Eliitit murroskausina -seminaari Pietarissa: ohjelma valmistunut

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Alex Snellman

Apr 14, 2016, 8:53:51 AM4/14/16
to 1800...@googlegroups.com
Hyvät 1800-luvun tutkijat

Järjestämme Suomen Pietarin pääkonsulaatissa tutkijaseminaarin, jossa yhteinen suomalais-venäläinen 1800-lukumme on keskeisessä roolissa. Tervetuloa seuraamaan esitelmiä, mikäli olette Pietarissa syyskuussa!

Huomaattehan, että ennakkoilmoittautuminen on pakollinen ja paikkoja on rajoitetusti.

Aleksandr Rupasov, historiatieteiden tohtori, Peterburgskij istoritsheskij zhurnalin päätoimittaja
Kristiina Kalleinen, poliittisen historian dosentti
Alex Snellman, filosofian tohtori
Marina Vituhnovskaja-Kauppala, Venäjän tutkimuksen dosentti
Marja Vuorinen, valtiotieteiden tohtori


Элиты в переломные годы
Eliitit murroskausina

14-15 September 2016

A Russian-Finnish Seminar at the Consulate General of Finland
Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad 4, St Petersburg, Russia

It is possible to attend the seminar as a listener. Please note that the seminar lunches at the consulate are for speakers and organizers only. All listeners should register in advance, by 1 September 2016 at the latest. In Russian, contact Marina Vituhnovskaja-Kauppala (kaup...@saunalahti.fi), in English and Finnish, Alex Snellman (alex.s...@outlook.com). Please keep in mind that the number of seats is limited.


Wednesday, 14 September 2016
(in English with no interpretation, except for the opening words)

Some Finnish participants will arrive in St Petersburg on 14 September 2016 at 8.30 on M/S Princess Maria.

10.30-11.00 COFFEE

11.00-11.30 OPENING WORDS
Deputy Head of Mission Mikko Kivikoski, Consulate General of Finland (in English)
Dr Nikolai Smirnov, Director of the Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (in Russian)
Dr Kristiina Kalleinen, Docent of Political History, University of Helsinki (in Finnish)

11.30-13.30 4 PRESENTATIONS (15 min. presentation + 15 min. discussion)
(1) Professor Emeritus Risto Alapuro: Finnish elites and Russia in the nineteenth century
(2) Dr Elena Korchmina: Consumption strategies of Russian noble elite at the beginning of the 19th century
(3) Dr Elina Sopo: Minister Secretary of State, Count Alexander Armfelt as intermediary cultural agent in the early Finlyandskoye Obshchestva Lyubiteley Khudozhestvennyy (Finnish Society of Art Lovers)
(4) Dr Marja Vuorinen: Arvid Järnefelt: Tolstoyan radicalism meets secret nostalgia

13.30-14.00 LUNCH

14.00-16.00 4 PRESENTATIONS (15 min. presentation + 15 min. discussion)
(5) Docent Ilja Solomeshch: Lauri Letonmäki and first attempts to interpret Finnish and Karelian history during the Soviet period
(6) Dr Aappo Kähönen: Role of elites in founding the Soviet foreign policy 1918-1927
(7) Dr Aleksi Mainio: Finland, Soviet Union and fight for Russia 1918-1939
(8) Docent Simo Mikkonen: Finnish-Soviet artistic exchanges: elites between official and transnational networks

16.15-17.15 PANEL organized by the National Research University-Higher School of Economics in St Petersburg (3 x 15 min. presentation + 15 min. discussion)
"Intellectuals, Scholars, and Political Activists in Imperial Context: Multiple Faces of the Elite in the Russian Empire"
Professor Alexander M. Semyonov (Chair, Department of History, Associate Director for Research, National Research University-Higher School of Economics in St Petersburg)
(9) Professor Adrian Selin: On the new Border: Kexholm-Novgorod communication in 1620s-1630s
(10) Associate Professor Marina Loskutova: Russian scientific elites and mineral deposits and forests of Finland in the period of Napoleonic wars
(11) Junior Research Fellow Anton Kortenko: Finland in the discourse of the Ukrainian elite in the second half of the 19th century



Thursday, 15 September 2016
(in Finnish and Russian, with simultaneous interpretation between the two languages)

10.00-10.30 COFFEE

10.30-12.30 4 PRESENTATIONS (15 min. presentation + 15 min. discussion)
(12) Professor Emeritus Matti Klinge: Eliiteistä [On elites]
(13) Candidate of Historical Sciences Mikhail Safonov: Процесс по делу декабристов как показатель консолидации российской элиты [The trial of the Decembrists as an indicator of consolidation of the Russian elite]
(14) Dr Liisa Byckling: Professori Jakov Grot ja venäjän kielen opetuksen murrosvaihe Helsingin yliopistossa 1840-luvulla [Professor Jakov Grot and the changes in Russian language teaching in the University of Helsinki during the 1840's]
(15) Dr Tatiana Andreeva: На службе России: государственные деятели шведско-финского происхождения в XIX – начале XX века [On Russian service: Statesmen of Swedish-Finnish origin in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century]

12.30-13.00 LUNCH

13.00-14.30 3 PRESENTATIONS (15 min. presentation + 15 min. discussion)
(16) Dr Lora Gerd: Российские дипломаты в Османской империи в конце XIX-начале ХХ в. [Russian diplomats in the Osman Empire between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century]
(17) Candidate of Historical Sciences Sergei Kulikov: Бюрократическая элита Российской империи и Великое княжество Финляндское в 1905 – 1906 гг.: дискуссии о государственно-правовом статусе Финляндии при подготовке Основных государственных законов 1906 г. [The Bureaucratic elite of the Russian Empire and the Grand Duchy of Finland 1905-1906: discussions on the constitutional status of Finland during the process of drafting the Fundamental state laws 1906]
(18) Docent Jukka Kortti: Suomen kirjallinen eliitti ja vuoden 1906 valtiopäiväjärjestys [Finnish literary elite and the Finnish parliament act of 1906]

14.30-15.00 COFFEE

15.00-16.30 3 PRESENTATIONS (15 min. presentation + 15 min. discussion)
(19) MA Ira Jänis-Isokangas - Dr Larisa Kangaspuro: Восприятие революционного терроризма русской и финской элитами, 1904-1917 гг. [Elite’s attitudes towards terrorism in Russia and in Finland 1904-1918]
(20) Candidate of Historical Sciences Elena Dubrovskaia: «Законопослушные финляндцы» или «закоренелые смутьяны»: предпочтения армейского и флотского командования российских войск в Финляндии в годы Первой мировой войны ["Law-abiding Finns" or "hardened agitators": the views of army and navy command of the Russian troops in Finland during the First World War]
(21) Docent Irina Takala: «Враги двух народов», Красные финны: изгои или элита? ["Enemies of two peoples", the Red Finns: outcasts or elite?]

Dr Nikolai Smirnov, Director of the Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Dr Kristiina Kalleinen, Docent of Political History, University of Helsinki
Dr Marina Vituhnovskaja-Kauppala, Docent of Russian Studies, University of Helsinki
Dr Marja Vuorinen, University of Helsinki


Members of the organizing committee:
Dr Aleksandr Rupasov, Editor in Chief, Peterburgskii istoritcheskii zhurnal
Dr Kristiina Kalleinen, Docent of Political History
Dr Alex Snellman
Dr Marina Vituhnovskaja-Kauppala, Docent of Russian Studies
Dr Marja Vuorinen

The seminar is organized in cooperation with:
Consulate General of Finland, St Petersburg
Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki
National Research University-Higher School of Economics in St Petersburg

The seminar is supported financially by:
YIT Construction Ltd

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