Aloha y'all
Or perhaps I should say "G'day mates", as I am writing this update from Sydney... but if I was in SF this weekend my schedule would be filled! Did you see all the events on the
Volunteer Dashboard? Seriously, there's gotta be something for everyone... this calendar is popping at the seams!
Friday, February 19
10:00am - Volunteers @ 18th & Rhode Island
Saturday, February 20
9:00am - Volunteers @ California Native Plant Society
10:00am - Volunteers @ Gough and Eddy
12:00pm - Sheet Mulch Party
Sunday, February 21
9:30am - Workshop - Grow and Care for Fruit Trees
12:00pm - Volunteers @ Alemany Farm
12:00pm - Volunteers @ Hayes Valley Farm
12:00pm - Volunteers @ Free Farm Stand
12:00pm - Raising Urban Chickens @ Other Avenues Food Co-op
For more info and all the contact details, plus more upcoming events, check the calendar on the front page of the Volunteer Dashboard.
All my best to all y'all from way down under!
Sunset over Sydney