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Jun 18, 2007, 5:34:24 PM6/18/07
to Bee Line Chatline
Count Zero / Zerp / Mike - Still in Madison.


Jul 10, 2007, 10:55:43 PM7/10/07
to Bee Line Chatline

Well Well Well, If it isn't Count Zero!

Peter Pan / J.--- Now in Portland, Oregon



Jul 13, 2007, 2:12:52 AM7/13/07
to Bee Line Chatline
Say 'hi' to Darkstorm while you're there, Pete.
He works for The Man.


P.S. Is the downtown still infested with homeless, addicts and punk'd


Aug 3, 2007, 6:33:43 PM8/3/07
to Bee Line Chatline

Ahhhhh the memories of downtown kids. I remember one of these little
middle class beggars asking me "spare change? I'm hungry" to which I
offered to give him five bucks for those brand spankin' new Doc
Marten's boots he was wearing.

He didn't take me up on the offer. :(

Aug 8, 2007, 8:56:14 PM8/8/07
to Bee Line Chatline

We live in the Irvington Neighborhood
and Holladay Park by the Lloyd Center stop is very much as you
Downtown it is every doorway and bench first thing in the morning.
The homeless newspapers "sold" by banks and post offices
rather than charity.

State Street in Madison had its Scanner Dan's and Cosmo's,
but you knew only a couple dozen faces and it didn't seem epidemic.

Still need to check out Free Geek downtown.


Aug 9, 2007, 12:40:41 PM8/9/07
to Bee Line Chatline
On August 8, 2007, J.--- wrote:
> State Street in Madison had its Scanner Dan's and Cosmo's,
> but you knew only a couple dozen faces and it didn't seem epidemic.

That was the saddest part of Portland that I saw when I visited two
years ago. It was obvious that there were no(t enough) social
services or shelters to make any sort of dent. Portland's homeless
issues seem much worse, more visible, and stinkier than other big U.S.
cities that I have visited in the past 5 years (Chicago, Twin Cities,
L.A., Seattle). And by stinkier I mean the smell of urine on the
streets, not poor personal hygiene.


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