UKRAINE: we are witnessing an abomimation never seen in Europe since WW2!

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Doctor Fab

Feb 25, 2022, 11:25:30 AM2/25/22
Dear All,

Excuse me for this letter, but for weeks I have been following with apprehension the news regarding the buildup of a massive invasion army on the borders of Ukraine.. and now, since the most pessimistic forecasts have come true, I cannot restrain my indignation and anger at seeing what is going on (with sheer impunity!) under our eyes.

Indeed, these days we are witnessing an abomimation: Putin's bloody hands are tearing the Ukraine's heart apart through an act of war against an indipendent, democratic and peaceful country... something that has never been seen in Europe since the end of WW2!

It is an invasion that has long been thought out and built patiently for many months, or probably years... and we can't allow psychopathic criminals, to trample an entire people, staining a peaceful country with blood. If we do, they will feel even more confident in their criminal intentions.

The inconceivable action of the deranged Russian president (and the the corrupt puppets who assist him) is not only wreaking havoc on an independent, peaceful nation: it is subverting peace and order in Europe and beyond. While the Ukrainians are undergoing a bloody aggression, the aim of which is to make them obedient servants of the devilish "Soviet Master", we are all going through a dramatic moment in History, because Putin's decision will lead to a profound change in international relations, as well as in the "world order" (although an imperfect one) that we have known for many decades.
Regrettably, the bloodthirsty madman has opened a door through which other catastrophes may appear -- not only in Europe.

Sad to say, the most representative democracies have been (for years now) in a profound identity crisis. The founding values that support them are ignored and even despised (!) by a significant part of the political class of those countries -- the example offered by Trump and "his" GOP, in the USA, is certainly not isolated: just look at what is happening in many European countries. Even now, with an invading army indiscriminately bombing Ukraine's cities, Europe shows itself united in words, while in fact a true political Europe does not exist -- and some nations stay in Europe only for the economic benefits that this entails, except then dissociate, as soon as national interests are called into question.

Such divisions, combined with a lack of strong political will, and in the presence of shaky democratic values, make the so-called "democratic bloc" a laughable meme. And it is precisely this that has made it possible for authoritarian systems to strengthen themselves --these being oppressive regimes, in which individual freedoms are limited, and subject to the moods of the corrupt elites who hold power.
Hence my deep pessimism. Not for me personally (by now having very little to expect from life), but for today's young people -- not a few of whom, sadly, are already more sensitive to economic interests (absolutely dominant in modern society) than to the highest values of Democracy.
For all this, as a poet and a man of peace, the need to declare which side I am on.

with tanks and missiles

the macabre dance starts and

evil rejoices —

he plays the role of a god

as mad as the worst devil


Ukraine, February 2022 — Putin's destabilizing plans. *

* A tanka written days before Russian invasion of Ukraine (as it was absolutely clear what Putin's plans were).
'In the name of Democracy' - Frosini & PUW 2021 - Amazon.pdf

Doctor Fab

Feb 26, 2022, 9:57:54 AM2/26/22
Hello All,

Having received many positive feedbacks (but also, it must be said to be honest, also a dissenting response) to the email I sent yesterday, welcoming one of the suggestions received* I am proposing a new initiative -- a new Anthology:
A collection of both poems and short stories (or even short essays).

Anyone willing to submit:
  • up to two (2) poems (any length), or/and
  • up to two (2) short prose pieces

can submit them to Google-Group 13-poetry-for-democracy
  • DEADLINE: MARCH 31st *
Those who are not yet member of Group 13. can send a request to join the Group: they will be added to the group -- this way, as registered members, they will be able to submit their works through the Group email:

* This is a project in support of Democracy & Freedom, AND a tribute to the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people against Putin's aggression*

* yes, it has the same deadline as the other publishing project 'Poetic Fantasies, 6'.
*  we must be absolutely clear: the Ukrainians are fighting the Russian invaders to defend their country and their freedom, but the "enemy" is Putin and his acolytes, not the Russian People.

Doctor Fab

Feb 27, 2022, 6:40:51 AM2/27/22
Thanking Varghese and all the other poet friends who replied my email:

If you can, please, spread the word about the new anthological project 'FREEDOM: THE VALUE OF DEMOCRACY AND PEACE' *

    — up to two (2) poems (any length), or/and
    — up to two (2) short prose pieces: short stories and/or essays


All registered group members can submit them to our Google-Group 13-poetry-for-democracy

* It'll be dedicated to the President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Heroic Ukrainian People who are fighting (and dying) for their freedom


***  we must be absolutely clear: the Ukrainians are fighting the Russian invaders to defend their country and their freedom, but the "enemy" is Putin and his corrupt acolytes, not the Russian People ***

On Sun, Feb 27, 2022 at 11:33 AM Varghese Kuncheria wrote:
Dear Dr Fab,
I'm for democracy and freedom of all the people anywhere in the world. I'm with you all and will send my contributions.
Warm regards,
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