2011 Think EV Owners - Oregon

Contact owners and managers
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Welcome to the 2011 Think EV Owners – Oregon group!!!


To get things started, let me suggest that you consider:

 1.) Joining the Oregon Electric Vehicle Assoc. [http://www.oeva.org/],

 They meet the 2nd Thursday of the month.

 2.) Read about Thinks 10 Myths of EV's [http://evworld.com/news.cfm? newsid=23225]

 3.) Consider joining Getaround [http://www.getaround.com/], and

 4). If you are a Portland General Electric customer, let PGE know by emailing plugin@pgn.com.


What kind of things would you new members like to discuss in the Google Group?


Bless you for buying a zero emissions vehicle!




(:Joe Mayer:)

Cell 503-970-0078

Because I'm new at managing a social media group, if you just don't see what you need, just give me a call any time!