Perform 6100/66 DOS - monitor and cd drive issues

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May 19, 2009, 4:06:58 PM5/19/09
to 1st-PowerMacs
I have couple quick questions about some issues i've been having with
this mac (see title). I'm using it with an old 12 in. apple branded
monitor via an HDI-45 to mac video adapter. Frequently on startup, the
monitor won't seem to be working with the computer (it works fine with
an Mac LC II). Sometimes, if i'm lucky, after a few hard restarts (ie
pushing the power button) i'll get the video. Now, I know that there's
a little spot where the cable seems to be open to the elements (it's
got a break between the plug and the wire covering), but I don't think
that's the problem. Can anyone confirm whether it's the cable acting
up or if there's some other reason this can happen? On another note,
the same computer seems to have an unworking cd drive. Are there any
special config settings (hardware or software) or control panels I
need, or is it more likely to just be a broken drive?

parker cooper

May 19, 2009, 4:30:21 PM5/19/09
I'm not familiar with that model adaptor ,but the one i use has dip switches on the out side.If this is the case with yours,try fliping the switches and restarting the computer, but remember where the switch settings were.

Ken Daggett

May 19, 2009, 5:45:26 PM5/19/09

The 6100 won't put out a video signal when the PRAM battery is dead.
First guess, replace the battery. The "quick" hard restarts
sometimes allow the machine to start with the dead battery.


Clark Martin

May 19, 2009, 7:30:57 PM5/19/09

That's my guess. You can usually get these machines to start up by
doing a three fingered salute (Command-Control-Power) after power up.
Or use the reset button on the back of the 6100.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"


May 20, 2009, 3:21:42 PM5/20/09
to 1st-PowerMacs
Ah, that could be an issue. I'll check that out. Got an extra battery
somewhere I think. Thanks. :)

On May 19, 5:45 pm, Ken Daggett <> wrote:
> On 19 May 2009, at 13:30:21 PDT, parker cooper wrote:
> > I'm not familiar with that model adaptor ,but the one i use has dip  
> > switches on the out side.If this is the case with yours,try fliping  
> > the switches and restarting the computer, but remember where the  
> > switch settings were.


May 20, 2009, 3:23:15 PM5/20/09
to 1st-PowerMacs
Unforunately this one is just a straight through cable, no switches.
HDI-45 is this ->

On May 19, 4:30 pm, parker cooper <> wrote:
> I'm not familiar with that model adaptor ,but the one i use has dip switches on the out side.If this is the case with yours,try fliping the switches and restarting the computer, but remember where the switch settings were.

Magnetic Control Industry

May 20, 2009, 11:41:36 PM5/20/09
Would anyone happen to have a copy of Adobe Premier 4.0 or 4.2 that they
would be willing to share? I have a Macintosh Quadra 840AV that I worship
and would greatly desire to offer it some software that uses it's powerful
features. Adobe Premier 4.0 is the latest version that will run on the

I'm Also looking for SoftRAID 2.1.5, the version that will actually work on
Mac OS 8.1. It would be wonderful to set up a RAID 1 array on this charming
and elegant 68040 Macintosh....

Unfortunatly you can't find this legacy software anywhere; I've looked on
eBay and Craig's List :-(

Thus far I've given it an:

Atto Silicon Express IV
Radius Thunder IV GX 1152

2 x SIMM Doublers to allow 2 of the slots to use 2x32 MByte SIMMS
(Only 2 of the SIMM Doublers will fitt in this machine) Giving it 192 MBytes
of RAM.

And no I'm not putting a Video Spigot or VideoVision card in this
machine...Those cards are possessed!

I love my 840AV, it loves me. Will you share your love to?

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