48.6 & 63.41 Q: Is a gun considered towed during loading and unloading?

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Squad Leader Tournament & Ladder

Aug 31, 2023, 11:56:12 PM8/31/23
to Squad Leader Tournament & Ladder
Monty and I agree on this Q&A for the tournament, please feel free to comment if we missed anything.  It agrees with how ASL handles the situation, based on discussion with AC.  The SQUAD LEADER rules are hopelessly unclear.  This represents the time to unload the ammo too.  You can unhitch the gun but if the ammo blows up with the halftrack, the gun is useless.  

48.6 & 63.41 Q: Is a gun considered towed during loading and unloading?

A: Yes, see Q&A 63.41.  The destruction of the vehicle also destroys the gun and subjects the attendant crew/squad to survival roll (Q&A 66.4 & 144.97).  There is no 32.5 NMC while loading/unloading (infantry is subject to either a survival roll or 32.5 NMC, not both).  Ordnance fire must target the vehicle during loading/unloading.

The gun’s attendant crew/squad is subject to the -2 for moving in open and any +1 AFV with no gunshield DRM.  If the attendant crew/squad is broken while loading/unloading, the action is not completed and the gun remains in its prior state.  Defensive fire against loading/unloading guns and their attendant crew/squad follows 16.7, the gun/crew may not be returned under 16.1 if pushed out of the unload hex. {SB}


48.6 If a vehicle towing an ATG or howitzer, etc., is destroyed, is the gun destroyed also? A. Yes. {COI4-69}

Q&A 48.62 & 48.63 Can a halftrack unload a crew and unhook a gun from tow in the same Movement Phase? A. Yes. The halftrack expends ½ its MPs to unhook gun, then expends 2 more MP to unload the crew. The halftrack would have MPs remaining and the crew could push the gun into an adjacent hex. {COI4-69}

63.41 How could a 360-degree mounted, or 100mm+ gun ever be hooked or unhooked for towing given 48.64’s prohibition occupying the same hex at the end of a Movement Phase unless already in tow? A. The gun is considered in tow even though the vehicle may not move at all during the Movement Phase. At the start of the next Movement Phase, the gun may be towed or pushed away or the vehicle withdrawn, according to the situation. {COI4-69}

63.41 Does a crew engaged in hooking or unhook-ing a gun from tow or pushing it to a new hex (during defensive fire) get the benefit of any gun shield crew protection factor? A. No, and furthermore, the crew is considered exposed to enemy fire from all directions, and subject to the -2 DRM for moving in the open (if in an open ground hex) during all Fire Phases. If an armored halftrack was perform-ing the tow, however, the +1 DRM for being beneath an AFV would also apply. {COI4-69}

66.4 & 144.97 If an AFV is hit and killed by armor or ordnance, is the crew which has been attempting repair of immobilization eliminated, or is it still subject to the crew survival dice roll? A. It is subject to the CS roll. {OAF}{SQLA}

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