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陆斐楠 Vina Lu

Mar 24, 2011, 8:02:18 AM3/24/11
to 2011_fdu_i...@googlegroups.com, Nate Zhou
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yvonne Lu <yvonne...@gmail.com>
Date: 2011/3/24
Subject: I love UNNC VP ICX Rachel's sharing, share with you..=)
To: ncst-5 <ncs...@googlegroups.com>, national-delivery-support-team-2011 <national-delivery...@googlegroups.com>

越南之行Day4-5, 我来给你们讲一个故事2011-03-24 00:26 | (分类:默认分类)

这篇日志本来suppose to be我和我的ET Team Leader的聊天记录的,但是也算的上是我这几天听了那么多的session,接触了那么多的@er,做了那么多的case study以后的有感而发吧,自己promise自己在越南这段时间一定要认真记录每天的生活,所以here we go。



me: 做之




  她是AI AP的director

  AIESEC International Asia Pacific的director

23:35 她2005年加入@

  她是@ indonesia当年的MCP

23:36 她的term里面,@ indonesia的exchange number,从200上升到了6000




 杨茜: 我就说你吓我么!!!!!!!

 me: 肯定基本上什么私人生活都没有了吧

 杨茜: 你也要成为这样一个女人了

 me: 但是




23:37 她的GPA有3.8

  out of 4

 杨茜: 我去。

 me: She is the one of the best student in her LC


  in her University

  which is also the best uni in Indonesia




23:38 因为@导致他们学习下降



  let me tell you, it's all bullshit

  When I graduated from my University, my GPA is 3.8 out of 4

23:39 I was one of the top student in my University

  You definitely can do it

  When you decided to take 2 responsibilities

  then it's 100% dedication and effort to each responsibility

23:40 not 50% to one and 50% to another

  you devote yourself 100% to both responsibilities

  that's chanllenging

  but you also become a better person afterwards


23:42 you can step back into safety or step forward to opportunies

  the choice is in your hand, you decide whether you want to lead the change or not

23:43 这个女人是我在@里面见识到的第一个真正的leader



23:44 杨茜: leader 就是能激起别人的Motivation么

 me: 只有也只会在你全身心的去相信你在做的事情的时候,你全身上下你的一言一行才能够传达出一种positive的力量

 杨茜: 能change别人么

23:45 me: 让别人不由自主的去相信你







23:46 更是你发自内心的爱这个地方

  你比别人更坚信你在做的事情你走的路会让这个地方变得更好会create更多social impact

23:47 然后把这种信念传达下去,让更多的人加入你的行列,和你一起走下去





23:48 那里面每个EP form后面站着的那个人


 杨茜: 这种感觉真TM好。

 me: 讨论@

  一起跳roll call

  一起欢呼@ 2015


23:49 我们真的可以去改变世界

  下一次如果再有international conference



23:50 APXLDS才是真正的revoluntionary


  international conference是






 杨茜: 为什么

 me: 因为真的每一个number背后都是一份独一无二的体验


23:53 才会变得有强大的social impact


  就是我们自己LC弄一个traine house



23:54 大家白天工作晚上一起high




23:55 现在乌干达的trainee还是每周四晚上都去mateo's party吗?



23:56 现在乌干达的MC house还是每周都有全坎帕拉的trainee过来一起开party

  大家会在mc house的厨房里面做葡萄酒果冻吃吗

23:57 他说,yes of course



me: 然后他说,it's been 7 months since you left

  the time you came to Uganda was like the worst time there



23:59 虽然我的项目水的我自己都不想提

00:00 然后我才意识到,我在那边过的那么开心的原因是因为我住在一个美国,荷兰,澳洲,乌干达,肯尼亚,英国,德国,希腊,埃及,印度,新加坡这么多个国家的和我一样的青年人都在一起的trainee house里面

00:01 大家每天白天都各自做自己的项目,晚上就一起回来站在house的走廊里面聊天,去酒吧喝酒看世界杯,在房间里面讨论global issues,讨论personal development。

00:02 是这样的经历让我始终充满感激,充满快乐。而不是我的简历上又多了一个inernational experience


00:03 心灵的快乐和满足才是充裕的,恒久的。



00:04 杨茜: 懂。

 me: 所以我们要做好

00:05 是因为我们真的想做一些有益于别人的事情


 杨茜: 这个世界上没有什么更好的机会更好的platform能让我们干些有意义的事情了


00:06 me: you worried about your GPA, you worried about your CV, you worried about your career, you worried about your family.

  That's totally fine.

  I totally understand it.

  I was like that before.

  I know exactly how you feel when you were only new members

  Because by that time, all you are thinking about is yourself.

00:07 which is still totally fine.

  But this is your chance to do something different

  When you are in your 50s or 60s, and you have your grand children

  <span style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; paddi

Vina Lu

Team leader of InComing eXchange Department
Student of Fudan Public Health school

MOBILE: +86 1381 8411 203  | E-MAIL: vina...@gmail.com | WEBSITE: www.aiesec.cn

AIESEC is an international platform for young people to explore and develop their potential.

陆斐楠 Vina Lu

Mar 24, 2011, 8:07:11 AM3/24/11
to 2011_fdu_i...@googlegroups.com, Nate Zhou


2011/3/24 陆斐楠 Vina Lu <vina...@gmail.com>


Mar 24, 2011, 11:39:17 AM3/24/11
to 2011_fdu_i...@googlegroups.com, 陆斐楠 Vina Lu, Nate Zhou
Claire Van

International Politics     Fudan University


Member of InComing eXchange Department 2011
Local Committee Fudan, AIESEC in Mainland of China

MOBILE: +86 15800866336 | E-MAIL: clair...@aiesec.net | WEBSITE: www.aiesec.cn
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