Re: Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic

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David Hecht

Jan 26, 2012, 8:45:38 AM1/26/12
FWIW I always felt that the start mechanism posed this sort of problem, but I could never figure out either how to express it clearly, nor any plausible solution that didn't require a substantial rewrite.

On 1/25/2012 6:42 PM, wrote:


    Ian D <> Jan 25 01:19PM -0800  

    After many playtests, especially my latest (at Chatcon'12), I'm now
    convinced the start of 1858 is badly flawed. Let me describe the
    The start packet consists of 16 privates (+ a consolation prize). They
    generally all get bought in SR1 (maybe one left over). Their income is
    20% of face value - deliberately low to encourage players to convert
    to majors in SR2. The more of these privates you can convert into
    shares in SR2 the better, so you want a set you can connect in the
    first 2 ORs. More privates into the major = more capital = more trains/
    tokens/routes = more income, also you might get an extra share
    increment etc etc. The best is 4 privates into your major, that way
    you get 100%.
    For the three-player there's little problem - you have plenty of money
    and there are three 4-private combinations available. For five-player,
    there are five 3-private combinations (although some are a lot better
    than others). But for four-player, there are still only three 4-
    private combinations - one or more players are doomed to lose from the
    end of SR1. (Nor are the 3/5 player games going to be balanced unless
    the players understand the need to get the right combinations.)
    The problem is made worse by the rule which requires the consent of
    the director to fold in a private into a major, even if you are
    connected. So, once the "key" private has been sold, there's little
    incentive to drive up the price of the rest of the group because you
    might get landed with a lame duck. [Changing the rule to be like 18EU
    (where you don't need consent in the SR the major forms) will just see
    prospective directors building track to exclude other players'
    It seems like something moderately radical is needed to fix this issue
    - any ideas anyone?


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