17. Homo Homini Lupus

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Poets  Unite  Worldwide
invite you to take part in the Anthology

 Why To kill a Mockingbird?

"Racism, Bigotry and Greed as causes of intolerance, hate,
escalating violence, mass murders and ethnic cleansing"

About the topic:

"Mala tempora currunt"
: after decades of hope that followed the major conflicts of
the XX century, it seems that violence is spreading out again, in our frail "modern" world. Social, political and economic uncertainties grow, and they are fuelling the worst part of our being. Racism, Bigotry and Greed represent the major source of the river of hate that flows through the human society and sweeps our most important 'values' away... We, as Poets, cannot remain silent...
[about "ethnic cleansing" read more further below*]

To take part in the compilation

  • Ask for free registration (only the registered poets can submit their poetry):
  • After registration, you can submit a poem through the GROUP EMAIL :

  • Submission  limited to 1 poem

no longer than 30 lines, with no more than 70 characters per line

    • DEADLINE  :    NOVEMBER  7th

Submit only UNPUBLISHED poems!

Do not submit poems already posted at PoemHunter, Facebook, and/or other web-sites/social.

You need to state that the poem is unpublished when you submit it.

Please, note:
1 month after the publication of the anthology, you will be free to publish the submitted poem wherever you like.

*] Ethnic cleansing is the systematic deliberate removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous.
The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), intimidation, as well as mass murder and genocidal rape.
Ethnic cleansing is usually accompanied with the efforts to remove physical and cultural evidence of the targeted group in the territory through the destruction of homes, social centers, farms, and infrastructure, and by the desecration of monuments, cemeteries, and places of worship.
(Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_cleansing/ ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_cleansing_campaigns/)
Since the 1990s, ethnic cleansing has become one of the most widely known forms of violence directed against groups. Ethnic cleansing is related to genocide, but [..] is focused more closely than genocide on geography and on forced removal of ethnic or related groups from particular areas. (The Oxford Handbook of Genocide Studies)

How this project was born:
On Sept. 18, I was asked by the poet friend Sayeed Abubakar if we could do something, as a group of poets, for the Rohingya people. I brought such request to the attention of all our Group (about the so called "Rohingya crisis", you can read also this analysis from the WP: The ‘ethnic cleansing’ of the Rohingya , and also this Guardian's report: UN report on Rohingya hunger is shelved at Myanmar's request), specifying that we can't publish a book exclusively focused on the Rohingyas (if we did, we should accept any request to consider single situations.. and we simply can't afford this -- indeed, following such "policy/guideline", we could not accept to single out the ISIS issue a few months ago, and opted for a more general theme [see the "Terror .2" book: 'United We Stand – Poets Against Terror']).
This is the reason why I opted for the broader theme under the title "HOMO HOMINI LUPUS".
Then, I decided to add "Why To Kill a Mockingbird" as a sub-title, after I read in The Guardian that "To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee’s classic novel about racism and the American south, has been removed from a junior-high reading list in a Mississippi school district because the language in the book “makes people uncomfortable”." (https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/oct/14/to-kill-a-mockingbird-harper-lee-mississippi-school-reading-list) This is a clear sign of the time we live in!

(to those who don't like my title [sorry for these ancient memories from my high school years! BTW, hands up those who remember the 'Asinaria', by Plautus...  ] : to get your pardon, I'm going to start a new editorial project soon, with a free theme.. It'll be our 2nd Autumn project. Stay tuned!)

As always, all members are allowed to invite good poets they may know to join the group.



when you submit your poem through an email, be sure to
use a new
(fresh) email -- do not reply to any previous email --
As 'subject', write: "
submission by (your name) ".
This way, the Forum will stay in order. Thank you.


  • The new entries have to add a BIOGRAPHY no longer than 200 words, written in 1st person, stating clearly:
  1.  First name
  2.  Family name
  3.  Nationality
  4.  Country + Year of birth
  5.  City/Country where currently living
  •  Note: for publishing and copyright issues, we need to know the real name of all the poets. You can of course add your 'nom de plume' - pen name.
  • The copyright of the poems will remain in the hands of their Authors, but all Participants will accept to make us free to publish the ebook at no cost and without any other obligation on our part than to publish the poems selected (the acceptance of this point will be attested, by each Participant, by simply sending their poems). To make it clear: by submitting their poems the Authors agree to grant non-exclusive world rights to Fabrizio Frosini and 'Poets Unite Worldwide' for publishing the submitted poems in books, without fee, so long as the Authors are credited --this does not prevent the Authors from publishing their poems anytime, anywhere, by themselves, or from granting others the right to do so.
  • All participants will receive their own copy of the ebook (file PDF or EPUB).
  • NO FEES are requested.
  • A Judging Committee will decide if the poems are worthy to be accepted for publication.

Best regards
Fabrizio Frosini