Re: Matching Parents to Unidentified Minor Refugees

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Danne Woo

Jun 22, 2018, 4:15:17 PM6/22/18
to 23andMe API
Hey There,

Short answer to this is yes this is possible there is a scope for family members in 23andme V1 API ( I was trying to come up with ideas to help with this terrible problem as well. The main issue here is that both the children and parents need to be in the database already so this is more of an issue with data collection than it is with development. Maybe if 23andme donated kits to get both the parents and children into their database that might be helpful. Also Homeland Security supposedly is collecting the children’s names, parent’s names, photos, country of origin, and assigning them IDs, same goes for the parents. Usually this information is easily accessible, but in this case (probably because they are minors) its under lock and key. I would love to do what I can to help them reunite ASAP so if you come up with an idea I’d be happy to help.


On Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 11:36:06 PM UTC-4, Jay Wigard wrote:
For those without time to read everything that follows: Can this API be used to query for paternal/maternal matches? I don't know much about DNA, but what I mean is, can this API be used to prove that a person is in fact the mother or father of an unidentified child?

One of the most heartbreaking aspects of the Trump Administration's zero tolerance border policy and the separated minors that have resulted from it is that many of the parents and children have crossed the border without proper identification. When this happens, the child is typically sent to foster care while the parents or other relatives they crossed with are being prosecuted/detained/etc. I personally live in Grand Rapids, MI and I have even heard of some being sent here for some reason, which is pretty far from any southern US borders.

When there are language barriers and no identification, the chances of these children being able to find their parents again are very low if the children are young (some are infants or toddlers who would have know way of communicating the information necessary to be reunited to their parents or relatives in home countries). I want to help fix that.

I am a web developer looking into starting a charity to help reunite these families. I am going to try to find other volunteer developers and architects to help me build the infrastructure necessary (databases, API's, web forms for parents, etc) and I am going to try to get donations for DNA testing of the unaccompanied children for whom parentage is unknown, as well as DNA testing for parents who lacked the sufficient identification or paperwork to prove their relationship to their children. My hope is that we can eventually create a system in which the unidentified parents and children can be reunited using an API that can detect paternal/maternal relationships by querying for matches based on their DNA samples. We can create and publicize a website for parents trying to find their children and provide web forms for the parents (and children) to use to start the process of re-connecting. RAICES has been very successful at raising funds very quickly so I'm sure that we can eventually even raise the funds necessary to fly the kids back to their parents. 

I know almost nothing about DNA, but I am a Developer Architect with a big heart and I know how to take building blocks and people with the right knowledge and build applications. I believe strongly in the transformative power of modern technology and the power of the internet to be more than just a meme machine (although, yes, memes are a fun diversion). I know a lot of very talented developers that are willing to help, and I'm sure there are a number of large IT companies willing to help as well.

Again, my question: can this API be used to match parents with children? If not, does anyone here know of an API like that? It may very well be something that still requires some lower level engineering, like paying for a certain kind of legally binding DNA test, digitizing the markers... Any help appreciated, thanks!

Paul Conroy

Jun 22, 2018, 5:07:23 PM6/22/18
to Danne Woo, 23andMe API
I hope you realize the original story was 100% fake!

Also Obama separated children and there was no objection from libtards over that, not about Obama deporting over 2.5 million illegals.

But have fun with the API

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Austin H

Jun 22, 2018, 5:53:11 PM6/22/18
to Jay Wigard, 23andMe API
WOMP WOMP. Get your ideologue emotional blackmail out of this forum. Thus is not the place to voice your twisted political views. Not only are your views uninformed but so is your knowledge of code. Typical 

Austin Hall
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Paul Conroy

Jun 23, 2018, 1:18:57 PM6/23/18
to Jay Wigard, 23andMe API
The answer to your question is that it is possible to identify parents and their children using the API.

But do you have any specific technical question for this forum, as thus far you haven’t mentioned it???

So once again, please ask your TECHNICAL question, I’m all ears, and stop trying to troll members.

On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 1:05 PM Jay Wigard <> wrote:
My concern isn't really about which president has caused this problem and I'm not really interested in abusive political discourse, my concern is in wanting to do my part to help reunite parents and children if I can. It's unfortunate if any of the photos being used in marketing materials are in any way taken out of context, as it seems to make some hateful people feel justified in their hatred of immigrants and "libtards" as you put it. 

The sad truth is that even when these immigrants have been released, they're finding it very difficult to be reunited with their children, and I personally think it's important to me to help facilitate that process. I'm not trying to recruit anyone here with "emotional blackmail", I just find it time saving to ask developers who are familiar with the API if it can be used for the project I'm brainstorming. It's really weird to live in an era where just asking a simple technical question and explaining my context merits a bunch of harassing and abusive emails from you when you could've just ignored my message or shared a counterpoint in a civil way and probably come off a lot more credible. Oh well.
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Paul Conroy

Jun 23, 2018, 2:00:20 PM6/23/18
to Jay Wigard, 23andMe API
Still no TECHNICAL question, just trolling!

Do you even code, bro???

On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 1:22 PM Jay Wigard <> wrote:
Danne Woo already answered my question, which was posted in my original post: " Can this API be used to query for paternal/maternal matches?". He was even able to do so without any "libtard" trolling language. You and I don't have to interact any further. Thanks though. 
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Paul Conroy

Jun 23, 2018, 2:10:56 PM6/23/18
to Jay Wigard, 23andMe API
That’s not a technical question. 😂😂😂

You never mentioned programming language, framework or API calls...

On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 2:08 PM Jay Wigard <> wrote:
My question was just if the API could be used to query for familial matches between DNA kits, which has been answered. I will explore the API further, I don’t have any further technical questions at this time. Apologies to anyone getting notifications from this thread as it’s obviously been pretty derailed at this point.

Danne Woo

Jun 25, 2018, 11:41:49 PM6/25/18
to 23andMe API
Looks like 23andme was reading this thread. They donated 5000 free test kits to this cause :)

On Saturday, June 23, 2018 at 2:08:41 PM UTC-4, Jay Wigard wrote:
My question was just if the API could be used to query for familial matches between DNA kits, which has been answered. I will explore the API further, I don’t have any further technical questions at this time. Apologies to anyone getting notifications from this thread as it’s obviously been pretty derailed at this point.
On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 2:00 PM Paul Conroy <> wrote:
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Paul Conroy

Jun 26, 2018, 11:01:07 AM6/26/18
to Jay Wigard, 23andMe API, Danne Woo
Jay, Dunne,

Can you guys take your fake political activism elsewhere - you’re just virtue signaling and suffer from amnesia:

On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 12:25 AM Jay Wigard <> wrote:
That's pretty amazing! All of the ethical concerns mentioned in the article were going to be my next research topics lol. I'm on PTO this week and was planning to start contacting lawyers and a DNA expert to get a little more legal context. It's good to know that others are also thinking this through. I am however worried though that if people are only being tested at the border that it might not be enough to help all of the children who have already entered foster care facilities though. I was thinking that a necessary step would be for agencies like Bethany Christian Services (which is contracted by the government to place the children with adoptive parents and claims to be dedicated to reuniting the children with their parents) to agree to DNA test the refugee children they have at their facilities. The children being minors of course is delicate from a legal/privacy perspective, but it seems like it should be possible to encrypt the identities when storing and querying, and the data destroyed once matches are found. The article also voices my other concern, that there is a certain kind of DNA test that is court admissible. I was kind of envisioning that if matches are found through a service like 23andMe, it would at least provide a starting point for a reunion, and that more legally binding tests could be performed on matches that are found. I definitely worry that the solution of destroying the samples on site at the border may keep a lot of children who have already been moved to foster care facilities from being reunited with their families. 

But the simple fact that companies like 23andMe are stepping up to try to help out seems like an awesome first step. Thanks for sharing :)

Paul Conroy

Jun 26, 2018, 11:08:36 AM6/26/18
to Jay Wigard, 23andMe API, Danne Woo
Jay, Danne,

Why don’t you use the API to try and identify the mutilated corpses of MS13 victims - which you Libtards are supporting coming to the USA?????

Austin H

Jun 26, 2018, 5:45:26 PM6/26/18
to Paul Conroy, Jay Wigard, 23andMe API, Danne Woo
They can’t stop. They’re addicted to their ideology.  

Austin Hall

On Jun 26, 2018, at 10:00 AM, Paul Conroy <> wrote:

Jay, Dunne,

Can you guys take your fake political activism elsewhere - you’re just virtue signaling and suffer from amnesia:


Paul Conroy

Jun 26, 2018, 5:48:05 PM6/26/18
to Austin H, 23andMe API, Danne Woo, Jay Wigard
Truly - it’s a sickness!
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