> I have a (mostly) working PowerMac 6100/60 with a 250mb SCSI hdd, an
> Apple Cd drive, and the basics to get it running. It currently runs
> system 7.0.1 and I was wondering how hard it would be to upgrade this
> beast to system 9.x so that I can bridge it with a few of my other Mac
> systems
I honestly think system 9 is larger, or else is very close to being 250 MB
when installed. My system 9 folder on my 7300/200 right now is 261 MB, but
it has fonts added.
One way or the other it isn't going to leave you much room to work with. You
can run a 2 Gig hard drive on the 6100 without any hacking. I would try to
find one on the swap list if I were you.
The following is from rather old memories so there is plenty of room for
Yes, you can run OS 9.1 on a PM6100. There is an issue with HOW you
install it. Updating from OS 9.0.4 to 9.1 isn't a problem but
installing 9.0.4 is. I did the install on another machine (you have to
select the option to install for all machines). But there is a way to
do the install on the PM 6100. You might try doing a search at Apple's
support site, I believe there was an article on it.
Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting
"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"
I'll look into possibly getting a G3\G4 PowerMac (I hear that the
Blue\Whites are pretty nice... but a beige would do also) but does
that $30 also include the price to ship it as well?
Another question about the G3\G4 PowerMac, what ones would be able to
use parts that were also used in PC systems? I have alot of PC parts,
and I don't want to have to run around online to find upgrades for
this (except the processor, of course).
Thanks for all the help.
The drive cable in slot load iMacs has additional pins that carry power
to the optical drive. It is NOT SCSI. Both drives are IDE.
well a Imac G3 original blueberry which has SCSI inside very odd indead.
>> No such thing as an iMac with SCSI on the system board.
> I am 105% positive I pulled this cable from an iMac though. It has
> only 1 IDE end, and I still have the hard disk from it, also IDE.
> Taking those 2 small snippets of information, it would be hard to say
> that a cable with 2 SCSI ends, and a single IDE end, along with a 40GB
> IDE HDD inside, would still allow the Mac to use IDE instead of SCSI.
> (who knows?)
there can be no such thing like a cable having one IDE and one (or several)
SCSI endings, for a number o reasons (incompatible no. of pins, it wouldn't
work because SCSI / IDE use different protocols, SCSI needs device IDs
etc.). For SCSI you need to stick with SCSI equipments, and for IDE with
IDE. i am also unaware of controllers doing a conversion, but if they exist
they would be more expensive than they are worth it.