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Doctor Fab

Sep 11, 2021, 11:49:30 AM9/11/21
to 8. Japanese Lyric Poetry TANKA
Hello ALL,

9/11 Anniversary... I just wrote a simple tanka to commemorate the 2,977 who died on this day, 20 years ago.

twenty years have passed
but the sorrow doesn't end
for those who bear it...
in a world* so divided
their names are spoken once more

[* I had chosen "in a country" divided" at first (referring to the US political situation), then I opted for "world", as that event resonated (and still resounds) around the world, which --like the US-- is even more divided today than it was in 2001]

It would be nice if others in our Group also shared a tanka on the same sybject.
Anyone likes to try?
Please, send your tanka to 'Group 8.TANKA' - email:

When writing your tanka, remember to pay particular attention to the following points:

— A Tanka is a LYRIC poem (sort of a Song).

— A tanka is made up of TWO parts:
-- The UPPER POEM = the first 3 lines;
-- The LOWER POEM = the last 2 lines.
These 2 parts need to be cleverly juxtaposed.
It might be helpful to "see" them as follows:
Think of two steady, continuous streams, but juxtaposed.
Each part needs to be fluent.. so as to flow like a stream.

— Use 2 sentences (images / ideas) or fragments of sentences, not 3 or 4.
A 'tanka' of ONE full sentence is NOT a Tanka.
The same when multiple sentences/fragments are used: it becomes a 'LIST', NOT a Tanka.

— The pattern 5-7-5-7-7 is not a "must be"! Lesser syllables can be used.
Therefore, it makes no sense to insert words in the lines of the poem for the sole purpose of satisfying the '5 7 5 7 7' pattern.

[You can find more on TANKA POETRY in the attached file .doc]


On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 4:08 PM Doctor Fab <> wrote:

Hello All,

Hoping to find you in good health, this is a brief reminder of our projects:

Deadline for the 3 projects below:

  1. Collection of TANKASEPTEMBER 30th;
  2. Poetry on the theme "The FAMILY" OCTOBER 31st;

* for project #3 the deadline must be absolutely respected to allow publication by December 15th

In attachment: "ABOUT TANKA" - file .doc



. FF - About TANKA Poetry - Reminder (2021).doc
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