then the next time an RPM is released with a new config, the RPM manager won’t overwrite default.cfg (which it SHOULD) because you’ve touched it.


We EXPECT local.cfg not to get overwritten when we strategize on where to put new feautres & such and try to keep that file backward compatible. We do NOT for the other files – we expect the other files not to be touched.


If you modify default.cfg then you have to make sure each time you upgrade that you maintain the differences between the shipped default.cfg and your modified one, the RPMs won’t do it for you. Hence why the recommendation is to use local.cfg



I’m also still checking on the discrepancy between my understanding of the requirement to use the zones and whatever is in 4.1 (I know 4.0 did not require this)

Arek Fryz

Jun 14, 2017, 7:54:27 PM6/14/17
to 2600h...@googlegroups.com

You are right with not modifying default.cfg .. but if someone runs multiple zones and cluster you think they would know what *.rpmnew is and how to diff it ;)

default.cfg has config for 3 amqp urls only I believe.. good to start, but may be not enough for advanced clusters. 

BTW. from time to time I see that BLF get stuck in early state on *3x. I have to go to database and remove parked call document manually to get it to work. Not sure what causes that yet. Anyone noticed that too?   

Arek Fryz


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