Voting Machines

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May 10, 2023, 8:37:13 PM5/10/23
to 2600 Australia

This stuff is lawyer bait, so disclaimer right off the bat, I am going to point out this issue is not exclusive to dominion but any voting machine company.  Also I am going to reiterate that the Dominion voting machines did not "switch votes" in any way, nor that they are defective in any manner.  On the contrary they work as designed, and any irregularities likely have nothing to do with any deliberate Dominion actions or policy as a whole. 

Firstly Dominion won their case of defamation where it was suggested their voting machines "somehow switched votes"

I thought this was worth a little extra discussion.  Fuck redacted documents. I ain't got no NDA's.

The legal action against the vote counting machines, claiming they were somehow defective or contained software bugs was overturned.
The machine it seems work as designed, and there is no bugs. Rightfully so.
10 Points to dominion.

To that, the average gen Y or even boomer could quite reasonably conclude that there was no election fraud on /any/ machine. However they would be wrong. The machines in question contain several /deliberate/ design logics which /work as designed/.

They contain a debug and diagnostic system which can be used to generate or correct "test vote" tally's to test/verify communication and counts on the main vote counting server.
 In one example, a similar system was found within 10 minutes when a voting machine was made available to a hacking conference, the feature was found by an 11 year old girl. and
This has actually occurred a few times on different machines in different events in the past but this is the most widely reported, because 11 year old! LOL
Apparently the system contains no way to recognise test votes, because of course only an authorized service agent by the manufacturer is meant to know about it, so generating them would count toward the legitimate election counts, and the machines are not meant to be in this mode during an election.

To minimise the chance of tampering with votes, some of the voting machines operated entirely offline, requiring the insertion of a careful chain of custody USB stick on which the public voting machines have deposited the current batch of tally's onto. At every stage this USB stick is tracked and recorded.
However the counting machine contains no system to verify the chain of custody. If the USB is configured correctly an official could for example insert the controlled usb, that will dutifully record the 12 votes to democrat, and 9 votes to republican, then shout "oh look at that girl in the red miniskirt" the security guard them distracted for 8 seconds, the official can now pull out a second pre-prepared usb stick with 12 THOUSAND votes to democrat, which the counting machine will also dutifully record too. An "uncontrolled" usb stick was uncovered in the desk of one of the election officials tasked with that exact job.  The system relies entirely on /physical/ real world security.
There was also several other similar "USB" incidents of various machines not all successful, but then you only hear about the ones where they are caught.
In the case of the "uncontrolled" USB stick, it was found in the desk of an election official and was configured identically to the "controlled" stick, and any counts on it would have been accepted by the machine, which where i read the report apparently horrified them. Redacted, I also cant seem to find the report about it online anymore.  Apparently we are not meant to talk about that one.

In rural counties the voting machines are configured to operate remotely. This is meant to only upload votes, not permit incoming connections, however it was found in these and many non-rural machines that the remote operation and management option was still enabled, to avoid the need for a vote machine technician employee needing to be at every polling location. When remotely accessed the same test and diagnostic options are available as when they have physical access to the machine, allowing the ability to view and edit the tables recording the votes. What is particularly problematic is the voting machines are in general configured using generic default settings for a range of uses so they can send out the same machine model to multiple states. This evades the physical tamper seals, since they don't actually need to open the machine to mess with it.
In the case at point 2, if a voting machine was meant to be operated offline with a chain of custody USB, but the local IT department also mistakenly connected the network cable, the "12 votes to democrat and 9 to republican" would potentially be counted twice!? And someone could get in it remotely to mess with it potentially.

It was found when network and phone records were checked numerous voting machines had been accessed remotely /BY CHINA/ although these logs didn't come to light until mostly after the investigation, and their involvement has been played down (see point 6)
It was also found that in some counties the technicians HAS connected offline machines to the internet accidentally.  Here is the candy -

4: "test votes" or fake "USB offline counting votes" would show as a series of votes all for the same party in batches of thousands. One of the election irregularities found was that during a "break" and after voting had closed, several batches (in the thousands) /entirely/ for a single party were registered on the counting server. The chance statistically that this could happen naturally in an election is basically impossible. Although the batches didn't all universally vote for the democrats, some states had batches for the Republicans too; the majority of such "incidents" favoured the Democrats. This falls within some of the redacted documents, so fuck them.
A brief investigation into this suggested that "there was not enough to tip the 2020 election"  however this was based purely on people /that were caught/ usually those registered in multiple states to vote, and did so, and was not actually the ones causing thousands of universal votes for one party all at once.

5: /BOTH/ Parties had suspicious votes. So if anyone yells "the votes are rigged i demand a recount" no matter who won the election, they are correct.
Sadly a "recount" only works for the paper votes - which can be rigged simply with a photo copier (and there was a much mocked video of an official pulling out a box full of such photocopies on security footage too) But many of the machines are entirely digital "touch screen" so a recount for those would simply involve opening a document on the count server and printing the total again. Without another election /those/ cannot be recounted legitimately.  The reports of people touching the screen to vote in prior elections and their selection deselecting and/or going to the other party could be caused by someone remotely accessing the machine and clicking.  Anyone who has been using a PC while a technician has been remoted in will understand what i mean there.

6:  CHINA's involvement.   Here is the fun part.  Not only was there logs of connections to election machines from China, they even have a "legitimate" explanation!    
China was paid to /PRINT/ the paper ballots in some electorates!   To do this, they needed to have an intimate technical knowledge of how the voting machines worked, to format the layout in such a way the machines recognised it when scanned into the machines   (Lets just put aside the obvious that if they are this familiar with the layout they could deliberately misprint some of the forms, so they are aligned such that it would always count towards the same party regardless of what box was actually ticked)   this is bad enough..  but apparently it gets worse, this "legitimate" explanation is many of the machines were owned, or designed, or contained parts, or were manufactured /BY CHINA/  so of course China would "need remote access" to perform maintenance, diagnostics or.... "debugging"   *drops mic*

China had a vested interest in the Democrats winning, because Trump had called out China on their deliberate US economic sabotage policies, which are in part why the USA and by extension the rest of the world has been seeing record inflation the last few years not just since covid.  Trump had engaged in a diplomatic trade war with China over it, pressuring them to back off and stop doing it. Not that you would hear much about it in the media (although some analysts did mention it) since they don't even understand the issue, and were too busy shovelling dirt to actually report fairly.   The democrats on the other hand were very China friendly in policy and diplomatic relations, and would let China continue to engage in "business as usual"
Not really brain surgery to see why China would prefer the Democrats in charge then. Also no surprise that the inflation got worse after the Democrats won.

Ultimately, the voting machines have no bugs that would randomly register invalid votes, and worked as designed. That is the important thing, and that is why companies like dominion voting, won their legal case.
The problem isn't the machines, it was the people operating them, or the people who knew how they worked. (ie )

Would this have effected the election?  Does it even matter?  The fact this was going on at all should be what bothers us the most, yet many peoples reaction is "i dont care.. it probably didn't change it enough to matter"

... First they came for the.....
I think you get my point.

New and improved 2600... well..  ..we drew on some flames and polished it a bit..
Google - making sure, life is no more, than 1984...
In politics - Later never happens.

May 10, 2023, 9:47:39 PM5/10/23
to 2600 Australia
Just a little clarification here, in case you didn't get the
'first they came for' comment.
It is originally a quote from WW2, but one that resonates
with many causes today.

Basically in layman's terms -

A lot of little changes tolerated over time, will eventually
accumulate to something intolerably big. But by that time it
is too late to do anything about it.

Sid E

May 11, 2023, 6:55:19 AM5/11/23
to 2600-australia
Have you heard of the Clinton's?

I fully support our dominion democratic overlords!

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David Fernée

May 11, 2023, 8:24:56 PM5/11/23
If I had a vote in the USA, I would vote Hillary Clinton if someone could convince her to run.

Sent from Gmail Mobile

May 11, 2023, 8:42:44 PM5/11/23
to 2600 Australia
Other little fun tin foil hat points on the topic of
".. but there would not have been enough rigged votes to tip
the election"

1: it was found in some electorates, that are traditional
"democrat" strongholds that  because it is a "democrat
stronghold"  for administrative "simplicity"  the city has
colluded with them, in order to facilitate "Adjustments" to
the voting figures so that it remains in democrat control.  
This started out as harmless (like literally just one of
their political office buildings, in a single small
who-gives-a-shit small voting bi-district that would not
have effected the entire state as a whole)  but according to
leaks from insiders and former officials, it became such a
"culture" that all those involved eventually came to take it
for granted, and the practice expanded to several
electorates with democrat assets, and occurs now in every
election. To the point entire /Cities/ now have gamed
results, not just some backwater
wrong-side-of-the-railway-tracks no-wheresville town or
suburb.   In effect in those areas, it doesn't matter who
the people vote for, there will always be a democrat
majority because it is policy to just declare them winning
the seat.

2: Several Statistical analysts pointed out that in the last
US election there was a record breaking turnout of voters.
More turned up than at any point in the entire US history. 
So record breaking that when they looked into it further to
see why so many people suddenly felt the needed to do their
patriotic duty and vote..  what should have been a warm
fuzzy human interest story - perhaps something that might be
written in a story in time magazine as a milestone for the
nation's unity.. they had to scrap the entire thing when it
was actually found that if the voting figures of the nation
were correct.. it meant that more people voted, than are
actually even registered to vote.   The figure was obscene -
in the area of 3/4  MORE votes were recorded than there was
actual physical voters to do the actual voting.

Which would make sense..  to defeat trump based on the
benchmark of the swing towards him in the prior
election...        oh look a pretty girl in a short skirt..


Incidentally if you want something that looks tinfoil hat,
but actually wears a suit and tie, here are some very
interesting websites indeed:

Private legal group aggregating all reports, with citations
to source or evidence of any election irregularities, legal
analysis of the capitol protest, and discrepancies or
inconsistencies regarding covid, the aim being to create a
database of evidence for potential use in court.
This is a law toned project:

A private scientific research group of scientists, private
investigators, and academics into the origins, causes,
research progress, misreporting and money trail behind the
release of covid, the aim being to find where it came from
and who was responsible.  Don't under estimate the simple
looking site, there is actually quite a lot the
investigators have uncovered.  Much of which is now being
used for congressional hearings on the topic.     ...and yes
Fauci is up to his eyeballs in it, his office signed off, as
a government official on approving the request of the US
organisation that contracted out the funding to wuhan lab; -
because a ban on biological weapon/gain of function research
in the USA meant the research would actually be treason if
conducted in the USA under the government at the time.
This is a scientifically toned project:

A composite group of individuals, soldiers, eyewitnesses,
journalists (and more than a few government propagandists so
keep a healthy dose of scepticism) attempting to
/ACCURATELY/ report on military conflicts in the world, in
particular  Ukraine, but also covers USA, Balkans Syra etc.
This is a RSS/blow by blow commentary with citations to the
progress, press releases and main incidents of conflicts of
war toned project:

When you are done with the tin foil, maybe make a nice baked

On 11/05/2023 10:36 am, wrote:

David Fernée

May 11, 2023, 9:20:42 PM5/11/23
Reminds me of a scene from the Scorsese film, Gangs of New York, “Monk's already won by 3,000 more votes, then there are voters. Only 3? Make it 20, 30.

These things have always been a problem in elections of all kinds since we’ve had them. We do fairly well here in Australia in the 21st century with the AEC, etc.

Always good to be on the lookout for examples of potential electoral fraud though. I certainly don’t want rigged elections here.

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Sid E

May 12, 2023, 12:03:44 AM5/12/23
to 2600-australia
Ok I know things look bad, inflation, pandemics, global conflicts, instability in many areas of the world, rising crime, lack of resources, strategic nuclear bombers floating around with transponders turned off...

But we have trustworthy government now! 

Don't forget to get in line for your bug sandwiches.

David Fernée

May 12, 2023, 12:07:55 AM5/12/23

Sid E

May 12, 2023, 12:17:50 AM5/12/23
to 2600-australia
Remember you can't read that book to your children by yourself though, thats the schools job.

May 12, 2023, 4:04:47 AM5/12/23
Not that squeeky clean, three elections back the liberals actually lost on first preference.  Something like Libs 38% vs labour 42%.

How they won was a second party (the communist/socialist party as i recall) had their name listed on the ballot with wording like "Australian Labour Party (Workers)"  or similar, which at first glance could be mistaken for "Labour Party"   they had an agreement, since they didnt have enough seats to form a functional government, that meant their votes were transferred to the liberal party, who gained the exact margin of people that accidentally voted for the commies.

Yup..    we just had to put up with libs passing Totalitarian laws for two terms because they colluded with the Australian commies to get the votes to win a majority..

There is irony right there.

On 12/05/2023 11:20 am, David Fernée wrote:
Reminds me of a scene from the Scorsese film, Gangs of New York, “Monk's already won by 3,000 more votes, then there are voters. Only 3? Make it 20, 30.

These things have always been a problem in elections of all kinds since we’ve had them. We do fairly well here in Australia in the 21st century with the AEC, etc.

Always good to be on the lookout for examples of potential electoral fraud though. I certainly don’t want rigged elections here.

On Fri, 12 May 2023 at 10:42 am, <> wrote:
Other little fun tin foil hat points on the topic of

Sid E

May 12, 2023, 5:53:40 AM5/12/23
to 2600-australia
Which commies are you talking about? The CCP or the Labor Party?

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Sid E

May 12, 2023, 6:07:53 AM5/12/23
to 2600-australia
Oh and don't forget, politico said the one Russian who's last name is Stalin totally didn't say

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything,"

USA Today and other media sites also confirm he never said this - can't see anything from Vice or Buzzfeed for some reason?

May 12, 2023, 9:23:58 PM5/12/23
Whoever said it, it is a good quote.. considering how shifty some elections are, no surprise that US media denies the quote even exists :)

As for the commies, they seem to change the name printed on the ballot every election. 

Last election they had a different name again, i didn't see them on the ballot, at least not as a faux Labour Party sounding name this time. Presumably i was not the only one to notice the rort and someone complained to the electoral commission last time around. So the libs couldn't win on people voting accidentally for a confusingly named party with a vote sharing agreement.  Still on the fence if Labour was any better, but they have resumed fibre rolls outs in some suburbs that should never have bl00dy stopped in the first place, so it isn't all bad.

Ironically another similarly named party DLP are supposedly fierce anti-communists, so much so they split from the ALP - yet also have socialist leanings in actual policymaking. 
Certainly unless a government has some sort of socialist-style initiatives, you have to ask yourself what is even the point of having one to begin with.   A government that has no social services, doesn't maintain the roads, economics, power, water, education, communications, health, border protection, defense and welfare isn't a government it is organised crime.  (Hi Joe Biden!) So I guess the DLP can be forgiven there.  Not sure if I want them running the country tho, there seems to be side channel media about the founders of the DLP being in common with the founders of ALP, many of which were responsible for passing, or turning a blind eye to the white Australia policy back in the day.

To be blunt.  Fuck that shit.   Bad enough our national anthem is still based on an original 1900's White Supremacist movement call to arms song, with the last racist as fuck verse removed.  We need to put more pressure on Canberra to change the national anthem to "we are Australian" like about 3/4 of the population of Australia actually wants as our anthem.  To be honest if that was our anthem a fuck load more academic professionals would probably want to immigrate to Australia, it is a song that makes you feel proud, unlike that thinly veiled racist shit we currently call an anthem.

Really at this point it seems all the parties except perhaps the pirate/fusion party are crooked and completely out of touch with reality as it applies to Australia. Even then the pirate party has said a few things I thought was funny, for example, they are not familiar with how many billions of money in Australia is actually wasted paying current politicians, civil servants and council bureaucrats wages, or even worse how many /TRILLIONS/ are wasted every few years paying retired politicians pensions and free travel allowances - even to ones since being charged with corruption, fraud or misconduct.       Apparently these are not listed on government expenditure reports.  Fishy.   Presumably they come under social security or centrelink which is why the government is always picking on the spending to those departments.. yet so much money still keeps vanishing into these government organisations and the everyday person never sees a cent of it.

Someone really should get a law passed that
a: requires a retired corrupt or criminal politician to have his pension and travel allowance revoked, indeed given the robodebt fiasco, maybe they should get a taste of their own  medicine and actually be required to pay it all back too.  Then they might actually be motivated to stay honest.
b: benchmark a politicians wages on the lower median household workers income - then they may actually feel motivated to do something about it too.

F*ck you google and thunderbird, defaulting to the wrong reply address on discussion boards >:(

On 12/05/2023 8:07 pm, Sid E wrote:
Oh and don't forget, politico said the one Russian who's last name is Stalin totally didn't say

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything,"

USA Today and other media sites also confirm he never said this - can't see anything from Vice or Buzzfeed for some reason?

On Fri, 12 May 2023, 7:53 pm Sid E, <> wrote:
Which commies are you talking about? The CCP or the Labor Party?

New and improved 2600... well..  ..we drew on some flames and polished it a bit..
Google - making sure, life is no more, than 1984...
In politics - Later never happens.
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